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Pops and Meshak don't believe anyone lives on in their spirit after the death of their bodies, but Jesus says the saved go to heaven. Pops and Meshak will always have a hard time reconciling scripture without having belief in the truth about heaven, and those who believe in faith alone will always have a hard time rectifying being saved or not if they do not preach we have to obey.

Obeying is how we get to heaven, and obeying is what pops and Meshack preach, but they preach no one has a spirit that lives on in heaven.

JR and all faith aloners believe we live in either heaven or hell, but they preach against the way to heaven by obedience to Christ.

Both these kind of believers are in falseness.

We do live on in consciousness after the death of our bodies, and, we can have heaven now and after we die, and it happens by obeying Jesus.
Why do you say I do not believe in the resurrection of the dead?

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You are ignorant.

I'm not

Ask any child that hasn't been confused by your false doctrines, ask the child if people should obey God.

No one here has said they shouldn't.

You are ensnared by Satan to preach against obeying God.

Again, no one here has said to not obey.

Jesus knows what it will be like for people such as yourself when you die.

Projection much?

God's Truth

New member
Nope, I just dont boast by claiming to be saved.

Claiming to be saved is boasting.

Whether we are saved or not is up to Jesus to judge, not anyone else.

The problem for you is that you speak against the counsel of God.

You speak against Paul; you even speak against Jesus when you say we cannot know if we are saved.

You live your life judging Paul according to your enemies. Your enemies like Paul, so you do not like Paul.

Your enemies say they know they are saved, so you say no one can know.

You live your life according to what your enemies say. They are not saved so you say we cannot know if we are saved. That teaching from you is going against Jesus.

See you base your beliefs on the teachings of others who you do not like, instead of believing the Bible and standing on the truth.


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JR, you are the ones who are making simple gospel complicated.

Says the one who can't even respond to a simple question about what Scripture says.

Oh, and then there's this, where GT apparently cannot read what a verse says even if it's right in front of her.

If you asked a 3yo what this means, what would they say?

But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” - Matthew 15:24
That means Jesus came first for those who already belonged to God, but that when Jesus was crucified, all can come to him to be saved.
That's not even what the verse says...

Here it is again, in case you misread it:

But He answered and said, [JESUS]“I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”[/JESUS] - Matthew 15:24

Again, what would a three year old child say that it means, not what GT says it means.
Listen to the whole counsel of God.

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

Paul calls it Jews first then Gentiles.
So you can't even conceive of how a three year old would answer "what is this verse saying" when talking about Matthew 15:24?

That's sad.

GT, if scripture is understandable even by a child, then why do you insist on making it so COMPLICATED!?

MESHAK, What happens to those who die who are not in a relationship with God?

God's Truth

New member
The faith aloners end up saying they do not preach against obeying Jesus!

They try to cause confusion and try to make their opponent look foolish.

It is not happening.

There are too many who know that faith aloners preach against obedience to Christ.


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The faith aloners end up saying they do not preach against obeying Jesus!

They try to cause confusion and try to make their opponent look foolish.

It is not happening.

There are too many who know that faith aloners preach against obedience to Christ.

The only foolish one here (besides Meshak) is you, for saying those who teach faith alone salvation teach that obedience is bad, because it's not true.


New member
Meshak, what happens to people who don't have a relationship with God when they die?
Why are you asking someone who you think doesn't know?

I noticed you didn't respond to my response to you with regard to reconciliation of you thinking there are two separate judgements as opposed to what is taught in scripture about all being gathered and judged together.

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See what you just did.

You say we shouldn't obey what Jesus says when he walked the earth!

Nope. That's not what I said.

I said we should obey that which is commanded of us. And I also said that we shouldn't do that which God tells others to do.


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Why are you asking someone who you think doesn't know?

To show that Meshak is a fraud.

I noticed you didn't respond to my response to you with regard to reconciliation of you thinking there are two separate judgements as opposed to what is taught in scripture about all being gathered and judged together.

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I'm getting to it. Don't worry.

God's Truth

New member
Nope. That's not what I said.

I said we should obey that which is commanded of us. And I also said that we shouldn't do that which God tells others to do.

Jesus is the Lord over all and we are all to obey what Jesus says.

You are ensnared and you're creepy double talk is a pathetic case for you.

Tell us, JR, what do you think we are to obey?


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So GOD is without change

God does change.

and no respecter of persons but HIS commands change depending on what people he is speaking to?

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Is it possible for God to tell one person to do one thing, and another person to do something else? Does that happen in the Bible?
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