How do you defend yourself against people who will blow themselves up to kill you?


Well-known member
I was, once and for a long time. Haven't been in years. If the world settles a bit I mean to show it to Jack. He's getting old enough that he'll recall it and that's everything. :)

I don't believe anything changed other than the mechanical alterations that come with condensing, which I did to make sure people who were intent on distorting it would have the devil's own time in the attempt.

The devil had something to do with it, I'm thinking.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The devil had something to do with it, I'm thinking.
Oh, of course you do.

Yeah, well I'm a Happy Wanderer, so I don't feel the need to disparage those who wore the uniform when they reference their service to this country. ;)
Again (and every time you try this distortion):

I respect the uniform my father wore (Navy) and my best friend (Marine) and the country they served in them. I responded to someone who tried to use his service as authority and in establishing a rule that offered insult to a whole host of people, many of which wore that uniform and served that flag.


like marbles on glass
Oh, of course you do.

Again (and every time you try this distortion):

I respect the uniform my father wore (Navy) and my best friend (Marine) and the country they served in them. I responded to someone who tried to use his service as authority and in establishing a rule that offered insult to a whole host of people, many of which wore that uniform and served that flag.

He used his service as a debate tool and he put it into play in that context. I think you made a fair point and anyone making an issue if it does so for their own petty agenda. You've explained enough. They don't deserve more.


Well-known member
Oh, of course you do.

I respect the uniform my father wore (Navy) and my best friend (Marine) and the country they served in them. I responded to someone who tried to use his service as authority and in establishing a rule that offered insult to a whole host of people, many of which wore that uniform and served that flag.

Yes, I heard your excuse the first time. You claim he was using his service to "establish a rule", when what he was doing was expressing his opinion. One he developed because of his time spent over there, and, undoubtedly because of the radical islamic terrorist attacks we're seeing everywhere.

We see the results of your do-gooder "tolerance", and it's actually being wilfully blind to a threat that often hides in plain site. Muslims need to find themselves a new religion....they won't be saved without one, and we won't be safe unless they do.


Oh, of course you do.

Again (and every time you try this distortion):

I respect the uniform my father wore (Navy) .


Sent from my iPhone using TOL


Well-known member
He used his service as a debate tool and he put it into play in that context. I think you made a fair point and anyone making an issue if it does so for their own petty agenda. You've explained enough. They don't deserve more.

Of course not.....flounce off in "righteous" indignation". :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You claim he was using his service to "establish a rule", when what he was doing was expressing his opinion.
His opinion about Muslims is his rule, how he sees them and what he had to say about them, not to himself, but to anyone reading him. Right. That's his rule. And it was and is insulting and ignorant, both in execution and intent.

One he developed because of his time spent over there, and, undoubtedly because of the radical islamic terrorist attacks we're seeing everywhere.
Right. It's a flawed methodology that confuses the anecdote, which is only good for illustrating a rule, with the rule itself. If I said all white people were serial killers because you see so many white serial killers all over the world you'd think what you should think in this case.

We see the results of your do-gooder "tolerance"
You live in a nation founded by immigrants, many of whom were persecuted for exercising a faith that offended some other, larger group.

You've learned nothing from it and that's a tragedy.

Muslims need to find themselves a new religion
I'd love to baptize and convert the lot of them, but I don't need to drown them to feel safe.

....they won't be saved without one, and we won't be safe unless they do.
So you're joining in the insult to those Muslims who died defending your right to abuse your freedom to insult them. Okay.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He used his service as a debate tool and he put it into play in that context. I think you made a fair point and anyone making an issue if it does so for their own petty agenda. You've explained enough. They don't deserve more.
I suppose. Already answered her latest before I notice this... You're right. I'm an optimist at heart and sometimes that moves me to continue to paddle a boat a bit after the water has crested the sides. :eek:

I'm going to go read something interesting and uplifting instead. :D

Thanks, friend-o-mine. :cheers:

And whatever you do, don't take a movie recommendation from AB. :nono: He watches Willy Wonka with the subtitles turned on. :noid: That's the word on the street at any rate.


Well-known member
His opinion about Muslims is his rule, how he sees them and what he had to say about them, not to himself, but to anyone reading him. Right. That's his rule. And it was and is insulting and ignorant, both in execution and intent.

Right. It's a flawed methodology that confuses the anecdote, which is only good for illustrating a rule, with the rule itself. If I said all white people were serial killers because you see so many white serial killers all over the world you'd think what you should think in this case.

You live in a nation founded by immigrants, many of whom were persecuted for exercising a faith that offended some other, larger group.

You've learned nothing from it and that's a tragedy.

I'd love to baptize and convert the lot of them, but I don't need to drown them to feel safe.

So you're joining in the insult to those Muslims who died defending your right to abuse your freedom to insult them. Okay.

Yeah, yeah,


I was wrong....wrong....wrong.

Stick your head in the sand and tell us how smart you are. :chuckle:


New member
Allah is not a moon god. And you are not the only one here who has served their country.Not that having been in uniform makes anybody more intelligent...
Those who have no skin in the game, running their mouths who have never served or protected anything, speaking like they know what they are talking about are in short uninformed and speaking from a position of ignorance.

Yes allah was a moon god before Muhammad united the tribes under that banner, and is still a moon god.

Have you ever been in the middle east ? I have been there 6 times 3 times to Iraq and 3 times to Afghanistan. Their cultures coupled with Islam make them tribal and dangerous, and you sticking your head in the sand will be no comfort to the families of their murdered loved ones.

For anyone not paying attention, this is how the entire exchange began. Dodge was asking chair. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't chair live in the middle east?

If so, I guess he's much more an authority than dodge, correct? :think:

I mean, dodge only spent 6 years in the middle east so he should defer to chair on these matters, if that is truly the measure. Or, are double standards about to apply as per usual?


New member
Bad response. I thought you better than this. This man gave a good chunk of his life to protect your freedom to run at the mouth and give your opinions without reprisals. :down: He's been there and seen the ugliness that this religion produces. My son has seen it in person too. He can tell quite a few horror stories.

Anyone with more military service or more time spent in the region then knows more than dodge by default, correct?


Well-known member
Anyone with more military service or more time spent in the region then knows more than dodge by default, correct?
Why? You wanting that position? Anyone else on TOL? :idunno: Never having been there? Nope, I'd have to take the word of servicemen and statistics. 17% approval of and 60% unsure of ISIS is troubling by statistics. What does it mean? 2 in 10 support what ISIS (of the one and two of ten that are ISIS). Four or Five more aren't sure if they are terrorists or heroes. Two, possibly three of every ten, are against it. Of that number, some are fighting against ISIS. Nothing for or against, just statistics I've seen. What've you seen?

For anyone not paying attention, this is how the entire exchange began. Dodge was asking chair. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't chair live in the middle east?
In Israel, so yes. A bit different experience than servicemen, though Chair says he and his children have been in the military. I'm not sure the comparison though (Police action is different than war etc.).

If so, I guess he's much more an authority than dodge, correct? :think:
Israel is a bit of an interesting political climate. Chair, especially, seems more of a pacifist to me, even though he has been in the military. You can ask him a bit more, but I think he'd agree to a bias compared to the rest of his countrymen. I think he is politically different and liberal even as he is spiritually, not a Jew, but rather by birth and association from what he has said. It seems to me, he is unique in his own country.

I mean, dodge only spent 6 years in the middle east so he should defer to chair on these matters, if that is truly the measure. Or, are double standards about to apply as per usual?
Chair, nor Dodge are/were in the same area. It is like comparing apples and oranges. How would one know any better than the other when they are both in different conflicts? Wouldn't it be about like me, living in the North, trying to make comments about racial tensions in the South? I lived in Texas for awhile, does that make someone who lives in Tennessee more knowledgeable of what I experienced in Texas? (It might, but I don't think you can 'expect' that other than as a coincidence rather than any superiority of one over the other). -Lon


New member
For anyone not paying attention, this is how the entire exchange began. Dodge was asking chair. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't chair live in the middle east?

If so, I guess he's much more an authority than dodge, correct? :think:

I mean, dodge only spent 6 years in the middle east so he should defer to chair on these matters, if that is truly the measure. Or, are double standards about to apply as per usual?

The only double standard is are the vast amount of murders and rapes committed by Muslims in every country they migrate to also including their own sand boxes and the idiots that make excuses and look the other way as they commit their crimes against humanity.

It isn't rocket science.

3000 murdered by Muslims on 9/11

Boston Marathon bombers were Muslim brothers.

50 there

30 there

15 there

25 over there.

Muslim shoots up homosexual bar.

An Army Major kills 13 on an Army post, and yes he was a Muslim.

workers throw a baby shower for a Muslim couple and at a Christmas party the Muslim couple shows up and kills their co-workers.

and on and on.

Flip a homosexual off a building.

Throw acid in little girls faces for going to school.

Sodomize little boys.

Molest little girls.

Kill daughters and call it HONOR killing.

Tax or murder any one that will not convert to Islam.

Strap bombs on young children.

Train your kinder garden child how to kill.

Treat your women like cattle.

Force everyone under their satanic control to submit to Sharia law.

YOU in your stupidity might believe and coddle those who want to kill and oppress you;however, folks that are not brain dead progressives see what is actually happening UN-like those who have NO common sense.

Islam is as much a religion of peace as crocodiles are vegetarians.


New member
Why? You wanting that position? Anyone else on TOL? :idunno: Never having been there? Nope, I'd have to take the word of servicemen and statistics. 17% approval of and 60% unsure of ISIS is troubling by statistics. What does it mean? 2 in 10 support what ISIS (of the one and two of ten that are ISIS). Four or Five more aren't sure if they are terrorists or heroes. Two, possibly three of every ten, are against it. Of that number, some are fighting against ISIS. Nothing for or against, just statistics I've seen. What've you seen?

Why wouldn't you take chair's word for it over dodge? chair lives it everyday...


New member
The only double standard is are the vast amount of murders and rapes committed by Muslims in every country they migrate to also including their own sand boxes and the idiots that make excuses and look the other way as they commit their crimes against humanity.

It isn't rocket science.

3000 murdered by Muslims on 9/11

Boston Marathon bombers were Muslim brothers.

50 there

30 there

15 there

25 over there.

Muslim shoots up homosexual bar.

An Army Major kills 13 on an Army post, and yes he was a Muslim.

workers throw a baby shower for a Muslim couple and at a Christmas party the Muslim couple shows up and kills their co-workers.

and on and on.

Flip a homosexual off a building.

Throw acid in little girls faces for going to school.

Sodomize little boys.

Molest little girls.

Kill daughters and call it HONOR killing.

Tax or murder any one that will not convert to Islam.

Strap bombs on young children.

Train your kinder garden child how to kill.

Treat your women like cattle.

Force everyone under their satanic control to submit to Sharia law.

YOU in your stupidity might believe and coddle those who want to kill and oppress you;however, folks that are not brain dead progressives see what is actually happening UN-like those who have NO common sense.

Islam is as much a religion of peace as crocodiles are vegetarians.

I don't think you should flaunt military experience in the region as offering you any sort of expertise when compared to someone who actually :idea: lives in the region. :think:


New member
I don't think you should flaunt military experience in the region as offering you any sort of expertise when compared to someone who actually :idea: lives in the region. :think:

I should care what you think ?

My almost 6 years in the Middle East was an eye opening experience, which you have zero clue of Muslim tribalism and barbaric culture.

Someone who lives in the region as a Muslim ?

From what I have seen posted here the majority has their head stuck in the sand hoping NOT me, but it is coming if folks do not wake up. You might want to actually study the history of Muslims. It is the same every where they migrate every time. They play the victim role, carve out their little enclaves, change the laws , and if not stopped take over and subjugate their host country EVERY TIME.


Well-known member
Why wouldn't you take chair's word for it over dodge? chair lives it everyday...
I wrote a bit more to my post but:
1) One was Jewish surroundings, the other all-Muslim
2) War vs. conflict (may not mean anything persay, but not quite the same Muslim expressions)
3) Civilian vs military. My sister-in-law is a policewoman. She knows a LOT more about what is going on in my city than I EVER will, and I've lived here all my life.
4) Chair (and this need verification) is a liberal in his politics, thus wants "why can't we all just get along" more than perhaps is reality. It seems to me, at least, that it carries into much of his discussion on TOL. I've heard a few Jews disagree with him.
