Honoring Old Love vs Medical Tyranny


New member
I was talking about him helping her to change into bedclothes and disposing of underwear. There was no sex on 24th (or whatever day it was.)

Then the courts should find him not guilty. He has not been found guilty yet. You love to make judgments before both sides can present their evidence.

Right now he is going to trial, not prison. Calm down.


Well-known member
You love to make judgments before both sides can present their evidence.

No she doesn't. The facts are already out in the media. People can read the court documents, the affidavit by the agent, the family statement, etc.

Right now he is going to trial, not prison. Calm down.

His reputation and career has already been ruined and his wife taken from him in a horrible way. Get outraged.


Hall of Fame
His reputation and career has already been ruined and his wife taken from him in a horrible way. Get outraged.

And then there is this ...

A state crime lab found semen stains on Donna Lou Rayhons' quilt and a sheet that matched Henry Rayhons' genetic profile.

The charging document says he confessed to sexual activity that night


New member
No she doesn't. The facts are already out in the media. People can read the court documents, the affidavit by the agent, the family statement, etc.

How do you know the media has all the facts?

We don't need a court system, we have detectives elohiym and 1peacemaker already.

His reputation and career has already been ruined and his wife taken from him in a horrible way. Get outraged.

That happens, unfortunately, to many people who are found innocent of a crime.

However, if we could accurately know who is guilty and innocent before they go to trial we wouldn't need a court system, would we?


Well-known member
How do you know the media has all the facts?

The Iowa state crime lab results were given to the defense team who made them public and newspaper reporting claimed to see those crime lab reports.

We don't need a court system, we have detectives elohiym and 1peacemaker already.

We don't need to have discussions; we have you to tell us to do ... what exactly? Why are you on this thread?

However, if we could accurately know who is guilty and innocent before they go to trial we wouldn't need a court system, would we?

We can know who should be brought to trial and who shouldn't. A negative rape test isn't enough? The witnesses changed testimony the she didn't hear sex noises isn't enough?


Hall of Fame
You are thinking of Rusha. I am pleading with others to respect the elderly and withhold judgment.

Right. I am guilty of making a blatant accusation of medical tyranny not honoring "old love".

I wish I would have provided links to the case in question.

Ho hum.


Hall of Fame
Only you don't believe that when the court rules that a vaccine caused autism. Then you don't believe the court. Got it. :chuckle:

I don't believe that I know more than medical professionals. I KNOW you don't know more than medical professionals.

Why is it that you don't believe the accused rapist's confession? He admitted to sexual activity.

Why is his confession not enough for you? :think:


Hall of Fame
They just read the daily news.....

....and swear by every word

Oh. I must have you confused with the person who included a news article when he/she created this thread.


Seems from this developing court case, in some states if you want to be able to continue possessing the right to have sex as an older person, you might have to get cooperation from the medical community. But...

What if you wrote a living will, that, in case of senility, you still consent to sex with your partner unless you orally withdraw that consent?

Yes should still mean yes even if you are old.

I think people should try to protect that right.

People should think it's wonderful that those two elderly love birds still have passion, and it's probably what keeps Donna alive in that cold place. What will happen now - now that her soul mate is taken from her? Why must he spend his last years on earth rotting behind bars for doing what he and his love have always done willingly and joyfully?

That wasn't you?


Well-known member
I don't believe that I know more than medical professionals.

Translation, as it relates to my statement: "I don't believe a court knows more than a medical professional." See how easily you dismiss a court's decision?

Why is it that you don't believe the accused rapist's confession? He admitted to sexual activity.

No he didn't. The article you quoted is misleading. We have the exact quote he made to the agent; it's in the article that Granite posted.

Why is his confession not enough for you? :think:

Because he didn't confess. Rather he said to the agent that he didn't have sex with her that night. There is one vague statement that the agent construed to be an admission, and it was the agent who claimed it was an admission in his affidavit.

Again, the rape test was negative. Do you recall how sex works?


New member
I don't believe that I know more than medical professionals.

In fact you've NEVER met a malicious doctor in your WHOLE LIFE.

Is that correct?

You are not under oath but your posts are time-stamped.

I KNOW you don't know more than medical professionals.

You know that - how?

Why is it that you don't believe the accused rapist's confession? He admitted to sexual activity.
During his marriage.


Why is his confession not enough for you? :think:

He confessed that when they had sex (in the past) it involved an explicit but totally normal marital act, and that's all that his statement can be construed as.


New member
Oh. I must have you confused with the person who included a news article when he/she created this thread.

That wasn't you?

I'm not the bigot accusing others of being from metaphorical Barrytown or buying wholesale what news pundits say.