Homosexuality selected because of societal function

You know, it seems all unregenerate reprobates are necrophiles. Consider this:

Ephesians 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.

Unless these guys are celebates, with no attraction to other unregenerates, they must be necrophiles. See what I mean? This is not to say they would be pro-necrophilia, though, having a predisposition to shoot themselves in the foot.


Well-known member
Once again, evolution is about populations not individuals. It makes no difference really. The fact remains, homosexuality seems to be an emergent biological trait and it has been preserved by natural selection (whether it is purely genetic is uncertain, as there are research that suggests a more epigenetic explanation from causes in the pre-natal phase). Now it is part of our human species.

I understand what you're saying.
I have a basic grasp of evolution.

My claim is that homosexuality is disordered. Not that it doesn't exist in the species.
Depression is disordered. Yet it exists.
Schizophrenia is disordered. Yet it exists.
Pica is disordered. Yet it exists.

Would you argue that each of these conditions has a "legitimate purpose" ?

Seriously, how difficult is this to understand? You seem to be insisting that the homosexual act between two homosexual individuals itself has to directly perpetuate the species. That is not evolutionary theory works. Obviously the sex act (acts really, there is an one sided focus on male homosexuality on TOL) itself does not directly perpetuate the species, that I really hope you already knew. Their acts are a mere expression of their attraction to the same sex. It makes no difference to evolution whether the evolutionary benefit of a trait is direct or indirect.

And their attraction to the same sex is a departure from the true function(s) of sex.
Just as with pica, in which a man's desire to eat nonfood items is a departure from the true function(s) of eating.

The second one. The definition of what constitutes marriage is historically and culturally contingent to say the least. So many today think they are engaging with sometimeless institution, but if you look at what people say about marriage today it is mostly a mixture between the ideals of Romanticism and Elizabethan England. There is not even a singular biblical understanding of what a marriage is. I see problems with altering that definition in light of a changed perspective on homosexuality in current human knowledge.

We should talk about that.
You agree that sex outside of marriage is immoral?
I don't know what you're saying, here. Sorry.

I'm anti-euthanasia. Are you, too?

It is always painful to have to explain a joke, but you're not alone: it could be me. Or that likely. Christianity has never advocated the euthanasia they're fearing, projecting on to Christians, if this guy isn't merely a total, lying tool, who made that piece of the absurd up. This is a paranoid delusion, not a sign of homo mental health the guy was accusing of being the case in fellow perverts he's bigoted against, as stated earlier, and that post my attempt at humor. Sorry.
Ah, got it.

It may be immoral to force someone to explain a joke.
For that, I apologize!

Hey, man, don't apologize! I get a good portion of the deer caught in the headlights look, or somebody shaking their head, in a kindly fashion, but with pity. Sometimes I do serve as a role model for children, though, "Remember your prayers. You don't want to windup like him!"


Well-known member
Homophobia - an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. It includes antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and hatred of homosexuals

Congratulations, you are a homophobe. Now the question remains is homophobia a disorder?

No. It's a natural aversion. :juggle:
And rightfully so.

Just as I have a natural aversion to the smell of vomit.
Am I a regurgiphobe, too?

Now you answer one.

You are pro-homosexuality.
You are pro-incest.
(If I am mistaken about either of these, correct me.)

Are you pro-necrophilia?



New member
I understand what you're saying.
I have a basic grasp of evolution.

My claim is that homosexuality is disordered. Not that it doesn't exist in the species.

You were asked far a logical argument for immorality of homosexuality. You keep avoiding answering this.

Depression is disordered. Yet it exists.
Schizophrenia is disordered. Yet it exists.
Pica is disordered. Yet it exists.
YOu seem to want to be taken seriously on an intellectual level but you posit garbage like this.

You want to label homosexuality as "disordered" and you like to bring up mental illness as examples of that disorder however homosexuality doesn't fit anyway into the basic premise of what a mental illness (disorder) is.

So defend your claim of 'disordered', explain how homosexuality is in any way comparable to the mental illness you put up here.


I think I can say my musical taste has changed over the years. Does my experience, or that of others, mean that everyone's can?

Besides you and Art Brain talking about it, I don't believe I've ever heard anyone comparing taste in music with sodomy.


Many times here you have presented false witness about my support of incest. I can only imagine that any response given woudl just prompt you to do the same on necrophilia

Puritan! Theocrat! The sick and twisted behavior that you incessantly defend was hidden in the closet for years, why must other sick and twisted behaviors do the same?


like marbles on glass
Besides you and Art Brain talking about it, I don't believe I've ever heard anyone comparing taste in music with sodomy.

Then I guess you weren't following along:

You're right. It's not a choice.

It's a million little choices that contribute to someone's preference of sexual partner.
Just like your preference for music, art, and literature.
You form your preferences over the course of your entire life; and they are influenced by culture, values, and experience.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're slipping Art: You only made 3 references to you being a heterosexual, you said it 8 times in one post in another thread.

Why on earth would someone even keep a tally on something like that? In fact why would a supposedly straight Christian man invent up all sorts of homosexual innuendo that's gotten him kicked into touch on numerous occasions?



Homophobia - an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. It includes antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and hatred of homosexuals

Congratulations, you are a homophobe. Now the question remains is homophobia a disorder?
'Homophobia' is a made up stupid word that you liberals invented to promote your weird obsession to homosexuals. So shut it :)


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You're slipping Art: You only made 3 references to you being a heterosexual, you said it 8 times in one post in another thread.

Why on earth would someone even keep a tally on something like that? In fact why would a supposedly straight Christian man invent up all sorts of homosexual innuendo that's gotten him kicked into touch on numerous occasions?


I just find it rather...ahem...queer that you being a heterosexual male and all continuously talk about it. I guess when you support a filthy perversion like you do, people might get the wrong impression ey Art?