I doubt it's possible to have perfect pitch.
But even if it is possible; how could you possibly know that you possessed this trait at birth?
Does one's pitch not improve with practice?
Well it is. Someone challenged me on this once by asking me to stand with my back to a piano while they played random notes on it and asking me what they were. I got every single one right as I knew I would. It's not something you learn exactly...I get an 'inward haze' of colour for each note on the scale which is also something I doubt you could learn. It's not something I can take any credit for either, it's just there.
You're working on three premises, here, that are by no means certain.
1. That a person can have perfect pitch.
2. That perfect pitch is inborn.
3. That one's pitch dictates his musical taste.
The first one is certain. I'm hardly alone in having it either.
Your second is like saying someone can never be born with a talent or disease.
Your third is one I've not exactly argued anyway. Perfect pitch may be completely irrelevant as to why I have a penchant for the types of music that engage. I do know that I have no choice in the matter of what does. I once found the whirs of a cement mixer fascinating to the ear so there ya go...
Even if 1 and 2 were true (which you cannot say with any certainty), 3 is ridiculous.
You have no choice over what music you like? Come on, now.
I can absolutely say with certainty that 1 is true and if we were in a room with a piano in it then I could prove it as I've just outlined above. Unfortunately that isn't possible so you can either take my word on it or presume I'm lying. Whichever you choose won't alter the fact - and it's not as though perfect pitch in itself is some weird phenomenon anyway. As to the rest then I know I didn't learn it. I learned what the notes were through music theory but that doesn't give you the ability to recognize them through sound alone.
Lastly, yes, I have no choice in it, just like when I was bed ridden with measles as a 13 year old kid being blown away by a tape of Stravinsky's 'Rite Of Spring'. Didn't ask for that dude, just the same as I didn't ask for measles even but an unforgettable experience for me anyway. I can choose to search out music that
may appeal, through a variety of genres, but guess what? Beyonce ain't never gonna be on that list...
If you want to stay within the realm of facts, we can say for certain that (1) people do enjoy the types of music they are most familiar with. And, for the developed world anyway, (2) we exercise a great degree of freedom in choosing what music we become most familiar with.
Those two facts alone make a strong basis for my claim - that we shape our own musical tastes.
You're not stating facts, you're merely stating opinion. I can tell you now that any bland pop song that goes through the regurgitated basic chord formats is just not gonna appeal to my ear mate.