Greta Thunberg, Deranged Poster Child For The Mentally Ill Left

Gary K

New member
Get reading...... get learning........ educate yourself.
You may need to copy/paste these links in to google.

David Attenborough: Mass extinction is 'on the horizon' › news › environment › david-atte...
3 Dec 2018 - David Attenborough: Mass extinction is 'on the horizon'. World leaders at COP24 told 'the continuation of our civilisations is in your hands'.
Scientists: Time running short before climate change effects › International › story
8 Oct 2018 - ... Nations issued an alarming report on Monday, warning that global temperatures could reach an irreversible tipping point as soon as 2030.
Only 11 Years Left to Prevent Irreversible Damage from › press › ga12131.doc.htm
28 Mar 2019 - Just over a decade is all that remains to stop irreversible damage ... and environmental dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ... Meanwhile, only 15 per cent of global energy is sourced from nuclear, ...
Global Warming - Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital › evidence
Vital Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. How do we know it's happening? Here's the evidence.

So, you put forth an evolutionist as an authority on life on this earth to a creationist. And you expect this to be an authoritative source to a creationist? ***shakes head in amazement***

If you ask me your behavior is rather irrational. Don't you understand that creationists and evolutionists have directly opposing world views and naturally have completely opposite views on who and what are authoritative sources? As a Bible believing Christian, Attenborough's arguments are to me a pile of junk science as I would imagine they are to ok doser too.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... Attenborough's arguments are to me a pile of junk science ...

my kids liked his shows about penguins

his Chicken Little act? not so much

besides, in evolutionary theory, mass extinctions should lead to an explosion of new species as environmental niches open up

I'm looking forward to flying horses :)

and vampire frogs with real fangs :banana:


Well-known member
reporting a problem: "guys, global warming is happening. I'm worried that there may be dire consequences because I listen to the telly and it tells me the sky is falling. Is there anything we can do about it, practically?"

throwing a temper tantrum:

..... and you tell me to sort my posts out........ just look atr that mess. :chuckle:

all of those achievements I listed are concrete evidence of the ability to identify problems (complaints) and devise and implement solutions
So how is it that Adam, Ben and you never learned about the simple concept of AIMS AND OBJECTIVES?

Where did you hear that - on the telly?
Buy one and join the World. You might learn something.

here's the clip, at 1:15 he decides to end the interview which was supposed to be a promotion of his new book: "I think we're done here, I appreciate your time sir, thank you so much" and he sits there disconnecting his mic

Who told you he "stormed off Andrew Neil's program"?
Ha ha...... terminating an interview in front of millions in a huff, with nasty personal comments just short of 'You're nobody!'.... ?

The guy is not just a Right Wing Extremist, he's a -----.


Well-known member
So, you put forth an evolutionist as an authority on life on this earth to a creationist. And you expect this to be an authoritative source to a creationist? ***shakes head in amazement***

If you ask me your behavior is rather irrational. Don't you understand that creationists and evolutionists have directly opposing world views and naturally have completely opposite views on who and what are authoritative sources? As a Bible believing Christian, Attenborough's arguments are to me a pile of junk science as I would imagine they are to ok doser too.

Sir Richard Attenborough has many honours, not least of which he is a Fellow of the Royal Society, which of course was a title held by Sir Isaac Newton.
I won't be drawn in to your 'creation-evolution' reference on TOL because it has a standard Creed which TOL expects to be acknowledged and respected even if not believed in.

But in future all references by you to Doctors, Scientists, Experts and such need to be from Creationists. You can't quote any evolution believers any more....... to me. OK? I will need to keep tabs on that.


Well-known member
I will, but since you missed it, go back and fix it

We are at the beginning of a mass extinction

So you don't know the difference between a term and a sentence.
But, anyway, since you quoted ']We are at the beginning of a mass extinction' let's just look at that, shall we?
Now, here's some homework for you....... roughly, very roughly,how many species of flora and fauna do researchers think became extinct in, say, 2018?

you're being a jerk again
It really is a good idea to debate the issue to hand, the thread title, because chucking your insults and also posting sentences that members never actually wrote is just a demonstration of incompetence to debate effectively, as well as dirty.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It really is a good idea to debate the issue to hand, the thread title, because chucking your insults and also posting sentences that members never actually wrote is just a demonstration of incompetence to debate effectively, as well as dirty.

I'm not sure but I think that editing someone's quote to make it appear that they said something they did not actually say is a violation of forum rules. You could try reporting that to a moderator.

I think you will find, as I have, that "ok doser" is really nothing more than a forum troll. He gets his kicks by stringing you along--and egging you on in the process. With that in mind, my advice is to add him to your ignore list. You can find your ignore list by clicking on your user name in the upper right hand corner of your screen. This will produce a drop-down menu. Click on "User Settings" which is the third option down on the drop-down menu. From there, scroll down a little bit and click on "ACCOUNT." Then scroll all the way to the bottom. At the bottom of the page you will see a rectangle with the label "Ignore List" to the left of it. Type ok doser into that box and then click the "Save Changes" button on the lower right.

Banish that troll from your existence! I would encourage you to do this for him and any other member you feel is not worth your time here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
eider describes something that exists only in his fevered imagination:
Ben Shapiro ... went in to a rage and stormed off set, shouting 'Who are you? I've never heard of you!'

doser provides the video and corrects eider

Once again, eider describes something that exists only in his imagination:
(Ben Shapiro) stormed off Andrew Neil's program.

Once again, doser patiently corrects eider

On the third try, eider finally gets it right:
... terminating an interview in front of millions in a huff, with nasty personal comments just short of 'You're nobody!'

pretty tiresome having to correct you twice on something you should have gotten right the first time


Well-known member
I'm not sure but I think that editing someone's quote to make it appear that they said something they did not actually say is a violation of forum rules. You could try reporting that to a moderator.
Hi User Name....
I've never reported anybody on this forum. The only time I ever reported a post on another forum was one intended to incite crimes. :)
But I thank you very much for the info.

I think you will find, as I have, that "ok doser" is really nothing more than a forum troll. He gets his kicks by stringing you along--and egging you on in the process. With that in mind, my advice is to add him to your ignore list. You can find your ignore list by clicking on your user name in the upper right hand corner of your screen. This will produce a drop-down menu. Click on "User Settings" which is the third option down on the drop-down menu. From there, scroll down a little bit and click on "ACCOUNT." Then scroll all the way to the bottom. At the bottom of the page you will see a rectangle with the label "Ignore List" to the left of it. Type ok doser into that box and then click the "Save Changes" button on the lower right.

Banish that troll from your existence! I would encourage you to do this for him and any other member you feel is not worth your time here.

Thank you again for the info...... I should not speak about other members to you (or anybody :) ) because forums that I go to don't allow critical references to others in the third person unless they are notified....... It's all 'virtually' face on.

I don't actually put people on 'ignore', I more usually disregard their posts for a time.

I am not a confident member on TOL...... I don't feel that I can respond to some members in the same way that they treat me. So I just try and take it easy with my replies........ but that isn't always easy. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... some members in the same way that they treat me.

most members recognize that you're retarded and they ignore you

some, like myself, try patiently to get you to understand you're retarded but that you can change that, that you don't have to stay retarded.

inevitably, you interpret this as hostility

because you're retarded


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...I never claimed that "climate change brought on the pandemic."....
Then let's revisit something you wrote earlier because apparently you meant something that I thought you did not mean.

it's irresponsible to live the way we were living prior to this pandemic, with literally no nations on the earth prepared for it.
In more ways than one. What do the scientists know that you don't? Quite a lot.
I am one of "the scientists". What do you think I'm missing.
A great many things, judging by your ignorant posts. Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide causing global warming being just one of them.
Why do think that I am missing that "increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide [causes] global warming"? I've never indicated that I reject that. I've proceeded as if you must have meant something else, because I haven't even hinted or implied that CO2 doesn't cause global warming.

Gary K

New member
Wow. Incredible. Weep for America if she is typical of the younger generation. She is completely unable to have any sort of productive rational discussion.

It's actually pretty representative of that generation. What else could we expect when colleges have to give these kids "safe spaces" so they can't see the word "Trump" that sets them off into a panic. I've seen videos of one of these kids just standing in place and screaming repeatedly for a couple of minutes just because a guy had a sign with words the gal didn't like. And look at what happened at Evergreen College a couple of years ago. Those kids went nuts on a liberal professor because he didn't leave campus when they wanted him to. He thought he had a right to be there. He tried talking to them but they just told him to f off and get lost. They didn't want any dialogue on their differences of opinion. They just wanted him fired because they couldn't handle anyone telling them they might be wrong in their demands and ideas. No discussion whatsoever.


Well-known member
most members recognize that you're retarded and they ignore you

It seems that many members think that you are a nasty little troll, and that they ignore you.... just sayin'.
But me? I just think that you bring dishonour upon yourself the way your write to and about people, and more than that, it makes me wonder about your particular kind of Christianity...... just sayin'.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It seems that many members think that you are a nasty little troll ...

those would be the emotional members who lack reasoning skills and logic - they respond emotionally to my bluntness and are offended by the fact that I don't respect their feelings

I just think .....

when you start typing those words, you should actually stop and think, instead of just pouring out on the screen your emotional feelings

consider that next time


and think


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
those would be the emotional members who lack reasoning skills and logic - they respond emotionally to my bluntness and are offended by the fact that I don't respect their feelings

when you start typing those words, you should actually stop and think, instead of just pouring out on the screen your emotional feelings

consider that next time


and think
The heart-mind dichotomy. imo we need to filter our hearts through our minds, and that's where reasoning and logic come into play. Then we can communicate.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Parody but it's getting so that you can't tell what is and isn't anymore. The Onion is more and more looking like a factual news source