Greta Thunberg, Deranged Poster Child For The Mentally Ill Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And yet laws are involved, even though it's "not by politics".

Also just for grins and fyi, I looked through Pope Francis's authorized twitter feed over the past month.

He tweets almost as much as President Trump.

There's a lot of pastoral guidance and counsel, a lot about prayer and assisting the needy and vulnerable, a lot about Lent and Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter.

Gas guzzling SUVs, recycling plastic, climate change /crisis? Zero.

Which only goes to my first post above, where you accused me of defying my supreme pastor.

See for yourself, when was the last time he mentioned the climate or CO2 emissions or ecology? Since the plague hit, he's tweeting about the plague. And that was my point.

does he ever call Rosie O'Donnell a pig on twitter? :banana:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
And yet laws are involved, even though it's "not by politics".

Again, laws pertaining to ecology, environment, climate change, etc., should be informed by science, not by politics.

Also just for grins and fyi, I looked through Pope Francis's authorized twitter feed over the past month.

He tweets almost as much as President Trump.

There's a lot of pastoral guidance and counsel, a lot about prayer and assisting the needy and vulnerable, a lot about Lent and Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter.

Gas guzzling SUVs, recycling plastic, climate change /crisis? Zero.

So you are accusing the Pope of having no real concern for ecology based solely on the content of his Twitter feed?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Again, laws pertaining to ecology, environment, climate change, etc., should be informed by science, not by politics.
Vs. laws are the business of politics, not science.
So you're weighing the Pope's concern for ecology, or rather the apparent lack thereof, based solely on the content of his Twitter feed?
Yep, that's exactly what I said. :plain:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What would you prefer our laws pertaining to ecology to be guided by, if not by science?
Whether there even are "laws pertaining to ecology" first of all should be addressed, and not by scientists but by politics, since laws are the business of politics, and not of science. Scientists are experts in science, that doesn't tell me anything about their knowledge of politics local national and international, economics, and other matters, including political theory.

And if there should be such laws, then I want not scientists but political theorists and political ideologues to analyze which potential laws would be moral. Of course I want political and legal thinkers to examine ecological matters as they always have with riparian rights type cases, where what one party does with their own property causes damage to another party's property, imposing obligations upon them to pay damages to the other party.

The science in such cases is in characterizing the damage. After that science hands off their conclusions to the judges and lawyers who are experts in negotiating such things and scientists are not.
Obviously, the Pope has a lot more to say than he can say in 280 characters on Twitter.
Uh huh. I looked through his feed for the whole past month. He tweets almost as much as President Trump does. Multiple tweets almost every day. And in this period he mentioned ecology zero times. Because that matter has fallen very far down the priority list in this pandemic. Which is where it should be in this pandemic. And my first post itt was to say that that's where it always belongs, not just during a plague. Way down there.

The Berean

Well-known member
This one too - Stephen Crowder and the girl who has a meltdown when she realizes she can't change his mind and demands that security remove him because she's crying:

Wow. Incredible. Weep for America if she is typical of the younger generation. She is completely unable to have any sort of productive rational discussion.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Wow. Incredible. Weep for America if she is typical of the younger generation. She is completely unable to have any sort of productive rational discussion.

Crowder does oodles of these, on different topics and he gets similar irrational responses, all the time

I think they're frustrated by their inability to communicate past the emotional, on topics that they've been told repeatedly by people they trust, what to believe

I've run into this on FB with Greta followers - had a looong discussion with a group of them who were adamant that "F (spelled out fully) Greta" was a promotion of child rape. They were very difficult to dissuade from this, even after I patiently showed them that it was, instead, a blunt dismissive.

Most of that discussion was inappropriate for TOL, but you'll enjoy this:



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
One week ago: "Pope says coronavirus pandemic could be nature's response to climate crisis" --
Oh you're right after all. He is very scientific minded. He like you believes that climate change brought on the pandemic. It doesn't explain all the other plagues that've swept through humanity throughout the millennia but apparently that's what caused this one.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
He like you believes that climate change brought on the pandemic. It doesn't explain all the other plagues that've swept through humanity throughout the millennia but apparently that's what caused this one.

There's just one problem with what you said here: I never claimed that "climate change brought on the pandemic." I merely quoted the pope's speculation that the "coronavirus pandemic could be nature's response to climate crisis" to disprove your claim that the pope has thrown concern for ecology out the window because of this pandemic. I personally am not aware of a direct correlation between the coronavirus pandemic and climate change, but the pope, with his access to leading minds in various scientific fields, may know something I don't.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh you're right after all. He is very scientific minded. He like you believes that climate change brought on the pandemic. It doesn't explain all the other plagues that've swept through humanity throughout the millennia but apparently that's what caused this one.

and of course, sciencey people (not to be confused with "scientists") have yet to explain all of those pesky changes in climate that happened long before the industrial revolution

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh you're right after all. He is very scientific minded. He like you believes that climate change brought on the pandemic. It doesn't explain all the other plagues that've swept through humanity throughout the millennia but apparently that's what caused this one.

Just read that he has a Chemical Technician's Diploma[2][19][20] (not a master's degree in Chemistry, as some media outlets incorrectly reported)

i'll bet most people still believe the master's degree in Chemistry - I did

not to knock technicians - I worked with a lot of them and often supervised them - great people, responsible for doing important work, well


Well-known member
Ben Shapiro shreds the angry Swedish troll's "arguments"

can't access GO's similar thread in "Daily Topics", so i'm starting my own :p

Ben Shapiro appears to be an extremely far right wing tribalist who cannot take criticism himself.
When he got cornered by BBC's Andrew Neil he went in to a rage and stormed off set, shouting 'Who are you? I've never heard of you!'
Ben Shapiro didn't do his homework on Andrew Neil, and he hasn't done his homework on Greta. After all, he only writes and commentates for the tribal right, right?

Global Warming is going to be much much more horrid than any one pandemic.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What are your qualifications?

Too many to list, but pertinent to this, I have a Masters in Chemistry - that's six years past 12th grade - and worked for years as a professional scientist in many different fields