good morning breakfast clubbers


Well-known member
Lots of people have answers but the special thing about PureX is that he can tell you what people really think. For instance, a couple weeks ago I learned that Christians and conservatives are full of hate and seek to do homosexuals harm.
Some are. Quite a few are, here on TOL, and I don't understand how you didn't know that already.
See, I never would have known that except PureX told me.
Well, now you do.
I see you are Catholic. I'm sure he can tell you lots of stuff about what you believe and your motivations too.
Having been raised Catholic, and gone to Catholic schools, myself, I could make a pretty good guess at it.
Oh, also, if he speaks bluntly it's just because he knows of no other way to knock some sense in to you.
Well, you may be a special case, as you apparently weren't able to recognize on your own that Christians can still be bigots.


like marbles on glass
Some are. Quite a few are, here on TOL, and I don't understand how you didn't know that already.

PureX, I'd been joking around earlier, and I was doing it while I was scrambling to get out the door and I read kmo's post in a different way the first time than I am now. What I picked up on then his mention of your habit of speaking for people, about which you and I've gone round on a number of occasions. You know I don't like it when you do that - although I like you.

However... on a second, more careful read and on a more serious note, I realized that the rest of what kmo said just skipped right past me so I want to clarify now. There are indeed people who call themselves Christians here who are hateful bigots, and there are people who call themselves Christians here who do seek to do homosexuals harm.

So while you know I'll keep at you on the speaking for me part, I want to apologize for coming across as joking about something that I haven't found to be a joking matter at all.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Classic red herring, that's what. :chuckle:
I've always thought of him as more of someone's red herring stepchild.

Hmm... This could be problematical. :eek:
And now he's out of work.

However, I've been slaying you while walking and texting at the same time,
You borrow that flag from Sod or did you "so" it yourself? :eek:

so maybe I'll manage to survive whatever pebbles you have in your bucket. :)
It's all in the aim. :plain:

What dictionary are you using, and did I walk into the door or did it hit me on the way out? :eek:
At present it appears to be revolving. :eek:


Well-known member
So while you know I'll keep at you on the speaking for me part, I want to apologize for coming across as joking about something that I haven't found to be a joking matter at all.
I know you don't think that stuff is a joking matter, no worries.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

“Good morning Breakfast Clubbers, good morning to ya,
we woke up bright and early just to howdy-do ya.”

1st call to breakfast for all of you out there

America's favorite breakfast club is on the air


Well-known member
Good morning
