good morning breakfast clubbers


New member
i wasn't talking to you :p

Sure seemed like I was included but it doesn't matter. It's on you.

i had them as a kid, and then bought one with my young wife when we were first together - an adorable cute little red bunny that grew into a monster, pooped everywhere, chewed on electric cords, went cruising in the car and left the tank empty, invited friends over for poker and left chips and dip all over the carpet....

i've owned a lot of pets over the years and bunnies are, hands down, the dumbest animal God made

dumber than turtles, and that's saying something

Bad decisions on our part do not equate to dumb creatures on God's part.


New member
Good morning


I love the flower power bunny! :)


lately i've discovered that porcupines aren't very smart either

at least not when it comes to trapping them

cute as can be, and i feel bad when i shoot them :(


New member
do you agree that some animals are smarter than others?

beagles, for instance, are very smart

stubborn as all get out, but very smart

turtles aren't very smart at all

they don't need to be

Beagles are great hunting dogs and pets but they're too dumb to find their way home which is why adoption and humane societies are flooded with them and why I've scraped so many off of the highway because dummies refuse to corral them in proper kennels or homes. Show me a stray pack of dogs and I guarantee there'll be at least one beagle in the mix.


New member
Darn thorns!

Good evening all!:rain:
Please forgive my absence due to being self employed

Today in the shire it is raining:rain:

Only Toad is happy

I asked him how deep the river is NOW!

He was unintelligible, as usual, only saying…

“Knee-deep, Knee-deep”



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
good morning

good morning

“Good morning Breakfast Clubbers, good morning to ya,
we woke up bright and early just to howdy-do ya.”

1st call to breakfast for all of you out there

America's favorite breakfast club is on


New member
Good Morn All!

I've got some amazing 'chicken' stories,
but they're real edgy.
you have to have a certain 'mind-set'
to comprehend the mind of a chicken,
so this would naturally eliminate a few of
you right off the get-go.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Good Morn All!

I've got some amazing 'chicken' stories,
but they're real edgy.
you have to have a certain 'mind-set'
to comprehend the mind of a chicken,
so this would naturally eliminate a few of
you right off the get-go.

Ya think?


Beagles are great hunting dogs and pets but they're too dumb to find their way home which is why adoption and humane societies are flooded with them and why I've scraped so many off of the highway because dummies refuse to corral them in proper kennels or homes. Show me a stray pack of dogs and I guarantee there'll be at least one beagle in the mix.

my poor old gal is fourteen and still folllows her nose but her eyesight is going

i had her off-leash on our walk yesterday and when i called her the poor old thing couldn't find me until i started waving my arms up and down

the good news is that she doesn't have any interest anymore in chasing things - she and i were ten feet from a deer last night and when it bounded away, she just watched it go

five years ago she'd have been right after it


New member
See what I miss by not being here?? Desktop bunn!!

Lookout bunn... I want him.

Good morning everyone. I no sooner complained about the lack of winter weather and yesterday it was cold, windy, and dreary. But no rain yet...

Have a good day all! :)

Oh my gosh, I WANT the desktop bunny! There aren't enough words to describe that kind of cute!


New member
my poor old gal is fourteen and still folllows her nose but her eyesight is going

i had her off-leash on our walk yesterday and when i called her the poor old thing couldn't find me until i started waving my arms up and down

the good news is that she doesn't have any interest anymore in chasing things - she and i were ten feet from a deer last night and when it bounded away, she just watched it go

five years ago she'd have been right after it

I have two beagle mix. What they're mixed with is every bit as prone to the roam syndrome (one mixed with lab and the other rat terrier) so I gotta keep them both corralled. We've gone on walks before but it's always ended up with me being dragged on my face across the back pasture. They now have a 40 x 10 run all to themselves complete with obstacles to play in/on. It's funny to see them when they've worn themselves out. Looks like a war zone.