good morning breakfast clubbers


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Good morning


that is not a crocus
something is eating mine

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Looks like a typical sod post to me, since all sod's posts are crap.
Morning anna...lately I've been thinking about how the glory of God is often found in what He can do with anything and anyone. I think some people are sent to us as blessings, some for us to bless, others as lessons of a beneficial or cautionary sort and the rest is discernment.

Have a terrific day. :thumb:


like marbles on glass
Morning anna...lately I've been thinking about how the glory of God is often found in what He can do with anything and anyone. I think some people are sent to us as blessings, some for us to bless, others as lessons of a beneficial or cautionary sort and the rest is discernment.

Have a terrific day. :thumb:

Thanks, TH. You too.


New member
Morning anna...lately I've been thinking about how the glory of God is often found in what He can do with anything and anyone. I think some people are sent to us as blessings, some for us to bless, others as lessons of a beneficial or cautionary sort and the rest is discernment.

Have a terrific day. :thumb:

Darn thorns!


New member
honestly - have any of you morons ever actually owned one of those furry little rodents? :freak:

Honestly, yes. I had two but now only have one. I thought they were both girl bunnies and originally named them Mable and Myrtle. When I found out they were both boy bunnies, I changed their names to Maybe and Murt. Maybe was a black and white Dutch. He passed away the Summer before last. Murt is a Tam and he's at least ten years old; might be as old as twelve. He's a sweetie. I could get you a picture...I think...if I can get my phone to work right for a change. BTW, I'm not a moron.


BTW, I'm not a moron.

i wasn't talking to you :p

i had them as a kid, and then bought one with my young wife when we were first together - an adorable cute little red bunny that grew into a monster, pooped everywhere, chewed on electric cords, went cruising in the car and left the tank empty, invited friends over for poker and left chips and dip all over the carpet....

i've owned a lot of pets over the years and bunnies are, hands down, the dumbest animal God made

dumber than turtles, and that's saying something


New member
Looks like a typical sod post to me, since all sod's posts are crap.

Morning anna...lately I've been thinking about how the glory of God is often found in what He can do with anything and anyone. I think some people are sent to us as blessings, some for us to bless, others as lessons of a beneficial or cautionary sort and the rest is discernment.

Have a terrific day. :thumb:

Yup! And it's amazing that God can do so much with those little turdlets besides have them congregate in feed bowls. I use them for fertilizer in my flower and veggie gardens and it attracks red worms good for aerating the soil and providing a fishing worm or two. I can't figure out why it is that bunnies like to poop in their bowls. It's a good thing they dry out to hard little pellets that can easily be removed. I pick them out with my fingers. No big deal. It's sad that my little Murt is so old that he's getting cataracts. Did you know that bunnies purr like cats? Murt snuggles his nose into my neck and purrs. He's a cutie!