Going to the Movies: past, present, future.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The NY Times says 100 people are camped out in front of Mann's Chinese Theater for Star Wars. They have something in common. None of them are going to miss work.
That's crazy to me. Probably a lot of college kids in that too. I'll wait a week or so and go on a Monday. Easy way to get a seat and avoid the goofery.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's almost time.

Have you looked at the RT consensus reviews? They're excellent (95% fresh rating). The ones that aren't (a smattering) are uniformly the sort of "should have aimed to surprise" nonsense complaints. Looks like it's going to be what most of us who loved the first three...well, two then, have been waiting for from the franchise.

I'll probably wait a week or two then hit a Monday afternoon showing. Great way to get good seats and avoid a crowd.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I really hope Disney doesn't destroy the Star Wars name with this.

It can't be any worse than what he did with the prequels.

Here is my take. The movie that blew us away, Star Wars and then Empire Strikes Back is not what Lucas wanted. He has said so many times. I don't know why I didn't listen. He started polluting the story with Return of the Jedi. Then came the "Special Edition" and prequels and we saw what he was thinking.

One thing we have going for it is the screen play co-writer for Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi and Raiders of the Lost Ark is co-writing these. Ewoks bringing down the Empire is not his original idea.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Now that LK is in third grade I decided she could watch Star Wars Episode 1-6 in order. That is how you should watch them. Don't have the youngsters watch out of order.

She cried a bit at Revenge of the Sith at the end. And then again at ROTJ. And then she showed one good thing Lucas did in the Special Edition. I played the original ending and yub nub for her. The force ghost of Anakin Skywalker is just some "random guy". Why put him in there? The new ending is better.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Okay...I've seen the new addition to the Star Wars universe. I have to say that for most of the movie it was pleasant surprise after pleasant surprise. Very enjoyable, if mostly derivative.

Then they set up the son of Solo monster and I'm thinking...more back story. Something that helps me believe the son of Leia and Han could turn into a guy comfortable with mass murder. As it was we got a whiny guy in a needless helmet having temper tantrums, right up until he SPOILER ALERT

kills his father. Now that makes the weasel someone whose death scene will be widely rooted for, establishes him as a villain among villians, but it bothered me and robbed the movie of its spirit of joyful reunion. It was also, as death scenes go, profoundly needless. I'd have had a much easier time of stretching the "going after Luke" battles and have Hans fall in that struggle, preferably in battle. There were other characters to compel us ot hate the evil wimp. He could have obliterated C 3PO, by way of and everyone would have felt enough anger.

It did set up Luke's silent reentry into the cannon well enough though. I'd always felt his character had the least real arc of any, had never stepped from frustrated kid to fledgling bad ahem...took a step backwards from two to there (of the original trilogy).

The look was perfect. The moment and that captured a very different Luke in a glance. That made me feel better about the whole of the movie, but like the resigned faces I wondered about as we approached the theater, I'm a long way from settled on it.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
One thing we have going for it is the screen play co-writer for Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi and Raiders of the Lost Ark is co-writing these. Ewoks bringing down the Empire is not his original idea.

We could have a discussion thread for spoilers because I am too lazy for spoiler tags. I read no spoilers before the movie as they are often wrong on points even when something is given away. But several things happened and I told Mrs M what was going to happen before they did. Because of the force. :plain:

So yeah, Lawrence Kasdan has been wanting to do sacrifice Solo for the good of the Republic and his friends since like 1978 but that idiot Lucas didn't want to do it. Now he had his way.

But yeah, saying goodbye is hard to do.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Oops. Wrong thread...how 'bout those movies then...yeah. I have a topic I think would be better in its own though it began here. I closed the wrong window and here we are. :plain:


Well-known member
Have you looked at the RT consensus reviews? They're excellent (95% fresh rating). The ones that aren't (a smattering) are uniformly the sort of "should have aimed to surprise" nonsense complaints. Looks like it's going to be what most of us who loved the first three...well, two then, have been waiting for from the franchise.

I'll probably wait a week or two then hit a Monday afternoon showing. Great way to get good seats and avoid a crowd.
When's the next Star Trek manifestation coming out? That's what I'm waiting for. I liked that last one, with a new Kirk, Spock, Doc, and so on. The actors did a great job at playing younger versions of those classic characters, and the story was good, too. I liked that movie.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just watched a movie on Netflix called The Magic of Belle Isle, with Morgan Freeman playing a once popular writer of westerns who has taken on a summer of house sitting near a family in the midst of a divorce. The writer has his own troubles, with the bottle and wrestling with the passing of his wife. Sounds gloomy but it's a sweet story. If you want a movie watchable regardless of age this would be one.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Has anyone seen the trailer for Criminal yet? Costner is the lead. Ryan Reynolds is in it. So is Gary Oldman and Tommy Lee Jones. Heck of a cast.

Premise? "The memories & skills of a deceased CIA agent are implanted into an unpredictable and dangerous convict."

Reynolds is apparently the dead agent whose memories are implanted in Costner. So you'll see him in flashbacks and reflections. Looks interesting. Here's a link to the IMDb with the trailer: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3014866/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_2

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Didn't I see this with Arnold in Total Recall?
Sort of? :think: But this could be a better movie. Hard to say. I think Costner has done some of his better work since he fell from his Dances pedestal. Open Range is a great film, by way of...and almost nothing under the cinema sun is ever really new. Draft Day was another good one. 3 Days to Kill was miscast, mostly, but he was good in it. So I'm inclined to take a look.