ECT God's grace: Can God arbitrarilly give it to anyone?


Well-known member
Today, none of them are merited nor can be merited. The ground is not opening up beneath the feet of blasphemers or false prophets. All are under grace, favor and mercy per the terms of the Gospel of grace, but this is the quiet before the storm. This is the open door of the ark. This is the day to simply look at the bronze serpent to be saved. But this dispensation will end.

In the meantime, to try to merit God's favor, mercy and grace are to reject them because one would automatically have to deny the all-sufficient Cross to try to merit anything.

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New member
Today, none of them are merited nor can be merited. The ground is not opening up beneath the feet of blasphemers or false prophets. All are under grace, favor and mercy per the terms of the Gospel of grace, but this is the quiet before the storm. This is the open door of the ark. This is the day to simply look at the bronze serpent to be saved. But this dispensation will end.

In the meantime, to try to merit God's favor, mercy and grace are to reject them because one would automatically have to deny the all-sufficient Cross to try to merit anything.

Please forgive my asking, Mustardion. I forgot this was an open forum.


Well-known member
2 Corinthians 2:16 Romans 9:15,21-22 1 Peter 2:7,8 Matthew 5:45 John 3:18

God's character is consistent. To one meeting His salvation, they will see grace or see condemnation. It is God's desire that all men see the grace and mercy of His salvation. Man is either changed or hardened by such. John 3:18


New member
That's weak. You really don't know your Bible and the difficulty that presents for discussions that make the attempts at discussing the scriptures unprofitable. You need to admit to that and seek to be rectified in your thinking. No hard feelings, just my observation.

I don't take it personal. Which aspect of the Bible are we even discussing?

Thus far, I have been asked the same question in various ways, absent of Scripture (except once; yet the verse was a poor transcription).

If you give me a passage or a verse, which backs up your position, then it would aid the discussion. To be honest, I am unsure of your position.

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New member
Now you're cursing me with a death threat?

It's not a threat it's a warning and it's one you should take heed of. I'm declaring your rebellion and what should be your shame, but your conscience has been seared as with a branding iron.

There are 5 scriptures in that sentence and enough doctrine to keep you studying, contemplating and meditating for months. But, you will glance and dismiss, just as you have always done.

Everything I say is shut up for you and you make matters worse for yourself by arguing against the truth. This isn't my truth or my doctrine and certainly not my opinion.

I am torn between great sadness for you and your condition on one side. Then I see the honour of Elohim being manifested in your blindness and inevitable destruction. Whatever the outcome I shall rejoice in Him and His grace or His justice, judgement and awesome wrath.

Don't just glance and dismiss. Give these things you full and undivided attention. Your soul may well be required of you soon and this could well be your final warning.

"The effectual fervent prayer of a just man availeth much".

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New member
Your confused mind confuses and adds meanings that don't exist in words you don't understand. You pay nothing more than lip service to scripture.

I would say that is better than not "knowing" them at all. You have nothing to work with being the stiff neck you are. You have no relationship with God and are only fooling yourself into believing that whatever it is you espouse is of Him. You better think through that a whole bunch because you are delusional.

Cross Reference

New member
2 Corinthians 2:16 Romans 9:15,21-22 1 Peter 2:7,8 Matthew 5:45 John 3:18

God's character is consistent. To one meeting His salvation, they will see grace or see condemnation. It is God's desire that all men see the grace and mercy of His salvation. Man is either changed or hardened by such. John 3:18

They might see His grace depending upon their life's sincere spiritual journey. Mary did. Most will however see His mercy IF they come to Him in contriteness. It is new every morning to everyone who does so.
Grace being conditional after that. That is what I have come to believe. Only Love can create. God loves them who love Him.


New member
I would say that is better than not "knowing" them at all. You have nothing to work with being the stiff neck you are. You have no relationship with God and are only fooling yourself into believing that whatever it is you espouse is of Him. You better think through that a whole bunch because you are delusional.

I believe you accidentally attributed this quote to me. I did not say the above quote.