All right, saying that "I believe" was going a little far I think. Justin was kind enough to point out the distinction between playing with an idea and postulating a belief, a distinction I should have made right from the beginning. I'm sorry for the confusion and I don't want anyone to think that I'm simply back tracking to cover myself. I don't necessarily believe this, I just wanted an opportunity to see people thinking outside of the box.
Sorry for the confusion.
SOTK, let's get down to business:
SOTK said:
This statement implies God is stupid.
Not necessarily, just not wholly perfect.
Everything in the universe is balanced.
Yes and no. There's also a lot of chaos out there. Do you disagree? Do you deny the existence of chaos?
It's amazing to think about how complicated the creation of everything was yet there is an order and balance of things.
I agree with you, the order and balance of things are one of the reasons I believe god is the creator.
No Supreme Being could do all of this and yet make mistakes.
That's a matter of opinion, an opinion formed from your definition of who god is, the definition appears to be the christian god. You forget that according to your representation of the over god, the prime source as it were, we are made in god's image, which I think could very well imply all of the flaws that accompany mankind.
I know, we were created perfect, but how perfect is a being with the capacity to, even unwittingly, rebel against god? According to the christian representation of god, man was created in his image and man was created initially with the ability to rebel and be deceived, which I think could quite possibly imply that your god is just as flawed as we are and therefore capable of anything.
You have it wrong, allsmiles. God owes us nothing. We owe Him everything!
Allegedly. Christians do not have the luxury of extra-biblical evidence to support such a broad claim.