God Owes Us Big Time


New member
allsmiles said:
Oh you have no idea man, not your fault, you just don't.

And is the :yawn: an indication that you're not going to wear a post it note on your forehead?

Because I obviously lack your keen intellect, I have no idea what you are talking about. However, I can live with that.


New member
is there something in the bible that prohibits you from kidding around with the hell bound, or is this your own personal vendetta?

You know, from the venom christians spew at our kind, you'd think hell wasn't enough.


New member
allsmiles said:
Yup, roll it up, put it in your mouth and wait for the magic to happen. :cloud9:

Ummm... okay. I now think that if God owed us something, he tried to make up for it with roast beef.


New member
allsmiles said:
is there something in the bible that prohibits you from kidding around with the hell bound, or is this your own personal vendetta?

You know, from the venom christians spew at our kind, you'd think hell wasn't enough.

In fact,. I am kidding around with you. Every now and then it is fun to do. I thought the Mr. Flibberdigibbit thing might have been a clue.



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monochrome said:
Ummm... okay. I now think that if God owed us something, he tried to make up for it with roast beef.

You have, perhaps, unwittingly stumbled upon the eternal truth that will unite all mankind.


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docrob57 said:
In fact,. I am kidding around with you. Every now and then it is fun to do. I thought the Mr. Flibberdigibbit thing might have been a clue.


Sorry man. Sometimes it's close to impossible for me to read people over the internet.


New member
allsmiles said:
Sorry man. Sometimes it's close to impossible for me to read people over the internet.

Well, I have already been chastised by Zakath for improper and too infrequent use of smilies.

Now, I don't think that God owes you, me or anyone anything. But this is yet another topic on which we won't agree.

I am assuming that the "satanist" designation is tongue in cheek. You seem to be a "normal athiest" to me. :jump:


New member
Caledvwlch said:
Well doesn't that look like fun? :jump: cool... :Nineveh:

Keep in mind, I often don't know what the smilies mean, I just pick ones that look fun. This is my favorite. :cow:


Lighthouse said:
Good job of eisegesis.:rolleyes:

A day being as 1000 years to Him means that because He is eternal, He does not perceive time as we do. He never said that He doesn't experience the passage of time as we do. And if God knew exhaustively what we would do, then we could not do otherwise. Therefore, free will would be an illusion.
I think you meant exegesis....... :rolleyes:

So God is not omniscient? So, Adam caught Him by surprise? He didn't know that humanity would fall? Jesus was a last minute decision? Damage control?

Sorry :Brandon: You are wrong about this one. Just because God knows about our choices and decisions before we do, does not negate our free will. He demonstrates it in prophecy. He knew the decisions and choices that Pharoah would make prior to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. He knew that Joseph's brothers would sell him off into slavery and that during the famine, they would seek help and Joseph would be in a high position in Egypt.....eventually helped his brothers and family. There are many other instances where God demonstrates His omniscience.
However, since we do not know the future, our free will remains intact and God is still omniscient. Nothing catches the Lord by surprise. Not our choices, not our decisions or our actions.


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Agape4Robin said:
I think you meant exegesis....... :rolleyes:

So God is not omniscient? So, Adam caught Him by surprise? He didn't know that humanity would fall? Jesus was a last minute decision? Damage control?

Sorry :Brandon: You are wrong about this one. Just because God knows about our choices and decisions before we do, does not negate our free will. He demonstrates it in prophecy. He knew the decisions and choices that Pharoah would make prior to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. He knew that Joseph's brothers would sell him off into slavery and that during the famine, they would seek help and Joseph would be in a high position in Egypt.....eventually helped his brothers and family. There are many other instances where God demonstrates His omniscience.
However, since we do not know the future, our free will remains intact and God is still omniscient. Nothing catches the Lord by surprise. Not our choices, not our decisions or our actions.
Nice. Sorry for agreeing with you, because I know that hurts your credibility in lighthouse's eyes, but well done. :BRAVO:


New member
Agape4Robin said:
However, since we do not know the future, our free will remains intact and God is still omniscient. Nothing catches the Lord by surprise. Not our choices, not our decisions or our actions.

See, that is exactly what I was saying all through christian high school, and everyone hated me fore it. Or at least, one guy kinda disliked me a little because of it. I don't believe it that way anymore, but I can see where you're coming from. Nice zing, by the way.

- m -


Caledvwlch said:
Nice. Sorry for agreeing with you, because I know that hurts your credibility in lighthouse's eyes, but well done. :BRAVO:
Don't be sorry! :doh:

I don't care what Brandon thinks of me.....I know who I am and I know what I believe....popular or not. ;)

And thank you BTW! :Nineveh:


monochrome said:
See, that is exactly what I was saying all through christian high school, and everyone hated me fore it. Or at least, one guy kinda disliked me a little because of it. I don't believe it that way anymore, but I can see where you're coming from. Nice zing, by the way.

- m -
Hey -m-! :wave2: Please to meet you!

Thanks for the intro, Cal! ;)


The Dark Knight
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allsmiles said:
Doesn't the analogy of a day being as 1000 years to him imply rather explicitly that he does not experience time as we do? After such a comparison wouldn't it be common sense to take it for granted?
He does not concentrate on it as we do. Sometimes the day seems to go by very quickly, others it seems to drag on. This is what God is saying. And many of you are forgetting that he reversed it in the same sentence, saying. "...and a thousand years are as a day." He said both things. And the point of it all is that He is patient/longsuffering. Moreso than we could ever be. We measure time, God does not. That is all it means.


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
I think you meant exegesis....... :rolleyes:
Nope. Exegesis involves interpreting what is there based on context, and the rest of the word. Eisegesis means reading your own beliefs into something.

So God is not omniscient?
God is completley omniscient. What we disagree on is the meaning of omniscience.

So, Adam caught Him by surprise?
Nope. God knew it was possible.

He didn't know that humanity would fall?
He knew it could, but not that is definitely would.

Jesus was a last minute decision? Damage control?
Are you seriously going to tell me that you beleive God made the earth, Eden, and Adam and Eve, even though He knew for certain that it would all fall apart?

God decided that if humanity fell, He would send Christ. Then humanity fell, and He knew, then, that He would send Christ. But before the fall He did not know if He would ever have to, only that He might.

Sorry :Brandon: You are wrong about this one.
No, I'm not.

Just because God knows about our choices and decisions before we do, does not negate our free will.
If God knows that you are going to have filet mignon for dinner, tomorrow night, can you have anything other than filet mignon for dinner?

He demonstrates it in prophecy.
He demonstrates His sovereignty in prophecy. And sometimes, as with Nineveh, He changes His mind. And the prophecy goes unfulfilled.

He knew the decisions and choices that Pharoah would make prior to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
No, He didn't. He knew what Pharoah would most likely do, since He knew Pharoah's heart. But that doesn't mean He knew specifically how Pharoah would do it, or what specifically Pharoah would say.

He knew that Joseph's brothers would sell him off into slavery and that during the famine, they would seek help and Joseph would be in a high position in Egypt.....eventually helped his brothers and family.
When did God know what Joseph's brothers would do? Did God just know this would happen. or did He make it happen?

There are many other instances where God demonstrates His omniscience.
However, since we do not know the future, our free will remains intact and God is still omniscient. Nothing catches the Lord by surprise. Not our choices, not our decisions or our actions.
I never said anything caught Him by surprise. He knows our hearts, and therefore knows all possibilities. He also knows that we might change, and what He would expect of us now may not be what He will expect of us in twenty years.