God Owes Us Big Time


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Agape4Robin said:
I agree with you -m- . Just because God saw the future before it happens, doesn't make Him responsible for it. His omniscience does not impose on our free will. God is outside the parameters of time. Didn't He say that 1000 years is as a day and a day is as a 1000 years to HIm? Sounds like God does not hold to the limitations of time that we do.
Well lighthouse may not like it, but I thought you made a pretty good point. :)


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Agape4Robin said:
I agree with you -m- . Just because God saw the future before it happens, doesn't make Him responsible for it. His omniscience does not impose on our free will. God is outside the parameters of time. Didn't He say that 1000 years is as a day and a day is as a 1000 years to HIm? Sounds like God does not hold to the limitations of time that we do.

But the argument is:
If I create something imperfect, should I blame the creation for its imperfection?


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Lighthouse said:
A day being as 1000 years to Him means that because He is eternal, He does not perceive time as we do. He never said that He doesn't experience the passage of time as we do. And if God knew exhaustively what we would do, then we could not do otherwise. Therefore, free will would be an illusion.

Doesn't the analogy of a day being as 1000 years to him imply rather explicitly that he does not experience time as we do? After such a comparison wouldn't it be common sense to take it for granted?


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God has huge plans for the world today! He is not content to merely establish a handful of struggling churches among each tongue, tribe and nation. Even now He is preparing and empowering His Church to carry the seeds of revival to the uttermost ends of the earth. -- David Smithers


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While I don't agree with the "God owes us" idea...what He plans to do is far beyond what can be imagined.
Payback is on it's way.


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oh, okay, now I know what you're talking about.

I don't necessarily believe god owes us anything either, but one must retain the ability to consider anything worthy of being formulated into an idea as being worthy of possibility.


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allsmiles said:
I believe that if Jesus died on the cross, and even if he didn't, even if the story is a metaphor, it is a representation of god reconciling himself to us. I believe god feels badly for the earthly, physical situation we're in, I think he created us not knowing the consequences of his actions, and because he is good, cannot destroy us. I believe that the death of jesus was an act to help him better understand our pain, not to save us, but so that he could experience what we do, so he could be side by side with us and relate and let us know he is sorry for what he did.

I think god owes us big time.


Boy, God owes you, believers owe an explanation to you of how you can tell Christians from non-Christians. How important you must be to have accumulated so much debt.

Does anyone or anything not owe you?


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docrob57 said:
Boy, God owes you, believers owe an explanation to you of how you can tell Christians from non-Christians. How important you must be to have accumulated so much debt. Does anyone or anything not owe you?

Like I said before, I don't necessarily believe god owes us anything, I think it's a possibility. As for believers owing non-believes an explanation as to who is, or who isn't a real christian, I think it would be nice. From the outside looking in, christianity is a circus, I'd like to be able to look back at all of the horrible things you folks have done and be able to say, "ah look, they were really christians, you can tell from this..."

Unfortunately there's nothing to seperate good christians from just good people, and there's nothing to seperate good christians from bad christians (at least not in the eyes of an unbeliever), and there's nothing to seperate bad christians from bad people, just the name. To you guys it's a matter of the holy spirit, to us, we don't believe in the holy spirit, so all we have to go by is the name "christian".

For an ubeliever like myself, is there anything better you can offer besides the holy spirit or the bible for me to use as a way to differentiate between real and fake christians?

I'm talking common sense, a post it note on your foreheads or something that we can see. I don't think I'm asking for too much, of course without your bibles you're helpless, so maybe I am...

And having one theory and one question does not equal "accumulated so much debt." I think you're very sensitive and should take a chill pill, or ask Cal for a roast beef sandwich.


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allsmiles said:
For an ubeliever like myself, is there anything better you can offer besides the holy spirit or the bible for me to use as a way to differentiate between real and fake christians?

Yes, you see, if a christian weighs the same as a duck, then they are made of wood.

How would eating roast beef calm someone down? I mean, it's tasty and all, 'specially with some provalone, brown mustard and banana peppers but...

- m -


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monochrome said:
Yes, you see, if a christian weighs the same as a duck, then they are made of wood.

How would eating roast beef calm someone down? I mean, it's tasty and all, 'specially with some provalone, brown mustard and banana peppers but...

- m -
Oh, you need to be one of the cool people to get in on the roast beef thing.


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allsmiles said:
Like I said before, I don't necessarily believe god owes us anything, I think it's a possibility. As for believers owing non-believes an explanation as to who is, or who isn't a real christian, I think it would be nice. From the outside looking in, christianity is a circus, I'd like to be able to look back at all of the horrible things you folks have done and be able to say, "ah look, they were really christians, you can tell from this..."

Unfortunately there's nothing to seperate good christians from just good people, and there's nothing to seperate good christians from bad christians (at least not in the eyes of an unbeliever), and there's nothing to seperate bad christians from bad people, just the name. To you guys it's a matter of the holy spirit, to us, we don't believe in the holy spirit, so all we have to go by is the name "christian".

For an ubeliever like myself, is there anything better you can offer besides the holy spirit or the bible for me to use as a way to differentiate between real and fake christians?

I'm talking common sense, a post it note on your foreheads or something that we can see. I don't think I'm asking for too much, of course without your bibles you're helpless, so maybe I am...

And having one theory and one question does not equal "accumulated so much debt." I think you're very sensitive and should take a chill pill, or ask Cal for a roast beef sandwich.



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monochrome said:
Yes, you see, if a christian weighs the same as a duck, then they are made of wood.

How would eating roast beef calm someone down? I mean, it's tasty and all, 'specially with some provalone, brown mustard and banana peppers but...

- m -

When I was a small child I had a story record called Mr. Flibbertigibbit. It contained the following lyrics in a song:

If you want peace and quiet
You have got to change your diet.
Eat more roast beef!

More roast beef?

Lots of beef for sure is the perfect cure.

So, perhaps allsmiles is onto something there.


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docrob57 said:
When I was a small child I had a story record called Mr. Flibbertigibbit. It contained the following lyrics in a song:

If you want peace and quiet
You have got to change your diet.
Eat more roast beef!

More roast beef?

Lots of beef for sure is the perfect cure.

So, perhaps allsmiles is onto something there.

What have I been missing all these years? I'm go purchase me some roast beef and roll them up individually, as I am too poor for bread. Mmmm... roast beef...


New member
docrob57 said:
When I was a small child I had a story record called Mr. Flibbertigibbit. It contained the following lyrics in a song:

If you want peace and quiet
You have got to change your diet.
Eat more roast beef!

More roast beef?

Lots of beef for sure is the perfect cure.

So, perhaps allsmiles is onto something there.

Oh you have no idea man, not your fault, you just don't.

And is the :yawn: an indication that you're not going to wear a post it note on your forehead?


New member
monochrome said:
What have I been missing all these years? I'm go purchase me some roast beef and roll them up individually, as I am too poor for bread. Mmmm... roast beef...

Yup, roll it up, put it in your mouth and wait for the magic to happen. :cloud9: