God Kills Babies.


New member
Let me help you with the facts about God killing babies.

Genesis 19:24 KJV, "The Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven."

There were babies in those two towns which were then killed by the brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. Are you too proud to learn something new, today ... ? Lol.

Sodom and Gomorrah were under the ( authority of Satan ), and not God’s. - God brought the (( Authority )) of Satan upon them, not God’s authority!! - God’s authority was upon Israel. - It was Satan’s authority that killed anyone there!!!
Why don’t you take your absent minded, and ungodly trash, and you live with it, instead of trying to pass it off for the Truth!!!!

Paul – 071712


New member
Even though i don't like the language in some of these posts there is a point to be made here. The God of the bible kills, then dictates not to kill, then tells you not to be a hypocrite. He isn't as just and loving as he is sometimes made out to be.

Where did you dredge that up from?? - Some Genius???

Paul -- 071712


New member
The answer is from Scripture: Yes, God has killed babies. Check your beard for further information and details. Lol.

I never said that people didn't die, but it was by the ((( Authority of Satan ))), not God, (( Read the Book, the whole Book )). Don't take just the stuff you ( think ) supports your mindless garbage!!!

Paul -- 071712


New member
Sodom and Gomorrah were under the ( authority of Satan ), and not God’s. - God brought the (( Authority )) of Satan upon them, not God’s authority!! - God’s authority was upon Israel. - It was Satan’s authority that killed anyone there!!!
Why don’t you take your absent minded, and ungodly trash, and you live with it, instead of trying to pass it off for the Truth!!!!

Paul – 071712

So by the same logic it would be perfectly justifiable if God were to exterminate all humans on earth, because satan is the lord of this world. Or do you interpret the scriptures differently


I never said that people didn't die, but it was by the ((( Authority of Satan ))), not God, (( Read the Book, the whole Book )). Don't take just the stuff you ( think ) supports your mindless garbage!!!

Paul -- 071712

Has God ever killed any babies? Answer up with Scripture, rather than with cracker logic.


New member
So, you do that because ... you think I do that ... ?

Lol. Apparently, you need to be told what to do, and cannot think for yourself. Lol.

((( Anybody else ))) would have already been banned for disrupting, or whatever; but we have to put up with fools over here!!!!

Paul -- 071712


New member
So by the same logic it would be perfectly justifiable if God were to exterminate all humans on earth, because satan is the lord of this world. Or do you interpret the scriptures differently

((( That's exactly what happens )))!!! - (( Read the Book )) about the end!!!!

Paul -- 071712


New member
Sodom and Gomorrah

The Ten Commandments

The teachings of Jesus

Need i clarify further?

(( You did not ))!! That's your false excuse for your false garbage you're trying to throw off on everybody else like the father you are of!!!!!

Paul -- 071712


New member
Since you do not believe in God, why do you bother to add your thoughts in here?
Thanks for your concern, but since you ask people who might claim to believe in presumably a caring involved God who seems to kill babies on a whim strikes me as a bit hard to explain, perhaps you can?

Did you need some special attention ... ?

For what...?



New member
Hall of Fame
The people during that time were prolific. There were at least some of them who had babies.

Do you have a reason for arguing this point here, or ar you a compulsive whiner?


You demand in your threads that people answer only with verbatim scripture to your "points" and posts. You make threads with verses taking them to literal extremes even when its clear to even the mindless that its either not literal, but metaphorical or parable or a word picture, yet you persist. You will not accept any paraphrase or concept.

I am asking you for the same thing you demand and you aren't able to produce anything, so your thread is irrelevant and my point is made.

So, Unless you can show that God killed babies in the flood by providing scripture that says He did, then your statement is i guess just as you put it

"cracker logic." and as i say it "hypocritical" since you do what you decry to a weird extreme even in most threads.