Global Warming Is A Scam Pushed By Dishonest "Progressives"

Kit the Coyote

New member
what is the major greenhouse gas?

i'll give you a hint - your unpolluted river is just full of it

and the horn is totally ignorant of it - betcha you are too



I am curious as to why you think this is of any relevance? You are quite correct that water vapor is the largest greenhouse gas but it is not the one that is changing significantly. The amount of water in the global environment is fairly stable. The real impact of water vapor is that as the environment warms, there is more water vapor taken up in the atmosphere thus it acts as a source of feedback that helps accelerate or decelerate changes accordingly.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Here's all the data I need on this topic.

A promise from the Creator of the planet we live upon that so long as it remains, the cycles we have today shall continue indefinitely.

That means, that God was smart enough to create a system that can withstand even man's fiddling.

Unless we were to see the absolute worst case scenario of runaway warming that is Venus, there is no real risk of actual seasons or the day/night cycle ending. That does not mean that significant changes in the world climate will not have costly and disastrous impacts.


I am curious as to why you think this is of any relevance? You are quite correct that water vapor is the largest greenhouse gas but it is not the one that is changing significantly. The amount of water in the global environment is fairly stable. The real impact of water vapor is that as the environment warms, there is more water vapor taken up in the atmosphere thus it acts as a source of feedback that helps accelerate or decelerate changes accordingly.

He likes pie charts?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I am curious as to why you think this is of any relevance? You are quite correct that water vapor is the largest greenhouse gas but it is not the one that is changing significantly. The amount of water in the global environment is fairly stable. The real impact of water vapor is that as the environment warms, there is more water vapor taken up in the atmosphere thus it acts as a source of feedback that helps accelerate or decelerate changes accordingly.

imagine you are walking down a sidewalk for days on end

behind you is an invisible guy throwing a five gallon bucket of water over your head every five minutes

you've come to accept that, because you don't know anything about the invisible guy - what his motivations are, what you could do to make him stop, etc

also walking behind you is another guy, not invisible, with a little squirt gun, giving you a squirt every five minutes

you've learned to ignore the second guy, because he doesn't seem worth bothering with

suddenly you realize that he's giving you a squirt every four minutes, all the while the invisible guy is pouring five gallons over your head every five minutes

is it rational to become enraged at the guy with the squirt gun, because he's making you wetter than before?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Acid Rain was real, the hole in the ozone was real, the CO2 thing is real.
It's all real, we used to put lead in the gasoline.
When they started refining oil to make Kerosene for lamps they poured the gasoline into the nearest river because they couldn't think of a use for such a volatile liquid.
The only reason they were refining oil for kerosene was because they ran out of whales to make whale oil.
It's all about keeping the lights on, It's always been all about keeping the lights on.
Now we have LED lights that sip a fraction of the power our older lights did. And electric cars that can realistically replace our ICE cars. Soon it will be time to charge our cars with our own roof but now is not that time.
We are still pouring the gasoline into the river.
And by that I mean the sun is beating down on your tar shingle roof and the gas tank on your car isn't getting and fuller and we have the technology to make that the case.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
btw, for those of you following along at home - the invisible guy with the five gallon pail is the greenhouse gas "water vapor" and the guy with the squirt gun is the greenhouse gas called "carbon dioxide"

But how many squirts of the squirt gun equal how many gallons of water vapor?

Kit the Coyote

New member
imagine you are walking down a sidewalk for days on end

behind you is an invisible guy throwing a five-gallon bucket of water over your head every five minutes

you've come to accept that because you don't know anything about the invisible guy - what his motivations are, what you could do to make him stop, etc

also walking behind you is another guy, not invisible, with a little squirt gun, giving you a squirt every five minutes

you've learned to ignore the second guy because he doesn't seem worth bothering with

suddenly you realize that he's giving you a squirt every four minutes, all the while the invisible guy is pouring five gallons over your head every five minutes

is it rational to become enraged at the guy with the squirt gun, because he's making you wetter than before?

It is a nice analogy but it does not accurately represent the point of the discussion. So let's try to find something more representative. Say you are in a pit filled with water to your neck. There a man dumping water into the pit with a five-gallon bucket and another dumping water in with a measuring cup. But the man with the bucket is filling it by dropping it into the pit you are in, while the man with the cup is filling it from a city water tap. The bucket may be the biggest source of water falling into the pit but it is not going to change the water level appreciatively. While the man with the cup is eventually going to drown you.

Kit the Coyote

New member
But how many squirts of the squirt gun equal how many gallons of water vapor?

The problem with his analogy is that he is failing to understand that which greenhouse gas is more effective at capturing heat is not as relevant as which gas is significantly changing its levels in the environment.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The problem with his analogy is that he is failing to understand that which greenhouse gas is more effective at capturing heat is not as relevant as which gas is significantly changing its levels in the environment.

Pollution bad.
The debate he's having isn't even if pollution is bad or how bad.
The point of the OP is that Climate change is used a a cash grab, and said cash grab doesn't change anything other than moving cash around.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
But how many squirts of the squirt gun equal how many gallons of water vapor?

i didn't want to use water, but i really wanted to use the squirt gun :banana:

the takeaway is this: scientists who pretend they understand climate change are either deluded or lying

and scientists who think that ending fossil fuel use is a solution are dangerously deluded

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's all about keeping the lights on, It's always been all about keeping the lights on.

keeping the lights on and keeping your house warm in the winter and keeping your house cool in the summer

remember Jimmy Carter and his sweaters?


New member
and horn - you should be able to understand this (although I doubt you'll answer it):

If we could reset the earth's thermostat, based on your extensive knowledge of the controversy - what should we set it at?

What would be an ideal "global temperature"?

and giving consideration to the numerous examples of variation from the Greenland ice core data, what degree of variablity should be allowed?

how should we address a cooling trend such as that presented by #8, and the subsequent warming trend?

if we see a cooling trend such as that shown by #8 (which we will, inevitably), should we start pouring CO2 into the atmosphere?

and it should go without saying, but surely you'll recognize that the variation seen before 1800 has causes independent of human activity, yes?

Even if we could influence temperatures, have you ever seen what happens when a canoe is rocking and someone panics and so they stand up to try to correct the balance themselves? It doesn't always end well. Lots of examples of people getting stupid trying to "correct" the environment and they mess things up because they didn't understand it well enough to begin with.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you go ahead and ask green plants if carbon dioxide is pollution

They love it and take it up but we kill them at a huge rate.
We plow under rain forest to plant palm trees for oil.
North Americans dietary whims can change landscapes on the other side of the planet.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
keeping the lights on and keeping your house warm in the winter and keeping your house cool in the summer

remember Jimmy Carter and his sweaters?

Yup, and I remember McCain mocking Obama with tire pressure gauges.