ECT Get On the Road To Emmaus With Cleopas And His Friend Again

Right Divider

Body part
Do you really not see it?

Jesus is not going to be sitting on a throne when he is on the new earth.
He will sit on His throne BEFORE the new earth when He returns. Why don't you pay attention?

Luke 1:31-33 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:31) And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. (1:32) He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: (1:33) And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Isa 9:7 (AKJV/PCE)
(9:7) Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

Why do you not believe God and His Word?

God's Truth

New member
He will sit on His throne BEFORE the new earth when He returns. Why don't you pay attention?

Luke 1:31-33 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:31) And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. (1:32) He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: (1:33) And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Isa 9:7 (AKJV/PCE)
(9:7) Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

Why do you not believe God and His Word?

Didn't you say Jesus would sit on a throne on the new earth?


Well-known member
So you think he will sit on a throne on this earth the way it is now?

Yes, they do. One of the tenets of 2P2P thinking is that the 2nd plan (Israel) is unfinished business that has to take place on this earth. They will have that land "forever". So, the world has not been awaiting the Gospel of Christ, it has been awaiting the enthronement of Christ to be the world king. He'll be on TV, providing entitlements, etc to believers through people from Israel as enthroned rulers. The apostels will be brought back from heaven to do this. ETc.

2P2P has been repeated so much and so widely that it is Goebbelian in scope and impact. These dear people cannot think a thought without it filtering through "2P2P is true first" and then on to the rest of the verse.

God's Truth

New member
Yes, they do. One of the tenets of 2P2P thinking is that the 2nd plan (Israel) is unfinished business that has to take place on this earth. They will have that land "forever". So, the world has not been awaiting the Gospel of Christ, it has been awaiting the enthronement of Christ to be the world king. He'll be on TV, providing entitlements, etc to believers through people from Israel as enthroned rulers. The apostels will be brought back from heaven to do this. ETc.

2P2P has been repeated so much and so widely that it is Goebbelian in scope and impact. These dear people cannot think a thought without it filtering through "2P2P is true first" and then on to the rest of the verse.

Unbelievable, just unbelievable.

Jesus says when he comes again it will be as a thief in the night.

Don't they understand what a thief in the night means?

He will not come again to bear sin.

How will these Jews be saved if he does not bear sins anymore when he comes?


Well-known member
Unbelievable, just unbelievable.

Jesus says when he comes again it will be as a thief in the night.

Don't they understand what a thief in the night means?

He will not come again to bear sin.

How will these Jews be saved if he does not bear sins anymore when he comes?

I don't think that line has anything to do with that (bearing sin), just the people will be very surprised.

I have no idea what 'saved' means to them at that millenial time. It's this world...but evil is still around... They say that at the end of an exact 1000 years, Satan will be back to deceive and will succeed. It always makes me wonder what's the good of that kind of 1000 years if it ends that way and it is all destroyed anyway.

It is the imposition of a Judaic loop that I don't get. I know all of RD's arguments about separate thrones, and there are individual verses you can place on both sides of the equation. But when you look at the chapters (or at least longer sections) on the 2nd coming in the NT, there are no restored Israel aspects to it.

btw, disregard DanP's artificial NT vs D'ist parts of the NT; the chapters I'm referring to are in both either way, so that theory is another of many flops of D'ism.

God's Truth

New member
I don't think that line has anything to do with that (bearing sin), just the people will be very surprised.
Well, when Jesus comes as a thief in the night he is not coming to bear sin. That is about our being ready when he comes and not being caught in sin. We can't be caught in sin when he comes because he will not be bearing sin. He will come to resurrect the dead and save those who belong to him and save us from God's wrath on the world.

Don't you believe that Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb of God and his blood takes away the sins of the world? The Jews sacrificed animals to atone for their souls. That though was a teaching tool and not the reality.

So do the madists believe that Jesus is going to help the Jews sacrifice animals again?

I have no idea what 'saved' means to them at that millenial time.

We have to go through the body and blood of Jesus; so, I do wonder how they think that is going to happen for the Jews who reject Jesus when he will not come to bear sin.

It's this world...but evil is still around...
As if Jesus is going to give up his glorious throne in heaven for an earthly throne. It's a footstool.

They say that at the end of an exact 1000 years, Satan will be back to deceive and will succeed. It always makes me wonder what's the good of that kind of 1000 years if it ends that way and it is all destroyed anyway.
You are explaining more to me about their beliefs than they do, even though I have requested it many times.
It is the imposition of a Judaic loop that I don't get. I know all of RD's arguments about separate thrones, and there are individual verses you can place on both sides of the equation. But when you look at the chapters (or at least longer sections) on the 2nd coming in the NT, there are no restored Israel aspects to it.
Since Jesus is God, then he must be God the Father with a physical body, because there is only one God and He is the Father. There is no one like Him or besides Him. Jesus is sitting on the Father's throne and it is Jesus' throne. The scripture plainly says that it is the throne of God and the Lamb.


Well-known member
Well, when Jesus comes as a thief in the night he is not coming to bear sin. That is about our being ready when he comes and not being caught in sin. We can't be caught in sin when he comes because he will not be bearing sin. He will come to resurrect the dead and save those who belong to him and save us from God's wrath on the world.

Don't you believe that Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb of God and his blood takes away the sins of the world? The Jews sacrificed animals to atone for their souls. That though was a teaching tool and not the reality.

So do the madists believe that Jesus is going to help the Jews sacrifice animals again?

We have to go through the body and blood of Jesus; so, I do wonder how they think that is going to happen for the Jews who reject Jesus when he will not come to bear sin.

As if Jesus is going to give up his glorious throne in heaven for an earthly throne. It's a footstool.

You are explaining more to me about their beliefs than they do, even though I have requested it many times.

Since Jesus is God, then he must be God the Father with a physical body, because there is only one God and He is the Father. There is no one like Him or besides Him. Jesus is sitting on the Father's throne and it is Jesus' throne. The scripture plainly says that it is the throne of God and the Lamb.

But RD will just quote is fav verse back. You need broader theological structures, not just one verse. He has already done this when I showed him what Heb 1:8 was saying (about the Son's throne, 'Your throne O God is forever...'). He went and found his prooftext and sent it back, because that is all 2P2P has. They don't have, or don't know of, the real structure of the NT. Many have never heard the shadow-to-reality expression. It would destroy 2P2P if they did.

God's Truth

New member
When the LORD returns, it will most definitely be to this earth.

The new heaven and the new earth are NOT COMPLETE REPLACEMENTS.

They are a restoration to the way that they were at creation, before the curse and without sin and corruption.

Tell me why you think Jews who reject Jesus are going to get some extra chance and why do they get this extra chance, because they happened to be blood related to Abraham???

Are they Jews who are brought back to life since the time of Jesus?

Are all brought back to life to have a second chance or just Jews alive at his coming?

All humans have their lifetime, even after the death of their bodies to live according to God.

Jesus called the Jews who reject him 'children of the devil'.

Children of the devil must repent and turn into lambs.

As for the restoration, it has already happened.

God's Truth

New member
I love a loaded question as much as the next guy....

He will "clean house" when He returns to setup His kingdom. Just like scripture says.

How do you get it is a loaded question? I am trying to understand your beliefs and be persuaded if it is the truth.

So then, you say Jesus will clean up the earth before he lives on it. How will he do that? Is he going to put up with our pot holes in the roads? Will there be guaranteed no electric black outs? Will there ever be plumbing problems? Will we have to dust the temple?

Don't you see Jesus is not going to live with us on earth until we have a new earth?

Right Divider

Body part
Tell me why you think Jews who reject Jesus are going to get some extra chance and why do they get this extra chance, because they happened to be blood related to Abraham???
Please feel free to QUOTE the POST where I said that. I did not.

As for the restoration, it has already happened.
The restoration of Acts 1:6 has not happened yet.

There are still MANY things that will be restored.

Right Divider

Body part
How do you get it is a loaded question? I am trying to understand your beliefs and be persuaded if it is the truth.

So then, you say Jesus will clean up the earth before he lives on it. How will he do that? Is he going to put up with our pot holes in the roads? Will there be guaranteed no electric black outs? Will there ever be plumbing problems? Will we have to dust the temple?

Don't you see Jesus is not going to live with us on earth until we have a new earth?
No, I don't

Jesus will come to the earth when He lands on the Mount of Olives. Zechariah 14:4, Acts 1:11

He will come in judgment at that time.

In the new heaven and the new earth, such a judgment will not be necessary.

Your second paragraph is very funny.