Free Will


New member
Adam reacted to what Eve had done. Adam saw the immediate effect that rebellion had on her and Adam became a sinner for his bride, out of love. The Last Adam became sin for His bride, out of love. Selah.

Immaterial ! God told Adam not to and he did...Adam exercised his will !

Now you are left with if God intended for Adam to rebel against Him then HE WOULD BE DISHONEST AND A LIAR FOR TELLING Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.God NEVER lied so Adam had a will and he exercised that will when he disobeyed God.


New member
Immaterial ! God told Adam not to and he did...Adam exercised his will !

Now you are left with if God intended for Adam to rebel against Him then HE WOULD BE DISHONEST AND A LIAR FOR TELLING Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.God NEVER lied so Adam had a will and he exercised that will when he disobeyed God.

Adam acted out of love for the woman and even blamed the Almighty for giving him the woman. "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat".

What Adam himself was saying is that his will was subject to the woman. Doesn't sound free.


New member
Adam acted out of love for the woman and even blamed the Almighty for giving him the woman. "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat".

What Adam himself was saying is that his will was subject to the woman. Doesn't sound free.

Why are you ignoring Eve ? I am sure she knew the command to not eat off of that tree. She disobeyed God which was her choice.

Adam made a choice ( free will ) to do as Eve did. No matter how you slice and dice it it was his and her choice to disobey God.
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New member
You're a repeat of the anti calvinists here. You're like pate. Repeats mindlessly over and over. I'm outta here. Bunch of reruns

It is the fault of Calvinist if they ignore and try to change scripture to fit into their box, and not anyone else.

It is because you ignore scripture over and over.


New member
Why are you ignoring Eve ? I am sure she knew the command to not eat off of that tree. She disobeyed God which was her choice.

Adam made a choice ( free will ) to do as Eve did. No matter how you slice and dice it it was his and her a choice to disobey God.

People like yourself can only accept the Eternal Almighty as being so only as far as your unregenerate carnal mind allows.


New member
People like yourself can only accept the Eternal Almighty as being so only as far as your unregenerate carnal mind allows.

Un-like some I actually believe and rely on scripture and generally ignore what people think and cannot support with scripture.

You keep following what men say and you just might hear Jesus say ," I never knew you".

Carnal is ignoring scripture to hold on to your false beliefs.
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New member
Un-like some I actually believe and rely on scripture and generally ignore what people think and cannot support with scripture.

You keep following what men say and you just might here Jesus say ," I never knew you".

Carnal is ignoring scripture to hold on to your false beliefs.

You might read scripture, but you certainly don't understand the scriptures, nor the doctrine they hold. The context in which you use words proves you have no understanding of what words mean. Everything you do, you do parrot fashion. A parrot repeats words over and over, but the parrot cannot hold a conversation, because it lacks understanding.


New member
Free will is a vain thing:

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?" Psalm 2:1

Imagine a vain thing; what they shall never be able to effect; and if they could, it would do them no good, as they fancy, but great hurt. (MP)

patrick jane

You might read scripture, but you certainly don't understand the scriptures, nor the doctrine they hold. The context in which you use words proves you have no understanding of what words mean. Everything you do, you do parrot fashion. A parrot repeats words over and over, but the parrot cannot hold a conversation, because it lacks understanding.
Are you a false teacher?


New member
Are you a false teacher?

I know, for an absolute fact, that wherever I am. Whatever I'm thinking, saying or doing. That I am in the centre of the will of the Eternal Father for my life, my salvation and my sanctification. Truth set me free and continual revelations of truth keep me in the liberty that is my portion as an heir of promise.

patrick jane

I know, for an absolute fact, that wherever I am. Whatever I'm thinking, saying or doing. That I am in the centre of the will of the Eternal Father for my life, my salvation and my sanctification. Truth set me free and continual revelations of truth keep me in the liberty that is my portion as an heir of promise.
You never have any doubt? So, your faith is greater than a grain of mustard seed?


New member
You never have any doubt? So, your faith is greater than a grain of mustard seed?

I have been exposed to spiritual assaults you couldn't possible imagine. I have been through my own share of trials. I have been subject to John 15:2 KJV and during trials I have often felt alone, but only momentarily. A regenerate man never comes out of a trial the same as when he entered in. And this is what I've found to be true. I am in the midst of a trial at the moment and to be honest, I relish the result, I know that will be at the end of it.

You ask if I doubt and I'm still inquiring of myself as to if doubt is the correct term? Doubt what specifically?

The existence of the Creator and sustainer of all...never doubt that.
Do I doubt His Holiness, justice, sovereignty...couldn't possibly doubt that.
Do I doubt His ability to save the most wretched of men...No, I'm proof of that.

Having said that I remember taking all these things and more before Him in prayer and suggesting that with me He has made a mistake and that He should just throw me back into world. Then I remembered Peter saying, "depart from me Adonai for I am a sinful man". The sword of the spirit and the shield of trust have their daily uses and I am armed for the fight against grace and through trust. The armour is specific doctrine related to the piece and putting on each piece comes through discovery of each truth, related to the piece of armour, beyond doubt.
I think "beyond doubt" sums it up nicely.

Can a man doubt himself to death? No, but if a man walks in doubt, that man is not alive in the Truth and does not "live by trust".

I am sitting 16 feet from where I was standing when converted. Satan has come along with a plate of doubt occasionally and invites me to eat. I always ask him to explain what happened on that spot on July 17th 1999 at 10:30am. He then departs.

I was passive in my conversion. The Eternal Almighty did it and so there is no room for me to doubt anything that I have done, because I didn't do anything.

Thank you for the question. Blessings are coming out of my to speak!


New member

I was taken to a place, both geographically and spiritually, three weeks ago. I did something I have never, ever done before and wrote down my feelings and questions at that time sitting in my car:

Either the Eternal Almighty is taking me to the edge of despair
so that I should be humbled by the experience.
Or He wishes to destroy me after afflicting me
with a concoction of tribulation and anguish.
I feel His hot displeasure.
He is upright and His judgements are just.
I am not deserving of His smallest of mercies.
It is my hope that He is humbling me.
Why won't I bend?
Will He break me in the process I wonder?
I have nobody on earth but Thee and in heaven I have Thee.
What more shall I want, what else can I need?

Let Thy will be done even Thy good and just will.
Have mercy upon me Father for I am weak.
I need your empowering Spirit and the breath of life.
Hearken unto my cries, even my silent cries
Let my exasperation become pleading at thy face.

I awoke the next morning, he had restored my soul, I was different.


New member
You might read scripture, but you certainly don't understand the scriptures, nor the doctrine they hold. The context in which you use words proves you have no understanding of what words mean. Everything you do, you do parrot fashion. A parrot repeats words over and over, but the parrot cannot hold a conversation, because it lacks understanding.

lol, You have no clue of context of scripture because it proves you are wrong.


New member
That is so, so clever of you. Taking my words and jumbling them and sending them back. Uninspired, obviously.

It is not about "me" or "you" it is about what God said, and you are so caught up in "you" the context of God's words seems to be invisible to you.

God gives people a choice as in Jesus saying ,"come unto me " etc. You present yourself as an authority and if that is the case WHO are you being an authority for, because it surely is not God ?