Free Will

Bright Raven

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Show me a scripture that says man has a freewill!

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Bible Verses About Free Will

Bible verses related to Free Will from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order

Proverbs 16:9 - A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.

Joshua 24:15 - And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

John 7:17 - If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or [whether] I speak of myself.

Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

1 Corinthians 10:13 - There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it].

John 1:12-13 - But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name: (Read More...)

2 Timothy 2:26 - And [that] they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Galatians 5:16-17 - [This] I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Read More...)

Romans 10:9-10 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Read More...)

Genesis 2:16-17 - And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: (Read More...)

Psalms 37:23 - The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 - I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: (Read More...)

Romans 13:2 - Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

Mark 8:34 - And when he had called the people [unto him] with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Ezekiel 18:30-32 - Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn [yourselves] from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin. (Read More...)


I know right, these folks are desperate.

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You could learn much from [MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION]. You and [MENTION=15399]Nanja[/MENTION] both do a great disservice to Christians who partially adopt Reformed teachings. [MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION] needs to wrench you both up by the collar and drag you to the wood shed.

I genuinely say this. Though my assertions towards reformed theology remain, men like AMR and [MENTION=10685]Brother Ducky[/MENTION] place Jesus above the Calvin. You both believe in a sort of Calvin's Jesus.

I publicly rebuke both of you in the name of Jesus Christ.

#Nope... don't care what you say in return.
#Wiping the dust off and engaging ignore to both of you Christianity smearing bafoons!


Eclectic Theosophist
The 'God' who passes over you...............

The 'God' who passes over you...............

You can only speak of the god of your own understanding.

As can you :) - we are each sharing our 'understanding', 'knowledge' or 'insight' presently possessed, articulating such as we know how. I continue to share my perspectives which I feel are touching on important points regarding 'free will', its implications, extensions and import. I'm also open to reconsider my viewpoints and have them 'modified' or 'adjusted' if better understanding or knowledge is forthcoming, are you? - this includes both intellectual and spiritual understanding, wisdom and foresight. - knowledge and revelation is progressive, unless you already have complete and absolute knowledge of anything, and at present the only Being that has such, is 'God' ;)

But that's not God.

Again,...we are merely comparing one's understanding of 'God' with another understanding :sherlock: - if we are students of truth, we are ever available to become 'learned' on any given subject, open to continuous revelation.

Eph. 4:18
Having the understanding darkened,
being alienated from the life of God
through the ignorance that is in them,
because of the blindness of their heart

This passage used as a 'polemic' device here does not pertain to the subject at hand, but is a general description from Paul on religious life in Christ in general. Our specific topic concerning 'free will' is more complex, despite your favor of using Paul's writings to support your particular 'theology' ;) Elsewhwere as we have seen, the Orthodox Jewish position does not so much favor your particularities, much less the concept of 'original sin' which is played by Christian theologians to emphasize their assumed need of being 'redeemed' therefrom. It might be more profitable for discussion sake to address your own particular understanding and definition of 'free will', and here I use this term general to refer to 'freedom of choice'. While the term 'free will' can have its confused connotations, its popular nuance here will suffice to use in our dialogue. Obviously 'free will' while indicating a measure or degree of actual 'freedom of choice' in any given event, also includes the consideration that such 'liberties' are naturally limited or constrained within any given situational-context where different influences may pertain. Debate usually is on the particular points of actual freedom, factors that influence choice and how these relate to divine decree or providence.

To reiterate, are you assuming the 'double predestination' view that souls are pre-ordained by a decree at some point in eternity past, to be either 'saved' or 'unsaved', and that there is nothing whatsoever a soul can do to choose against what was predestined or pre-ordained by decree at that point in eternity past? (in this case to either 'salvation' or 'damnation')? If so this violates the essential proposition of God's very nature as Love, and his will that all be saved, giving the opportunity of salvation and eternal life for all who so would choose to respond to Love's call. The very assumption of what Calvinists refer to as 'Preterition' (the passing over sinner's left to their own devices, iniquity and damnation, to run its own course with no saving grace given, being 'ommitted'(being passed over) not included in his divine will).... discounts and impugns the very character of Deity. This 'version' of 'God' is selfish, arbitrary, egotistical, partial, divided and self-aggrandizing. Such a 'belief' is repugnant to reason, insane to logic, and diametrically opposed to Love. It is further unreasonable or absurd to believe that this 'God' actually CHOOSES to damn thousands of souls to hellfire, to somehow make his love or greatness...more glorious! This is the epitome of retarded logic, to say nothing of religious insanity. - and that's just for starters.....

RC Sproul attempts to show a more refined Reformed Theology position here, separating it from 'hyper-calvinism', as if to present it as more 'sanitized' or justified,....since the softer Reformed position does all it can not to lay the cause of man's damnation on God himself. Unfortunately, 'Preterition', God is passing by thousands of souls, not choosing to save them, withdrawing his grace from them. Just letting them DIE, allowing them to perish, not extending one iota of help or relief (totally abandoning them). This is the case, no matter what 'version' of 'Calvinism' or 'Reformed Theology' you espouse. If any contest this, feel free to expound. It was noted earlier by AMR that his brand of Calvinism differs from the more 'hyper' or 'heretical' form of Calvinism espoused by b57 and Nanja. Whether you 'hyper' season the stew, or just 'soft boil' it in the Calvinist kitchen, 'Preterition'...God is 'passing over'(abandoning) thousands of souls, choosing not to save them, when in His omnipotence....He COULD extend to them the grace to be saved, at least the opportunity. Even this he refuses. The nature and character of such a 'God' speaks for itself. - and a scary, heartless, monster of a 'god' is what you have.


New member
As can you :) - we are each sharing our 'understanding', 'knowledge' or 'insight' presently possessed, articulating such as we know how. I continue to share my perspectives which I feel are touching on important points regarding 'free will', its implications, extensions and import. I'm also open to reconsider my viewpoints and have them 'modified' or 'adjusted' if better understanding or knowledge is forthcoming, are you? - this includes both intellectual and spiritual understanding, wisdom and foresight. - knowledge and revelation is progressive, unless you already have complete and absolute knowledge of anything, and at present the only Being that has such, is 'God' ;)

Again,...we are merely comparing one's understanding of 'God' with another understanding :sherlock: - if we are students of truth, we are ever available to become 'learned' on any given subject, open to continuous revelation.

This passage used as a 'polemic' device here does not pertain to the subject at hand, but is a general description from Paul on religious life in Christ in general. Our specific topic concerning 'free will' is more complex, despite your favor of using Paul's writings to support your particular 'theology' ;) Elsewhwere as we have seen, the Orthodox Jewish position does not so much favor your particularities, much less the concept of 'original sin' which is played by Christian theologians to emphasize their assumed need of being 'redeemed' therefrom. It might be more profitable for discussion sake to address your own particular understanding and definition of 'free will', and here I use this term general to refer to 'freedom of choice'. While the term 'free will' can have its confused connotations, its popular nuance here will suffice to use in our dialogue. Obviously 'free will' while indicating a measure or degree of actual 'freedom of choice' in any given event, also includes the consideration that such 'liberties' are naturally limited or constrained within any given situational-context where different influences may pertain. Debate usually is on the particular points of actual freedom, factors that influence choice and how these relate to divine decree or providence.

To reiterate, are you assuming the 'double predestination' view that souls are pre-ordained by a decree at some point in eternity past, to be either 'saved' or 'unsaved', and that there is nothing whatsoever a soul can do to choose against what was predestined or pre-ordained by decree at that point in eternity past? (in this case to either 'salvation' or 'damnation')? If so this violates the essential proposition of God's very nature as Love, and his will that all be saved, giving the opportunity of salvation and eternal life for all who so would choose to respond to Love's call. The very assumption of what Calvinists refer to as 'Preterition' (the passing over sinner's left to their own devices, iniquity and damnation, to run its own course with no saving grace given, being 'ommitted'(being passed over) not included in his divine will).... discounts and impugns the very character of Deity. This 'version' of 'God' is selfish, arbitrary, egotistical, partial, divided and self-aggrandizing. Such a 'belief' is repugnant to reason, insane to logic, and diametrically opposed to Love. It is further unreasonable or absurd to believe that this 'God' actually CHOOSES to damn thousands of souls to hellfire, to somehow make his love or greatness...more glorious! This is the epitome of retarded logic, to say nothing of religious insanity. - and that's just for starters.....

RC Sproul attempts to show a more refined Reformed Theology position here, separating it from 'hyper-calvinism', as if to present it as more 'sanitized' or justified,....since the softer Reformed position does all it can not to lay the cause of man's damnation on God himself. Unfortunately, 'Preterition', God is passing by thousands of souls, not choosing to save them, withdrawing his grace from them. Just letting them DIE, allowing them to perish, not extending one iota of help or relief (totally abandoning them). This is the case, no matter what 'version' of 'Calvinism' or 'Reformed Theology' you espouse. If any contest this, feel free to expound. It was noted earlier by AMR that his brand of Calvinism differs from the more 'hyper' or 'heretical' form of Calvinism espoused by b57 and Nanja. Whether you 'hyper' season the stew, or just 'soft boil' it in the Calvinist kitchen, 'Preterition'...God is 'passing over'(abandoning) thousands of souls, choosing not to save them, when in His omnipotence....He COULD extend to them the grace to be saved, at least the opportunity. Even this he refuses. The nature and character of such a 'God' speaks for itself. - and a scary, heartless, monster of a 'god' is what you have.

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Well-known member
Nanja do you believe God is controlling your free will?

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My will is not free, but has been predestined by Him who works all things according to His Will Eph. 1:11.

And I'm so glad and Blessed that He has!

To God be the Glory!


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Then it really is quite a shame that one can be so clouded and decieved as to be vailed to what is actually true on every level. Of course I speak of the think you are seemingly oblivious to, that being free will.

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You are deceived.

God's Word is clear that there's no such thing as freewill of man!

Dan. 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

If you can't see that you are not of God!

John 8:47
He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.