Free Will


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If it is not free, it is not a will.

What scripture says that?

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Do we have a responsibility to submit? Any responsibilities? Or just all a puppet show?

Read my threads on what I believe. In the meantime you are proud and a boaster.

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This is exactly what b57 said to me when I started asking simple questions about his core beliefs. He refuses to answer because he knows that to do so would undermine his entire theology.

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Eclectic Theosophist
More at hand here than cherry picking a few passages.......

More at hand here than cherry picking a few passages.......

Prov 16:4
The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

That includes the will of man.

Within divine providence, all choices and actions bear their own consequences, so in this sense the Lord has made all things (laws, principles, cause/effects) as inherent within his creation. A 'day of evil' is a state of existence that came into being because the right conditions for its expression came about, so these would be taken care of within divine providence by the law of karma ('karma' here simply means 'actions and their corresponding results')...its a universal law, - whatever seeds you sow, you reap the harvest of that 'kind' of seed. - (measure for measure).

The various factors that affect or influence the will of man in his choice-making, can be both from interior and exterior factors. Some may be 'uncaused' or 'caused', having some indeterminate and determining influence. Each choice, situation and circumstance would have so many influencers within that given space and time unique to any given 'choice-context'. - there is more going on, both unknown and recognized elements of possible/potential influence. - part of the debate on 'free will' is ascertaining what factors play a genuine role in the 'determining' process.

God's Truth

New member
I have tried to have an open debate with you. You don't seem willing to do the same. "Be prepared to give an answer".

Outsider will see your reluctance to the demise of your point of view.

I have been debating beloved57 for many years here and in other forums. He resorts to merely repeating the same scriptures as a defense, even though he does not understand those scriptures. He will not discuss deeply with anyone who goes against Calvinism.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
I have been debating beloved57 for many years here and in other forums. He resorts to merely repeating the same scriptures as a defense, even though he does not understand those scriptures. He will not discuss deeply with anyone who goes against Calvinism.

Thank you. I dont mean to offend b57, but to show the futility of the tactics.


God gave man free will. By "free will" I mean the moral ability to choose according to our greatest inclinations at the moment we so choose.

No, what conscripted Soldier had the inclination to run up a beach over a load of dead buddies on D-DAY ?

Just one example. 911, Firemen another.

AMR, your premise is bunk.


Well-known member
A 'day of evil' is a state of existence that came into being because the right conditions for its expression came about, so these would be taken care of within divine providence by the law of karma ('karma' here simply means 'actions and their corresponding results')...its a universal law, - whatever seeds you sow, you reap the harvest of that 'kind' of seed. - (measure for measure).

The various factors that affect or influence the will of man in his choice-making, can be both from interior and exterior factors. Some may be 'uncaused' or 'caused', having some indeterminate and determining influence. Each choice, situation and circumstance would have so many influencers within that given space and time unique to any given 'choice-context'. - there is more going on, both unknown and recognized elements of possible/potential influence. - part of the debate on 'free will' is ascertaining what factors play a genuine role in the 'determining' process.

That's just human reasoning.

The day of evil in Prov. 16:4, is the Day of Judgment for the vessels of wrath God fitted for destruction Rom. 9:22, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction 2 Thes. 1:9.

God created all men according to the counsel of His own Will/Purpose Eph. 1:11.
And He predetermined an amount and group of people that are the wicked.

He made them for Himself, to demonstrate His Power in His forming of them as His Vessels of Wrath Rom. 9:22.

Jude 1:4
For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Job 23:13-14
13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.
14 For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.


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Read my threads. In the mean time grovel in your pride and boasting !
Your arrogance is sinful. Stop now.

1 Corinthians 10:12
"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."

Proverbs 16:18
"Pride*goes*before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before a fall."

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