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God's Truth

New member
Here is the truth.

GOD repented, several times in scripture.

Here's your lie.

It's still a lie, GT.
And what is really sad is that you will continue to spread that same lie, in direct opposition of scripture.

No matter how many times you say it, I will rebuke you with the truth.

We humans have to repent of our sins.

God's Truth

New member
Then why do you keep teaching this same lie over and over?

Here's GOD repenting again.

Psalms 106:45 KJV
(45) And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies.

GT's version:
(45) And he remembered for them his covenant, and stopped sinning according to the multitude of his mercies.

Stop the lying, GT.

God does not repent of sins, we do.

What kind of person would ever think our repenting of sins means God had to then?


New member
Your friend Truster is laughing at you for saying that.

Actually, I joined in with the fun. You are so adamant that heart means heart as a blood pump and nothing else. Then it follows, by your rule, that valley of death must be a valley and nothing else. :dunce:

God's Truth

New member
Actually, I joined in with the fun. You are so adamant that heart means heart as a blood pump and nothing else. Then it follows, by your rule, that valley of death must be a valley and nothing else. :dunce:

The valley of death is a real valley leading to death. The heart that pumps blood, inside that is where our emotions are. Just believe God.


New member
The valley of death is a real valley leading to death. The heart that pumps blood, inside that is where our emotions are. Just believe God.

Don't you realise how stupid you are? My nephew, at the age of 9 years, had a better grip and understanding of theology than you.

God's Truth

New member
GOD repented.
Which is why what you teach is a lie.

GOD repented.
Obviously "repented" does not mean "stopped sinning", as you repeatedly claim.
Stop the lies, GT.

God does not repent of sins we do.

If you do not repent of sin, you will perish.
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