Former Vice President Joe Biden had sharp words of advice for President Trump

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

"The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour."

Given that "Grosnick Marowbe" dismisses the "Access Hollywood" tape as "OLD NEWS," can he provide us with any reason to believe that Donald Trump's attitudes and behaviours concerning woman have dramatically changed?

Many had hoped that "The Donald" would tone down his rhetoric and start acting more "presidential" once he took office - that hasn't happened and his reported effort to pay Stormy Daniels $130 000 in "hush money" to buy her silence just before the 2016 Election suggests there are many more "skeletons" buried in the Trump closet!


I don't know if you're a male or a female, however, when I was in my 20s I worked in a manufacturing factory with a bunch of other guys and heard things coming out of their mouths, far worse than what Trump alluded to. It's called "locker talk." I've heard from a female friend of mine that told me that, women can be far worse than men when it comes to "locker talk." If you were lucky enough to not have to work for a living, perhaps you never heard such things discussed? Trump was only saying that rich celebrities are magnets for women who will allow themselves to be taken advantage of. He never actually "chronicled" any of his personal exploits to my knowledge? Such is life.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, I didn't accuse Uncle Joe of assaulting anyone, I merely brought to attention his penchant for getting "touchy-feely" with females from 8 to 80. Some may consider that assault and some may not, I just find it 'inappropriate behavior.' Are you as "focused" on your Queen as you are our President? Since you live in the U.K. I find it rather odd, you have such a fascination with the leadership here in the USA? After all, what goes on here doesn't really affect the Brits. Know what I mean? Probably not.

Believe it or not GM, what goes on in the USA doesn't just affect Americans and it is a concern for people outside of your neck of the woods when some posturing dope happens to be sitting in one of the most powerful positions of office in the world. Know what I mean? Probably not. Frankly, your double standards where it comes to 'inappropriate behaviour' would almost be laughable.

The Barbarian

I don't know if you're a male or a female, however, when I was in my 20s I worked in a manufacturing factory with a bunch of other guys and heard things coming out of their mouths, far worse than what Trump alluded to. It's called "locker talk."

If you think so, you've never been in a locker room:

Unsurprisingly, professional athletes grew irate at the insinuation that similar lewd remarks were commonplace in men's locker rooms. Here's what they had to say.

In my experience, even a HS locker room wouldn't tolerate some slimey kid bragging about sexual assault.

I've heard from a female friend of mine that told me that, women can be far worse than men when it comes to "locker talk." If you were lucky enough to not have to work for a living, perhaps you never heard such things discussed?

Summers between high school and college, I drove spikes on track gangs. Those old gandies were truly foul-mouthed when women weren't around. Not one of them bragged about sexually assaulting women. They were rough, undeducated men, but they were men.

Which is why Trump doesn't get it.


Biden is that guy who lies to the ladies to bed them. Trump was the guy they could hate, date then blame it all on him. It’s psychology. The loose women he abused could give in because after all, trump was a dirty dog. Do you see the difference my friends? One lying full time to achieve the same goal while the other wasn’t hiding behind the false appearance of being a gentleman. Simple

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Well-known member
If you think so, you've never been in a locker room:

Unsurprisingly, professional athletes grew irate at the insinuation that similar lewd remarks were commonplace in men's locker rooms. Here's what they had to say.

You libs really think people are naive, don't you?

I've heard talk like that outside of any locker room.


Well-known member
Biden is that guy who lies to the ladies to bed them. Trump was the guy they could hate, date then blame it all on him. It’s psychology. The loose women he abused could give in because after all, trump was a dirty dog. Do you see the difference my friends? One lying full time to achieve the same goal while the other wasn’t hiding behind the false appearance of being a gentleman. Simple

Yep...they all have their own MO.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
If you think so, you've never been in a locker room:

Unsurprisingly, professional athletes grew irate at the insinuation that similar lewd remarks were commonplace in men's locker rooms. Here's what they had to say.

You libs really think people are naive, don't you?

I think you're naive, if you think that's what guys say in locker rooms. No guy wants to admit sexual assault; it's a humiliating admission that one can't attract females.

Not that Trump understands that. The closest he's come to a locker room is barging into a dressing room of semi-nude 15-year-old girls at a beauty contest.

I've heard talk like that outside of any locker room.

Planet Hollywood tape,for example. Not locker rooms. Guys have more pride than that.


Barbarian observes:
If you think so, you've never been in a locker room:

Unsurprisingly, professional athletes grew irate at the insinuation that similar lewd remarks were commonplace in men's locker rooms. Here's what they had to say.

I think you're naive, if you think that's what guys say in locker rooms. No guy wants to admit sexual assault; it's a humiliating admission that one can't attract females.

Not that Trump understands that. The closest he's come to a locker room is barging into a dressing room of semi-nude 15-year-old girls at a beauty contest.

Planet Hollywood tape,for example. Not locker rooms. Guys have more pride than that.

Wrong. Unlike you some men can have women all day long and say whatever they like. Especially athletes.

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The Barbarian

Wrong. Unlike you some men can have women all day long

Get yourself a good one, and you won't want any more than one. Real men know that, just as they know better than to brag about sexual assaults when they are in locker rooms.

By they way, you forgot to support your claim:
Biden is that guy who lies to the ladies to bed them.

I'm beginning to suspect that you just made it up and lied to us. Care to clear that up? I'll be asking again, if you forget.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The Dems are so desperate they actually quote the clown Biden, who said that Obama is "clean":

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

Who can take this guy seriously?


Former Vice President Joe Biden had sharp words of advice for President Trump - grow up

Maybe should have been "get out of the diapers."

But then....