Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Hall of Fame
You are like a little kid catching a grownup making a simple, mundane mistake

You are confused. I AM the grownup who keeps catching another *supposed* grownup who acts like a child when confronted with her errors.


New member
And I will just take note of your continued desperation ... :chuckle:

If you define desperation as a synonym for fun. :devil:

You wouldn't know until AFTER they exposed others ...

Not if I was warned of measles outbreak and possible exposure to a sick child. You treat anything you don't want to spread like Ebola. Problem solved. Don't wait for symptoms.

That wasn't the argument. Any parent and child could argue that they should not be forced to wear or be prohibited from wearing something. The school does not need to make special rules based on the baseless whims of parents.

We're not talking baseless.

"Schools enjoy substantial discretion in adopting policies relating to student dress and school uniforms. Students generally have no Federal right to be exempted from religiously-neutral and generally applicable school dress rules based on their religious beliefs or practices; however, schools may not single out religious attire in general, or attire of a particular religion, for prohibition or regulation. Students may display religious messages on items of clothing to the same extent that they are permitted to display other comparable messages. Religious messages may not be singled out for suppression, but rather are subject to the same rules as generally apply to comparable messages."

Bad example. Religious clothing requirements are respected.

The fact is you do not care whether or not the non-vax children are a health risks to others.

You are a bigoted Fascist who hates Libertarian principles from what I can gather. If you want to call opinion of others "fact" then that's mine.

You cannot say we don't care. We didn't let our kids play with the neighbors when they were sick. But a neighbor kid who goes to public school was all over the place, even at school while contagious. That's not right, vaccinated or not. That's not thoughtful at all.


New member
You are confused. I AM the grownup who keeps catching another *supposed* grownup who acts like a child when confronted with her errors.

You are the "grownup" who acts like a little kid when you see a doctor make a mistake. Whoopee. Research shows doctors are regular grownups like you and make plenty of mistakes all the time. Would you like me to rub your nose in it or will you concede?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Says the man who owns and rides horses and puts his daughters on them.
And our lives are better for it.

And I don't put your kids at risk. Your kids would never see mine in town spreading communicable diseases. Yours may or may not be killed by a horse.
No, you don't put my kids at risk as they have been vaccinated against a disease that your kids might have. Remember that 4 day period where your kids are asymptomatic yet highly contagious? By the time you figure out your kids are sick, too late. They have potentially already spread it around some.


New member
And our lives are better for it.

No, you don't put my kids at risk as they have been vaccinated against a disease that your kids might have. Remember that 4 day period where your kids are asymptomatic yet highly contagious? By the time you figure out your kids are sick, too late. They have potentially already spread it around some.

That asymptomatic period is a time when you should already know if they've been exposed to a sick person. You don't wait for symptoms. Anything you don't want to spread, treat it like Ebola.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
That asymptomatic period is a time when you should already know if they've been exposed to a sick person. You don't wait for symptoms. Anything you don't want to spread, treat it like Ebola.

Should being the key word there. The fact is, you have no idea if you have been exposed in the first place nor to what you were exposed to in the second place.

You may be exposed by somebody in their own asymptomatic stage so you have no idea that you were exposed. Once you have symptoms, what are they symptoms of? Measles? Common cold? Flu?

Your model to prevent your kids spreading something only works if you maintain constant isolation.
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Hall of Fame
You are the "grownup" who acts like a little kid when you see a doctor make a mistake. Whoopee.

:chuckle: If not for the source, I would consider that an insult.

Research shows doctors are regular grownups like you and make plenty of mistakes all the time. Would you like me to rub your nose in it or will you concede?

Concede what? You have offered absolutely nothing worthy of consideration that should sway any school districts opinions to change their policies.


Hall of Fame
If you define desperation as a synonym for fun. :devil:

:chuckle: At your own expense. I am perfectly satisfied with schools requiring vaccination. Unlike yourself, the situation with vaccines does not get me all riled up. :)

Not if I was warned of measles outbreak and possible exposure to a sick child. You treat anything you don't want to spread like Ebola. Problem solved. Don't wait for symptoms.

What a mature approach. Knowing PRIOR to those little spots appearing on the kid your child played with two days ago. :think:

We're not talking baseless.

Your whims compared to the danger of the disease = baseless.

Bad example. Religious clothing requirements are respected.

No ... it's not. It's an example of the fact that rules are for ALL children and parents, not just those you agree with. Not that I have a problem with parents who refuse making other arrangements for their children on their own dime. :)

You are a bigoted Fascist who hates Libertarian principles from what I can gather. If you want to call opinion of others "fact" then that's mine.

And you are small-mind child who believes if she shouts loudly enough and pretends to know what she is talking about, people will take you seriously. FTR, a few like-minded people will. :)

You cannot say we don't care.

Not without you constantly reinforcing the fact ... which you continue to do.

We didn't let our kids play with the neighbors when they were sick.

Incubation period. Big whoop ... not knowing they are contagious isn't the same as keeping them FROM getting a disease in the first place.

But a neighbor kid who goes to public school was all over the place, even at school while contagious. That's not right, vaccinated or not. That's not thoughtful at all.

If the child was vaccinated, his parents are showing far more consideration than you are.


Well-known member
First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers

First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers

Pretend that doctors and scientists who are critical of vaccines – doctors like Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Robert Sears, Dr. Kenneth Stoller, Dr. Robert Rowen, Dr. Janet Levatin, Dr. Stephanie Cave, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Jay Gordon, Dr. Jane Orient, and many of the members of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, CDC researcher Dr. William Thompson, and all of the doctors and scientists listed here and here – don’t exist. Because really, if you don’t write about them, they don’t.


Well-known member
I had a friend that was a corpsman in the Navy that tried to explain to me an anomaly he had noticed that he called "Doctoritis". I would come to better understand what he was trying to describe when I later heard a doctor opine that "If these nurses just understood that we were the closest thing to God they were going to see this side of the Vail things would go a lot more smoothly."

Doctors are employees with varying degrees of competence and motives. Caveat Emptor.


Public schools. Where other parents also send *their* children. School districts follow policies for a reason. You don't have to agree. IF one doesn't wish to comply, they do not have to utilize the public school.

me said:
School districts who institute policies that force parents to knowingly endanger their children are fascist and illegitimate.

While the OTHER parents who abide by the rules are having their own children put at risk by these non vaccinated children thanks to the parents. You do understand that parents do not get to decide what risk they are allowed to put other children under, right?

me said:
Non vaccinated children do not put vaccinated children at any greater risk to disease than in a fully vaccinated school. You forget the failure of some vaccinations and older children and adults who lose immunity.

There was no force. The child did NOT receive the vaccination. The author of this thread does not like the fact the school district is requiring vaccinations in order to attend.

me said:
There is always force involved if the threat of removal of a legitimate right is given if rules are not followed.

The parents are making the decision to not have their child attend. To play it off as anything else is a farce.

me said:
The parents are making the decision to not have their child vaccinated. To play off the subsequent removal from school as anything other than fascism is a farce.


New member
Should being the key word there. The fact is, you have no idea if you have been exposed in the first place nor to what you were exposed to in the second place.
During an outbreak in my area, I'd be on the lookout for potential exposure. It should be a civic duty to keep away from people or warn them if they may have been exposed.

You may be exposed by somebody in their own asymptomatic stage so you have no idea that you were exposed. Once you have symptoms, what are they symptoms of? Measles? Common cold? Flu?
Since they all kill, they should all be treated the same. Fever is your sign to stay home!

Your model to prevent your kids spreading something only works if you maintain constant isolation.

Hardly. But it may work better in rural or suburban communities. :idunno:


New member
Indeed. I have no problem whatsoever with those parents teaching their children from home. :)

Then why would you support Cali law which is being molded into all-students must be vaccinated, not just public-schoolers? In fact, many Cali public schoolers are actually homeschooled. They are just under the State umbrella. I spent two homeschool years in Cali as a public-homeschool student with a monthly-visiting teacher.


New member
The parents are making the decision to not have their child attend. To play it off as anything else is a farce.

Actually this is a global culture war and in some places children are snatched or parents put into prison. That's force. Period. Sorry if you don't like it. And it's wrong. BTW.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
During an outbreak in my area, I'd be on the lookout for potential exposure. It should be a civic duty to keep away from people or warn them if they may have been exposed.
The key here is how long it takes to determine an outbreak of a specific disease has occurred. By the time an outbreak has been declared, it may be to late for you to self quarantine, your children have long since been exposed.

Since they all kill, they should all be treated the same. Fever is your sign to stay home!
Actually, its not. My daughters get some pretty sever sprint time allergies characterized by runny noses, red, itchy, puffy eyes and a fever. We have taken them to the doctor so we know that it is allergies causing the fever, usually due to dehydration. There is no reason to keep them home for that fever or other symptoms. They want to go to school so we let them.

Hardly. But it may work better in rural or suburban communities. :idunno:
Then you foolishly do not understand spread of disease. Each and every day and any place you go, your chances of being exposed to something is significant. It can range from a minor cold to a viral infection that ends up destroying your heart (this actually happened to my cousin). The only way. the only way, for you avoid that exposure is to to become completely self sufficient and never expose your family to the non-crunchy world.


Hall of Fame
Actually this is a global culture war and in some places children are snatched or parents put into prison.

Prison is a good place for parents who willfully allow their children to spread deadly diseases when there is an available and superior option (vaccinations). :)