Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What motive would the Catholic Church have to avoid tetanus vaccines in the third world for their vulnerable neonates? Aren't they all about pushing for big families and no birth control? Could they be trying to protect the babies that they baptize?

How's that for motive?
Irrelevant. The motive of the Catholic church is not what I was questioning, I was questioning the reliability of the sites that are reporting the story. Was it an honest problem in manufacturing the vaccine or was it actually planned and ordered by somebody? There is no information, just an allegation that can neither be confirmed nor denied at this time.


Well-known member
Yes, it was. You can now go to your doctor and get this shot in lieu of other forms of birth control. It was not developed specifically to sterilize Kenya. Not also that the drug developed is reversible.

The point is Bill Gates is funding this to be done to unknown numbers of women thinking they or their kids were receiving protection from disease and no legal authority or government is calling him on it, you twit ... and you offer lame apologies and rational for this sort of thing all the while calling yourself a "Christian". The totality of your christian compassion would rattle in a thimble. You are begging God to visit this upon you and you haven't a care in the world nor a clue that you are. When it happens don't say you weren't warned. As ye soweth, so shall ye reap.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
The point is Bill Gates is funding this to be done to unknown numbers of women thinking they or their kids were receiving protection from disease and no legal authority or government is calling him on it, you twit ... and you offer lame apologies and rational for this sort of thing all the while calling yourself a "Christian". The totality of your christian compassion would rattle in a thimble. You are begging God to visit this upon you and you haven't a care in the world nor a clue that you are. When it happens don't say you weren't warned. As ye soweth, so shall ye reap.
Are not Christians supposed to be concerned about justice? Justice for everybody? Is it just for a Christian to proclaim Bill and Linda guilty without a trial? I think not. They are accused so lets have a trial and examine the actual facts and motives.


Well-known member
Are not Christians supposed to be concerned about justice? Justice for everybody? Is it just for a Christian to proclaim Bill and Linda guilty without a trial? I think not. They are accused so lets have a trial and examine the actual facts and motives.

The only trial that Bill and Linda will ever face is The Judgement. At this time, on this earth, they are a part of a clatch of Satan's minions that run this world and think most of us are wasting planetary resources, by their own admission, and will not face an earthly tribunal for their crimes for this reason. Till then, they and their ilk are allowed to do as they please and we are left to deal with them and what they do, each in our own way. I would suggest that we will also be judged on how we responded to them and what they did. That is a part of the test called life. Whether or not each or any of us passes this test depends upon how we respond to such conundrums as that presented by the Gates, I suspect. Evidently you disagree. Turn a blind eye if you will, the choice is yours ... fill up your cup :cheers:


Well-known member
Within the context of this thread, your implication was quite clear.

I don't believe the vaccine sterilizes women. That's not what the vaccine is designed to do, whether or not that might be a side-effect for some. They claim it is a contraceptive vaccine; however, it's not really a contraceptive either, but I'll save explaining that for another thread.

Sorry, I don't but into the conspiracy theories. A conspiracy this large would rapidly collapse under its own weight. Is it possible? Sure. Is it probable? That number approaches zero.

At least you acknowledge it's possible. How you conclude it's improbable is not important to me. Forced abortions and a one-child policy in China is enough for most reasonable people to be convinced some government will probably use the tetanus/hCG vaccine to control population more orderly than they already have been doing.


New member
Irrelevant. The motive of the Catholic church is not what I was questioning

Good, because neither do I.

The bishops called for more tests to be done on the vaccine.

"The ministry must stop making noise and allow the Church to sample the vaccines before they are given," Dr Stephen Karanja, the chair of the Catholic Doctors Association in Kenya, told the BBC.

He said tetanus vaccines tested earlier in the year contained an antigen - an agent that triggers antibody production by the body's immune system - which could cause sterility in women.

I was questioning the reliability of the sites that are reporting the story. Was it an honest problem in manufacturing the vaccine or was it actually planned and ordered by somebody?

Well, how do you think HCG would "accidentally" get into a batch of tetanus vaccines? You can only get it from a lab that filtered it from a pregnant woman's blood or urine.


Well-known member
Well, how do you think HCG would "accidentally" get into a batch of tetanus vaccines? You can only get it from a lab that filtered it from a pregnant woman's blood or urine.

It's possible to get false positives using the testing methods they used, and that may be what occurred. Plausible deniability.

The Kenyan tetanus vaccine schedule, the number of boosters, is unlike the schedule we use in the U.S. I find that most interesting. The reasons I've seen given for the multiple boosters spaced so close together by the Kenyans would cause a reasonable person to doubt the effectiveness of the U.S. tetanus vaccine. Here is what UNICEF claims in an interview about the controversy:

C-Fam: Why does the Tetanus vaccine require 5 doses, when usually tetanus vaccination only requires one shot every 5 to 10 years?

Elder: During vaccination campaigns that aim to protect newborns living in areas with limited access to health facilities, 3 doses are administered. The second dose after 1 month or soon thereafter and the third dose after 6 months. The 3 doses provide protection for 5 years. These are additional doses as most people have received some TT vaccine when they cut themselves or during visits to Antenatal clinics when pregnant. Five doses are recommended in the Kenya Vaccination policy to anyone (male or female) as it offers protection against tetanus for life.​

Notice he didn't answer the question; but he did bring more questions to my mind, particularly about the differences between U.S. tetanus vaccination policy and Kenyan tetanus vaccination policy. Protection against tetanus for life? No way. He's either lying or just ignorant.


Well-known member
Here is the WHO page on tetanus vaccine.

Why do people in the U.S. need so many more tetanus boosters than Kenyans? Children in the U.S. have four tetanus injections prior to 15 months of age. If five injections allegedly provide lifetime immunity for Kenyans, why is the U.S. schedule recommend additional boosters every ten years? :think:


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I don't believe the vaccine sterilizes women. That's not what the vaccine is designed to do, whether or not that might be a side-effect for some. They claim it is a contraceptive vaccine; however, it's not really a contraceptive either, but I'll save explaining that for another thread.
Then why bother to bring it up at all?

At least you acknowledge it's possible. How you conclude it's improbable is not important to me. Forced abortions and a one-child policy in China is enough for most reasonable people to be convinced some government will probably use the tetanus/hCG vaccine to control population more orderly than they already have been doing.
they just might. I do not believe that our government is one of those.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Good, because neither do I.

Well, how do you think HCG would "accidentally" get into a batch of tetanus vaccines? You can only get it from a lab that filtered it from a pregnant woman's blood or urine.

Another conspiracy that begins to collapse under its own weight. Can you show us how many women would have to hover blood and urine, how much they would have to give and where all these women went to give it?


New member
Another conspiracy that begins to collapse under its own weight.

Do you think suspicion is unwarranted?

I don't but the HCG suspicion has been followed up on. It appears to be HCG free.


Can you show us how many women would have to hover blood and urine, how much they would have to give and where all these women went to give it?

It could be done. It just wasn't.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Do you think suspicion is unwarranted?

I don't but the HCG suspicion has been followed up on. It appears to be HCG free.

I think an investigation is warranted. I think a witch hunt is evil. Stating (inferring, alleging, wishing) that Bill and Malinda planned this from the beginning is a witch hunt. A deep investigation of the program ,its administrators and the vaccine company is prudent against such allegations.

It could be done. It just wasn't.
So ends that conspiracy theory.


New member
Fertility was rising before 2007 and now the Gardasil age girls are half as fertile as they used to be.

Is it a coincidence?

The number of women who experience early menopause related to premature ovarian failure is rising, says a new study in The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. This increase is partly due to better cure rates among young female cancer patients who were treated with radiation and chemotherapy.

Some say the other part of the problem is pollution, but could it be polysorbate 80?


New member
I think an investigation is warranted. I think a witch hunt is evil. Stating (inferring, alleging, wishing) that Bill and Malinda planned this from the beginning is a witch hunt. A deep investigation of the program ,its administrators and the vaccine company is prudent against such allegations.

Why are you mixing the two stories? The Gates' studies on Gardasil are not the same as the push for tetanus.