For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And yet you cannot explain why. You just make a claim, like you always do. And we a just supposed to believe you?
Well, considering that there were two posters on here who are both professional scientists and believers who extolled evolution then that kinda kicks evolution as being some "atheistic cult" into touch in itself. You can buy into whatever bunk you want RD. If you think the same as Stripe then you're as dumb as he is. If you actually do have some semblance of integrity where it comes to science you'd be chiding Stripe for asserting such nonsense, not supporting him.

Right Divider

Body part
Well, considering that there were two posters on here who are both professional scientists and believers who extolled evolution then that kinda kicks evolution as being some "atheistic cult" into touch in itself. You can buy into whatever bunk you want RD. If you think the same as Stripe then you're as dumb as he is. If you actually do have some semblance of integrity where it comes to science you'd be chiding Stripe for asserting such nonsense, not supporting him.
I buy real science. Your worship of your fellow evolutionists is so cute though.

Stripe and I understand science, unfortunately you do not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I buy real science. Your worship of your fellow evolutionists is so cute though.

Stripe and I understand science, unfortunately you do not.
You most certainly don't if you're stupid enough to think that the theory of evolution is associated with atheism, cult or associated in science. That is the remit of dope mentality.

That isn't cute, it's just thick.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It is certainly not associated with science.
Thicker still. Of course it is. Fact. That it doesn't fit into your "ideals" regarding what constitutes science can be discarded more than easily enough. You sure ain't an arbiter on that score, in fact you're anything but.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Well, no you don't.

Well, yes, I do.

Darwinism failed the entropy test.


Stating that evolution is a cult propped up by anti science atheists and whatnot can't be reasoned, it's simply a monumentally dumb thing to assert.

Maybe. But you offer nothing to support your assertions. I guess you think people will change their minds because you can shout?

Darwinism failed the entropy test.

That you can call me names doesn't refute nothing.

That's on you. Not only is it dumb it's dishonest. The two main people on this forum who handed you your head on a plate on a regular basis regarding evolution and else are both believers.

No link. No reference. No description.

You offer nothing but your obviously ignorant opinions.

The theory of evolution is acknowledged on a global scale among people with a myriad beliefs, that's just fact.

Darwinists love the appeal to popularity. It's their first and usually only port of call.

When you espouse the asinine as you have with this "cult" nonsense then you've removed yourself from reason which again, is solely on you. Evolution has failed no such thing.

But all you will do about it is screech.

Your next is ironically laughable. You are captain trope himself and have been schooled more than a group of whales.

Fish. The collective noun for whales is "pod."

You haven't really "got" anything. If you can't understand the difference then buy a dictionary. Oh, and as much as it's been fun as ever with this little sideline, if you want to continue then tag me in a thread on topic with it from here on in thanks and I'll address it there.
No, you won't. You'll just spam up another thread.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Remember that time Blablaman thought he had refuted a point I made because I quoted an author and he had a signed copy of the author's book?

I do. His argument was the author's words did not mean what they said because he had attended a lecture and gotten a scrawled message in a book. He dined out for weeks on the seals clapping for him.

Of course, he never actually addressed the issue.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, yes, I do.

Darwinism failed the entropy test.


Maybe. But you offer nothing to support your assertions. I guess you think people will change their minds because you can shout?

Darwinism failed the entropy test.

That you can call me names doesn't refute nothing.

No link. No reference. No description.

You offer nothing but your obviously ignorant opinions.

Darwinists love the appeal to popularity. It's their first and usually only port of call.

But all you will do about it is screech.

Fish. The collective noun for whales is "pod."

No, you won't. You'll just spam up another thread.
The theory of evolution has failed no such thing. You can assert it as much as you like, it still won't mean anything.

You're not being called names. If you assert something as ridiculous as the ToE being some atheistic cult then that is simply a monumentally dumb thing to say and it's not insulting to point that out. You typed it so it's on you. That's yet more out there conspiracy drivel on your part which is on par with the oddballs who still think that Trump was defrauded of the last election.

You know fine well that both Alate & Barb are believers so no link should even be necessary. They schooled you often enough through the years on here.

The screeching is all yours and you're actually spamming up my thread with your silly "Darwinist" soundbites. Go do it elsewhere thanks.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Remember that time Blablaman thought he had refuted a point I made because I quoted an author and he had a signed copy of the author's book?

I do. His argument was the author's words did not mean what they said because he had attended a lecture and gotten a scrawled message in a book. He dined out for weeks on the seals clapping for him.

Of course, he never actually addressed the issue.
Nope, how about you link to it on a relevant thread?


Well-known member
After all those shenanigans stupid or dishonest elections officials in key states like Georgia claimed they examined the voting machines and found nothing wrong.
Georgia did a hand recount of the ballots and the results corresponded with the numbers from the machines. Why did Republicans who voted for Trump want to find a Biden win?
Americans with good sense and morals are not buying that claim by people opposed to voting securities and voter fraud investigations.
A minority of prideful, willful, and arrogant Americans stubbornly persist in believing their predictions despite reality.


Well-known member
Pfffft, Georgia's as much of a nothing burger as Powell's kraken, Giuliani's hair dye, Lindell's limposium & all the laughable stuff between. It's only conspiracy dolts and MAGA! rubes who take it even remotely seriously. As before, the only thing likely to come out of Georgia is trouble for Trump after his risible call to Raffensberger.

Er, nope You were royally schooled and your forays into the field were only outdone on the incompetence level by that hysterical thread where you tried to "teach" TH about law... Was darned entertaining though!

Oh, so you live in Taipei, big whoop. No racism here you silly little man.
Democrats have won. Nobody is allowed to do deep-dive investigations into their Soros-backed voting machines and they have covered their tracks anyway so the voter fraud will be hard to detect even if investigators did finally get their hands on the machines and their memory cards. Democrats know proving voter fraud requires lots of time and money that most states do not want to spend, especially since most Americans don't think it matters that much whether crooks win by fraud or not.


Well-known member
Facts: There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. This is reality. Sure, there are conspiracy nuts who think that Trump was swindled out of the last election but evidence for said claims? About as much to prove the existence of unicorns.

Favorite democrat talking point: There is no evidence of fraud.

Fact that democrats do not like to be mentioned: There will never be any evidence of voter fraud as long as democrats continue to successfully obstruct every serious and thorough investigation into their activities.


Well-known member
Sure. There was also Powell's kraken (what happened to that?) Giuliani's briefings outside adult bookstores, Lindell's symposium that claimed to provide incontrovertible proof of election fraud etc etc etc...only the woefully gullible and uninformed took any of them seriously.

That's what you were doing with that thread of yours wasn't it? Why don't you link to it and we can have a laugh there?

Fair enough, maybe I just confused you with one...
Democrats have never proven many of the multiple appearances of democrat voter fraud are not in fact evidence of voter fraud.


Well-known member
The almost hysterical thing is is that Trump himself was committing fraud by trying to get Raffensberger to "find" him 11,000 + votes that weren't there. But to the MAGA! mob that's all fine 'n' dandy...
Wickedness and stupidity turned a request to look into tens of thousands of unverified ballots for evidence that even a small percentage of them may be fraudulent into the lie that the request was for the man to manufacture fraudulent votes.


Well-known member
Georgia did a hand recount of the ballots and the results corresponded with the numbers from the machines. Why did Republicans who voted for Trump want to find a Biden win?

A minority of prideful, willful, and arrogant Americans stubbornly persist in believing their predictions despite reality.
Yes, democrats twice verified the questionable signatures on tens of thousands of mysterious ballots for Biden and then recounts proved that there were still as many questionable ballots for Biden as democrats had claimed.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The theory of evolution has failed no such thing.
Of course it has.

You can assert it as much as you like, it still won't mean anything.

As luck would have it, I provide reasons for what I believe.

You're not being called names.
Oh, no. No.

You never call anyone names. :LOL:

You know fine well that both Alate & Barb are believers so no link should even be necessary. They schooled you often enough through the years on here.


Your beliefs about whales don't mean much when they aren't here to protect you.

The screeching is all yours.

you're actually spamming up my thread with your silly "Darwinist" soundbites. Go do it elsewhere thanks.


Address the issues sensibly. Stop screeching. Who knows. You might be able to convince someone of something. Offering nothing but hysteria and insults ain't gonna change nothing.

Nope, how about you link to it on a relevant thread?

It was ages ago. It hasn't survived. But there were enough fanboys clapping like seals, someone is bound to recollect.

And if they don't, oh well. I don't care.

You sure seem to.


Well-known member
Nope. For something to become established as a theory in science then evidence is obviously an integral component to that coming about. That should be obvious even to you. Your latter, ironically, would blow up an irony meter if there were any left.
Before nuclear fusion was adopted by scientists as the source of the sun's energy, gravitational contraction was the established and accepted theory. The problem with gravitational contraction was that it led to the conclusion that the sun could not burn longer than 30 million years, which was a problem to the shoddy Darwinist theories that were emerging.

Even after secularists abandoned gravitational contraction for the more nebulous nuclear theory, they had to invent an invisible particle to balance their equations related to conservation of energy for the facts to agree with their new theory. It took secularists 80 years to find evidence to back up the idea of the neutrino and even then the 'proof' was shoddy.

What are neutrinos?

Interestingly enough, the neutrino was first invented as an ad hoc hypothesis, in order to save the laws of conservation of energy and momentum from falsification. Around 1930, in the first detailed studies of radioactive beta-decays, it was found that some energy and momentum went missing in each decay. Beta decay involves the conversion of a neutron into a proton, accompanied by the emission of an electron, and nothing else visible. The energy carried away by the electron ought to match the energy released by the atom in the process – but it didn't! Wolfgang Pauli proposed to explain this discrepancy by postulating that an additional, invisible particle was emitted along with the electron, carrying away the missing energy and momentum. This "ghost particle" was named neutrino. (For some of Pauli's original musings about the neutrino, see Mössbauer (1998).)