Hey. Maybe you aren't aware but Faith in GOD doesn't require a lack of scientific belief. Nor does science refute a watchmaker, or Creator. At a bare minimum, you cannot refute something based on not having experienced it.
Straw man. I didn't say any of that. Indeed, you can be a theist and a scientist but science does not concern itself with none-falsifiable claims. Therefore, theist scientists should leave their gods and supernatural beliefs at the lab door.
Science is great. But all is of God, including man and his derived means of observation and knowledge acquisition.
Argument from cherished belief. If that's not a logical fallacy then it should be.
You don't have to want the love of God. You don't have to be hateful either though.
I do not love or hate what I do not believe exists. That would be silly.
You can act like your unique existence and potential as it pertains to all other existence is just a matter of chance, I guess. But that could lead to a very underwhelming existence. Not to mention that even If you think everything came to be from dust, something made that dust. Something cause it to be, and, or caused the things that caused it to be.
Then by that same argument something must have caused God. It's your argument you just make an exception for your God.
No matter what; existence is something. Something cannot come from literally nothing at all.
What, not even God? Your logic is sound, except when it isn't

The universe may have had a beginning but that doesn't speak for existence itself, about which there is still much to learn. Maybe, just maybe there never was "nothing at all"? Just a thought not a claim.
There is a creative force. It is much more than that as well, but now's not the time.
You are free to believe whatever you wish
And good luck to you as well