Right Divider
Body part
That does NOT answer the question, now does it?What use is information without the material medium on which it exists?
The point is that information can be transferred to numerous different physical medium, showing that IT (i.e., the information) is NOT an inherent part OF that physical medium.
Of course you don't see any evidence! You're rejected it before you start..
I haven't seen any evidence for the existence of an invisible, disembodied mind that created the universe, but even if I thought there is one I would be wondering where it came from. I don't buy the always existed apologetic. I'm also sceptical of supernatural claims and ghost tales, the paranormal, astrology, magic, the occult, psychic ability..... I could go on and on. I don't buy a word of it, and I'm not alone by a long chalk. I'm a sceptic and make no apology for it and I don't see why that should bother you. Horses for courses, right?