foolish question

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The reason I said that is this, the baby is guaranteed to go to heaven because he, or she, has not sinned. An adult has sinned and needs salvation and the thought of sending someone into eternity wihtout them having made that decision is something I just could not do. I would want to give the person every last second. I'm reminded of the story about the missionary who wouldn't defend himself against the natives because they weren't ready for heaven (not the same but I thought of it)

I understand that both are horrible and to say that one is "better" than the other is somewhat sickening, but it is what it is.


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kmoney said:
The reason I said that is this, the baby is guaranteed to go to heaven because he, or she, has not sinned. An adult has sinned and needs salvation and the thought of sending someone into eternity wihtout them having made that decision is something I just could not do.

OK, babykiller. :chuckle:


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SUTG said:
I think a better question for most of the people here is whether or not they would become a :flamer: for a year on God's request. :chuckle:


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couldn't the OT god have given the people of Jericho food from heaven and a cure for illness to convince them of his greatness?

why'd everyone have to die? :confused:

Nathon Detroit

allsmiles said:
couldn't the OT god have given the people of Jericho food from heaven and a cure for illness to convince them of his greatness?

why'd everyone have to die? :confused:
Couldn't we just have "worked it out" with Japan?

Maybe we could have handled Hitler differently? Maybe we could have sent our Jews over to him or possibly given him some food and water.

Maybe he would have played nice then. :think:

Are you morally oppossed to war?


New member
Knight said:
Couldn't we just have "worked it out" with Japan?

Maybe we could have handled Hitler differently? Maybe we could have sent our Jews over to him or possibly given him some food and water.

Maybe he would have played nice then. :think:

Are you morally oppossed to war?

Knight you're forgetting the presence of the power of god... the absence of which during WWII needs not be explained to you.

my question stands:

was it beyond the capability of your god to have provided beneficial miracles to the Hebrews' enemies to turn their hearts to him? especially if Romans 9 is accurate when it says he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy.


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Knight said:
Are you morally oppossed to war?

i just realized i skipped your question.

i am morally opposed to any war that could have been avoided for a beneficial and peaceful resolution.


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C'mon Christians! You've seen some responses, step on up and give us a vote of smote or no-smote.

Nathon Detroit

allsmiles said:
my question stands:

was it beyond the capability of your god to have provided beneficial miracles to the Hebrews' enemies to turn their hearts to him? especially if Romans 9 is accurate when it says he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy.
How many times would you like me to respond to this??????? You can trust this will be the final time.

God desires that all men choose Him. He likes us! For the life of me I don't know why. ;)

Yet God also knows that when men have the truth shoved in their face men tend to pridefully choose otherwise.

Therefore... it is counterproductive (at times) to shove the truth in peoples faces. God handles each situation at any given moment in the most productive way possible in light of man's will.

Nathon Detroit

allsmiles said:
i just realized i skipped your question.

i am morally opposed to any war that could have been avoided for a beneficial and peaceful resolution.
Is that a yes or a no?


New member
allsmiles said:
i'm not going to answer these questions, but ask another...

Oh go ahead - it won't hurt.

I'll even repeat 'em.

koban said:
Would you worship a God that requested that you kill innocents?

How could you distinguish between a clever deceiver and the true repository of divine justice in such a case? What could God say to convince you that such a request had not come from Satan?


Formerly Shimei!
fool said:
C'mon Christians! You've seen some responses, step on up and give us a vote of smote or no-smote.

You are asking for a direct answer? :doh:

Now you know how we feel...


Formerly Shimei!
allsmiles said:
i am morally opposed to any war that could have been avoided for a beneficial and peaceful resolution.

Have you considered moving to Canada? We could protect you and your wussful ways, just like now, except then the majority of the country would agree with you...


Well-known member
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Knight said:
Drastic times take drastic measures.
Ta-Da! Say hello to situational ethics.
I would have had no problem dropping an atomic bomb on Afghanistan the day after 9-11. Would you?
I've adressed your bomb question several times before, and Bob went straight to that point in his first answer. If a child is killed while your destroying a city that's not wrong. because killing the child is not your intent, it's an unfortunate concequence. If your intent is to kill the child than that's murder. This is what he said at the begining of the first show (before he started white washing for Yaweh) and I agreed with him.
As far as Afganistan goes, that would have been overkill, it took the Special Forces like two months to take that country over, and it dosen't glow in the dark.
Likewise if the God of the universe told me to completely wipe out a village because that culture was a threat to the free world I would have no problem doing what is necessary.
Infants don't have any culture other than the one their raised in. You could take one of those condemed kids home and raise it to be a great one of whatever you are.
God rarely had entire villages wiped out, therefore this case must have been a very special one.
Read the Bible again, Josh went on quite the spree there for a while.


Well-known member
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Shimei said:
You are asking for a direct answer? :doh:

Now you know how we feel...
I've been direct since the get go.
I'm a no smoter on the infant matter.


TOL Subscriber
Shimei said:
Have you considered moving to Canada? We could protect you and your wussful ways, just like now, except then the majority of the country would agree with you...

Hey Rush is from Canada.... so it can't be all bad......:guitar:


New member
Have you considered moving to Canada? We could protect you and your wussful ways, just like now, except then the majority of the country would agree with you...
As a Christian I can't see anything wrong with allsmiles statement (allsmiles: "i am morally opposed to any war that could have been avoided for a beneficial and peaceful resolution.") In fact, I would expect a Christian to assume this position. Violence and war are a sad consequence of our sinful nature and I can find no reason to celebrate or relish in this.

Army of One

New member
allsmiles said:
couldn't the OT god have given the people of Jericho food from heaven and a cure for illness to convince them of his greatness?

why'd everyone have to die? :confused:
How effective was that for the Israelites on their journey to the promised land?


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This discussion reminds me of some of the rationalization the Einsatzgruppen went through when they were mopping up behind the Wehrmacht.

The Einsatzgruppen were, by and large, working class family men from Germany who weren't particularly supportive of the Nazi party. But soldiers they were they followed orders, and their orders were simple: once the army clears out of an area, shoot each and every Jew you get your hands on. No exceptions whatsoever.

One member of the group recalled he preferred shooting children and infants because, as he put it, without their parents they'd starve and suffer anyhow. So in fact this murderer was doing Jewish children a favor by killing them; at least this soldier found a way to sleep at night.

But no amount of sugarcoating changed what happened then, and no amount of spin changes what's being justified in this thread.
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