foolish question

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LogosX said:
I also think that your focus is backward. How about the times God could've killed the wicked and did not.
Have you ever noticed that there are a great many scenes in the OT that never get put in the movies? If you watched a movie with all the killing in it that God purportedly does or orders in the OT, and if you watched Biblical heroes sawing up captured enemies on the battlefield and running babies through, you'd come out of the theater pretty stunned, I think. Even if you're a Jason fan.


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stipe said:
sure thing. i accept the god of the bible as presented and with all the inferred difficulties .. you reject him. thats pretty straightforward.

Given a choice between accepting this supposedly loving and perfect deity or rejecting this hideous dogma, the decision is pretty straightforward.

Assuming, of course, that these events even happened and aren't the grotesque fantasy of the author.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
Given a choice between accepting this supposedly loving and perfect deity or rejecting this hideous dogma, the decision is pretty straightforward.
too bad for those of us who dont have a choice.

Granite said:
Assuming, of course, that these events even happened and aren't the grotesque fantasy of the author.
wouldnt you consider that an easier way out for me than for you? given that youre not even in (as it were) to begin with ..


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genuineoriginal said:

while laughter might be the best medicine, this is hardly a demonstration of an understanding of my position, nor is it a refutation.

i took some time last night to read the Art of War by Sun Tzu (not the entire thing, i skipped the chapter on manuevers), Military Methods by Sun Pin and Mastering the Art of War which is an expansive commentary on the work of Sun Tzu.

for the past 2300 years or so the work of Sun Tzu has been hailed as the definitive work on military strategy. one of the main themes of Sun Tzu's work is to defeat the enemy without fighting, or with the least amount of bloodshed possible. the goal is victory over the enemy, not annhilation of the enemy. to quote his own words, "To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."

Chapter 2 "Waging War", point 19 states, "Treat the captives well, and care for them."

instructions in this chapter for treatment of enemy cities never extends beyond capturing their wealth and stores.

the very first point of chapter 3 "Offensive Strategy" is this: "Generally in war the best policy is to take a state intact; to ruin it is inferior to this."

the example of Joshua's divinely commanded genocide in Jericho can be argued to be the exception granted by Sun Tzu in his use of the word "generally" until you discover the 7th point of the third chapter, that is that attacking cities is the last resort of not only strategic alternatives, but also ethical and moral ones. also, the tenth point which is to take a city without assaulting it. also point 15 of chapter 4, "Dispositions". this point teaches the student of war to, "cultivate the Tao", the Tao being the Right Way, the way of humanity and justice which would serve to validate the taking of states intact and not ruining them, also taking cities without assaulting them. and once again, using Sun Tzu as a means to refute the primitive and barbaric tactics of Joshua and his divine mandate, in chapter 11 Sun Tzu tells us that a good general prohibits superstitions.

i asked earlier in this thread if it were beyond the capabilities of your god to have found a non-violent and beneficial resolution to encounters such as the example of the Jericho genocide, the destruction of Og, Sihon and Arad.

the answer was a resounding "yes". it was beyond the competence of your god to have come to some sort of non-violent resolution.

what was beyond the grasp of your god and his ancient generals was well within the grasp of Sun Tzu as one will be able to find in chapter 8, "the Nine Variables." in this chapter, point 14 Sun Tzu says that "He who intimidates his neighbors does so by inflicting injury upon them." Chia Lin expounds on this by saying, "Plans and projects for harming the enemy are not confined to any one method. Sometimes entice his wise and virtuous men away so that he has no counsellors. Or send treacherous people to his country to wreck his administration. Sometimes use cunning deceptions to alienate his ministers from the sovereign. Or send skilled craftsmen to encourage his people to exhaust their wealth. Or present him with licentious musicians and dancers to change his customs. Or give him beautiful women to bewilder him."

here the Art of War lays out in no uncertain terms non-violent means of making an enemy weary, thus making the tactically and morally right alternative of victory over annhilation easier to grasp. not only is your all knowing god and his generals strategically inept compared Sun Tzu's standards, they also exhibit an unequivocal ignorance of non-violent solutions to combat... to go further, one could definitely say that they do not seek non-violent resolution, they seek the complete opposite, which for the past two millenia Sun Tzu has demonstrated to be incompetent, and morally bankrupt strategy.

Sun Tzu, his great grandson Sun Pin and the expansion on his work Mastering the Art of War are unmistakable in their position that war is immoral. it is a means to an end for survival of the state. to destroy the defenseless enemy civilians is not only beyond the scope of survival, but it is the antithesis of sound strategy and presents an even greater moral cunundrum that could have been avoided in exchange for winning the hearts of the enemy's people.

what i found in my study last night was a 2300 year old confirmation of my position that has been embraced worldwide by military leaders and rulers of various nations and armies. i found nothing to support your belief that the deliberate destruction of defenseless civilians is a necessary and morally acceptable means of gaining victory. i found the complete opposite. i also found that superstitions and beliefs in divinity should never be involved in military decisions, the result of doing so is the genocide we find in the Joshua account of the conquest of Jericho.

survival is not a moral dilemma, it is an issue of practicality. we kill the enemy on the battlefield so he does not kill us. we do not kill his women and children because they pose no threat to us and therefore survival is not threatened.

you have yet to counter this assertion or even acknowledge that you understand it.

now you have not only myself to disagree with, but you have Sun Tzu as well.

good luck.

you're going to need it.


New member
Granite said:
Nice, so we've gone from genocide to justifying it by doing the kiddies a favor.

Like I said...that opens up a whole 'nother can o' worms.

But, still, I think it's a valid question. What would've happened to them had they lived?
In that culture, at that time...they might wish they were killed rather than living under conditions that they would, no doubt, have had to endure.

It's not like now. People didn't think like we do now. Today we hold life as something to protect or save. Then, it was less..shall we say...valuable.

It's difficult for us today to understand their mindset. And I don't think it is a good mindset.
It just lends some understanding to what occured then when you can see things the way they did...and why God would've given such a directive.

Another aspect is that we don't know how much God dealt with the people and they would not change their ways. How long were they doing what they were doing. They wouldn't respond.

I think they knew full well what the consequences would be. They refused to change and brought it upon themselves.

The childeren's parents made the decision to continue defying God knowing full well they were playing with fire and jeoparizing their lives by doing so. They apparently did not care for themselves nor their children as much as we would like.

These were not good people.


New member
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stipe said:
too bad for those of us who dont have a choice.

wouldnt you consider that an easier way out for me than for you? given that youre not even in (as it were) to begin with ..

Everyone's got a choice. Take some accountability onto yourself why don't you.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
Everyone's got a choice. Take some accountability onto yourself why don't you.
yeah ive got a choice. and i choose not to change.

to sum things up:

this thread is only relevant if you admit god is real.. otherwise youre arguing that youre friend doesnt exist because he stole your car and he said stealing is bad.

its only relelvant if god is the god of the bible.. otherwise you have to make up youre own god. and any god anyone makes up is not real.

its only relevant if someone from here was there and involved... otherwise youre trying to accuse people of things theyll never be put in a position to do.

you werent there. i wasnt there. balder wasnt there (though a previous incarnation of him may have been), 孫子 and 孫臏 werent there .. only god was there.

so what are you going to do now? say there is no god and admit this thread is irrelevant. or will you admit the bible gods existence and retain the threads viability?

then if god is real will you accept him or reject him?

three choices mate:
  • run and hide,
  • reject god or, hardest of all,
  • accept god and all the issues that come with such a decision.

On Fire

New member
stipe said:
yeah ive got a choice. and i choose not to change.

to sum things up:

this thread is only relevant if you admit god is real.. otherwise youre arguing that youre friend doesnt exist because he stole your car and he said stealing is bad.

its only relelvant if god is the god of the bible.. otherwise you have to make up youre own god. and any god anyone makes up is not real.

its only relevant if someone from here was there and involved... otherwise youre trying to accuse people of things theyll never be put in a position to do.

you werent there. i wasnt there. balder wasnt there (though a previous incarnation of him may have been), 孫子 and 孫臏 werent there .. only god was there.

so what are you going to do now? say there is no god and admit this thread is irrelevant. or will you admit the bible gods existence and retain the threads viability?

then if god is real will you accept him or reject him?

three choices mate:
  • run and hide,
  • reject god or, hardest of all,
  • accept god and all the issues that come with such a decision.

stipe - is that you? When did you become coherent?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:

stipe - is that you? When did you become coherent?


about post 21 mate ... havent you been following along?


New member
I think there is another choice open for Christians besides the one you've listed:

Accept God, but don't hold so tightly to the Bible that it has to be divine to be valid. Instead, see it as a human record of our faltering and sometimes fallible interactions with and understanding of Him.


New member
Hall of Fame
stipe said:
yeah ive got a choice. and i choose not to change.

to sum things up:

this thread is only relevant if you admit god is real.. otherwise youre arguing that youre friend doesnt exist because he stole your car and he said stealing is bad.

its only relelvant if god is the god of the bible.. otherwise you have to make up youre own god. and any god anyone makes up is not real.

its only relevant if someone from here was there and involved... otherwise youre trying to accuse people of things theyll never be put in a position to do.

you werent there. i wasnt there. balder wasnt there (though a previous incarnation of him may have been), 孫子 and 孫臏 werent there .. only god was there.

so what are you going to do now? say there is no god and admit this thread is irrelevant. or will you admit the bible gods existence and retain the threads viability?

then if god is real will you accept him or reject him?

three choices mate:
  • run and hide,
  • reject god or, hardest of all,
  • accept god and all the issues that come with such a decision.

The thread is relevant with or without the existence of "God" because actions like this can be used to justify atrocities done in God's name. That, to me, is pretty damn relevant considering religious fanaticism.

On Fire

New member
Balder said:
I think there is another choice open for Christians besides the one you've listed:

Accept God, but don't hold so tightly to the Bible that it has to be divine to be valid. Instead, see it as a human record of our faltering and sometimes fallible interactions with and understanding of Him.
Thank you, Rodney King. :patrol:

On Fire

New member
Granite said:
The thread is relevant with or without the existence of "God" because actions like this can be used to justify atrocities done in God's name. That, to me, is pretty damn relevant considering religious fanaticism.
How does it relate to the atocities done in Man's name, such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung and Pol Pot?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
The thread is relevant with or without the existence of "God" because actions like this can be used to justify atrocities done in God's name. That, to me, is pretty damn relevant considering religious fanaticism.

please granite.. if you want to fight those comitting atrocities then im right there with you .. you bring the chainsaw, i'll bring the beer. but please rest assured that humanity is very capable of comitting atrocities with or without using gods name. i cannot add a fourth option to that list that says:
god is not real, but people do bad things so this post is relevant because it will show everyone that people do bad things.
far too ungainly.

we all know very well that this world s a messed up place. things are not right. things need fixing. i need to change my ways. i am in no moral stronghold that allows me to dictate how anyone else should be living, this thread is good for that i'll admit. but i can only write down here what i believe to be true... and i believe that list is exhaustive. its a nice little paradox. an easily stated set of three options, complete and universal, but none of them at all appealing.

do not try to add to the list, for your additions will only be relevant in other threads.
do not avoid looking at the list because you dont want to admit that i am right, because thats not my list.



New member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
How does it relate to the atocities done in Man's name, such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung and Pol Pot?

It's at least as bad if not worse. Let's not get into the modern atrocities done in the name of God, while we're on the subject.


New member
Hall of Fame
stipe said:
please granite.. if you want to fight those comitting atrocities then im right there with you .. you bring the chainsaw, i'll bring the beer. but please rest assured that humanity is very capable of comitting atrocities with or without using gods name. i cannot add a fourth option to that list that says:
god is not real, but people do bad things so this post is relevant because it will show everyone that people do bad things.
far too ungainly.

we all know very well that this world s a messed up place. things are not right. things need fixing. i need to change my ways. i am in no moral stronghold that allows me to dictate how anyone else should be living, this thread is good for that i'll admit. but i can only write down here what i believe to be true... and i believe that list is exhaustive. its a nice little paradox. an easily stated set of three options, complete and universal, but none of them at all appealing.

do not try to add to the list, for your additions will only be relevant in other threads.
do not avoid looking at the list because you dont want to admit that i am right, because thats not my list.


Your list means squat, to be very blunt.

And so does anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks the killing of a child or infant is justified in wartime. No way. I can't and won't truck with that.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
Your list means squat, to be very blunt.
not. my. list.

Granite said:
And so does anyone, and I mean anyone, who thinks the killing of a child or infant is justified in wartime. No way. I can't and won't truck with that.
granite .. what part of "i agree with you" dont you understand?


New member
Hall of Fame
stipe said:
not. my. list.

granite .. what part of "i agree with you" dont you understand?

Sure it is. Take some ownership. The "list" is your extrapolation of how you interpret scripture. It's not infallible to say the least.

That last comment wasn't directed at you.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Granite said:
That last comment wasn't directed at you.
my mistake .. i'll take whoever it was on with you if'n you want..

Granite said:
Sure it is. Take some ownership. The "list" is your extrapolation of how you interpret scripture. It's not infallible to say the least.
wel .. im sure i would have been lambasted from the other side had i claimed to own scripture .. but uh .. i dont know how else to extrapolate or interpret the verse that goes something along the lines of:
"see here now you lot, i am god. there is none other besides me. and the only way to god is through me."

g'night ..
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