ECT Follow Paul!

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Well-known member
Respective members of the body of Christ are "the church," in this dispensation.

No scripture in this dispensation instructs you to believe, trust in the church....i.e., me, other members of his body. The church is described as a pillar. What does a pillar do? Supports. With me? Hang in there... I know that is quite deep. The church merely supports the already established, objective truth of scripture, but is not the source of objective truth. Believe the book.....Don't trust us....."Check out what anyone says," per Acts 17:11 KJV.

I nominate this post as POTLTM(Post Of The Last Ten Minutes).

An extraordinarily superficial understanding...

Deep for you, perhaps...

But at least you kept yourself from venom-spitting...

So thank-you for some normal...

A welcome change...

The Church is the Body of Christ on earth...

Christ is Her Head...

It is a worshiping community...

It is visible but it is not of this earth...

The Church is the Mystery of the intersect of Christ and man...

Because we men are baptized INTO Christ BY Christ ACTING in the men who ARE members of, and servants in, His Body...

Have a blessed Nativity, John...


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What do you think "fellowheirs" means?

It's one of the mysteries of the kingdom.

Paul tells us it was a mystery that the Gentiles become fellowheirs with Israel.

"The Greek"-Tettie, on every thread

Show us this "The Greek" that has "Israel" in it. Identity it.

Fraud. Con "man." He won't. He just read this "The Greek" jazz, on other sites, copynpastes it, plagiarizes from other sites.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
An extraordinarily superficial understanding...

Deep for you, perhaps...

But at least you kept yourself from venom-spitting...

So thank-you for some normal...

A welcome change...

The Church is the Body of Christ on earth...

Christ is Her Head...

It is a worshiping community...

It is visible but it is not of this earth...

The Church is the Mystery of the intersect of Christ and man...

Because we men are baptized INTO Christ BY Christ ACTING in the men who ARE members of, and servants in, His Body...

Have a blessed Nativity, John...


That's your best weigh in, Satan Claus-another Oprah opinion?

Sit-you are not in my league biblically.

Poor you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Start a thread on it, and I'll answer all your questions.

No you won't Wimpy. I challenged you, "one on one," started 3/4 threads in your honor, punk, and being the w/o vertebrae fraud that you are, you were a "no show," afraid of me, knowing that I would methodically dismantle you, sending you reeling, to the canvass.


"The Greek"-Tettie, on every thread

Show us this "The Greek" that has "Israel" in it. Identity it.

Fraud. Con "man." He won't. He just read this "The Greek" jazz, on other sites, copynpastes it, plagiarizes from other sites.

Maybe the International Children's Bible will help with your confusion:

(Eph 3:6 ICB) This is that secret truth: that the non-Jews will receive what God has for his people, just as the Jews will. The non-Jews are together with the Jews as part of the same body. And they share together in the promise that God made in Christ Jesus. The non-Jews have all of this because of the Good News.

Only Bullingerites claim it wasn't Jews and Gentiles that became the one new man in Christ.


Well-known member
The KJV gives a really bad translation of the verse

The NIV, and many other Bibles give a much better translation.

(1 Cor 11:1 NIV) Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

Well, it does not say "follow", for starters:

BYZ – μιμηται μου γινεσθε καθως καγω χριστου

Imitators of me be you becoming
just as I also (am becoming) of Christ.

In a little better English:

"Become imitators of me,
just as I also am imitating Christ."



Well-known member
You are not in my league biblically.

Which proves that there IS a God!

Brother - Will you please pray for me?

That God will NEVER put me in your Biblical league?

So far, so good, but life happens...

And your prayers for me in this matter...

Well, they mean a lot...

I know that as long as I am not in your league biblically...

That there still is some hope for me...

And if there is hope for me...

There might still be hope for you!



TOL Subscriber
Because we men are baptized INTO Christ BY Christ ACTING in the men who ARE members of, and servants in, His Body...
You're confused. It is the Spirit that baptizes the believer into one Body, not Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Correct your thinking and your preaching.


Well-known member
You're confused. It is the Spirit that baptizes the believer into one Body, not Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Correct your thinking and your preaching.

Christ baptized IN the Spirit...

The Holy Spirit did NOT baptize Cornelius...

Peter did...

A servant of Christ...

Baptized Cornelius INTO Christ...

Just as Ananias baptized Paul...

INTO Christ...

And GAVE TO HIM the Holy Spirit...



TOL Subscriber
I know that as long as I am not in your league biblically...

That there still is some hope for me...
Your only hope is to get saved (Romans 5:9 KJV) by believing the gospel by which we are saved (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) and to take heed how you build upon the foundation a wise masterbuilder Paul laid (1 Corinthians 3:10-15 KJV). That would require 2 Timothy 2:7-8 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV.


TOL Subscriber
Christ baptized IN the Spirit...

The Holy Spirit did NOT baptize Cornelius...

Peter did...

A servant of Christ...

Baptized Cornelius INTO Christ...

Just as Ananias baptized Paul...

INTO Christ...

And GAVE TO HIM the Holy Spirit...

The one baptism (Ephesians 4:5 KJV) today is a baptism (identification) into Christ's death (Romans 6:3-4 KJV). It is by one Spirit into one Body (1 Corinthians 12:13 KJV). There's no need to resist it, just let it be.
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