I can't tell if you are being inflammatory, stupid or disingenuous
iow, you can't
not surprising :idunno:
I can't tell if you are being inflammatory, stupid or disingenuous
iow, you can't
not surprising :idunno:
No, and irrelevant. The accusation that Cochran was writing as a representative of the city because he listed his job in the "about the author" section of the book is fallacious.What does it matter? According to you, the City has no authority to control what is said in its name, correct?
Of course it was! He was suspended for speaking his religious opinion and then his religious freedoms were violated when he was punished for speaking about the unjust suspension in churches.Jose Fly said:No, because his religious freedom wasn't violated.
That's ridiculous!Jose Fly said:Nope. As soon as he introduces himself in the book as the City of Atlanta Fire Chief, he is representing the City of Atlanta.
I think you are probably inflating your confidence here but even if that is true, legal precedents change. The legal precedent in this country regarding religious rights - at least as it relates to the demands of special rights by the homosexual community - is to compromise free speech and the free exercise of religion. Appealing to legal precedent is really just pointing out that our judiciary is not currently deciding cases in favor of upholding first amendment rights.Jose Fly said:Legal precedent is extremely clear on this.
The fact that you cannot differentiate between a Fire Chief who is publishing his own religious opinions in the private sector in his capacity as a private citizen and a Fire Chief who is speaking on behalf of the city on matters pertinent to his professional duties is indicative of your own inability to think rationally.Jose Fly said:The fact that you cannot differentiate between "I graduated from X college" and "I am the current City of Atlanta Fire Chief" is further indication of your inability to think rationally.
When the practice of those liberties harm another.Jose Fly said:So when do you think it is acceptable to restrict someone's religious liberties?
You mean the suspension where the city of Atlanta issues a gag order that reaches over the wall of separation between church and state dictating what Cochran can and cannot say in church?Jose Fly said:It means Cochran violated the terms of his suspension by speaking publicly about the case while the investigation was ongoing. So they fired him....perfectly legal.
I see, so, in your view, the government can abridge the freedom of speech, and can tell us what we can and can't say in worship.Jose Fly said:The City of Atlanta is free to tell its employees not to speak publicly about a case while the investigation is ongoing. Do you dispute that?
Of course, the terms of the suspension were unjust in the first place.Jose Fly said:Sure, Cochran is free to speak publicly about the case and thereby violate the terms of his suspension,
Don't be intentionally thick.Jose Fly said:So according to you, I could go on a speaking tour of all the local churches and give out my company's trade secrets, and my company is 100% powerless to do anything about it?
You didn't read the article, did ya? HE brought the book into his work environment by distributing it internally.
http://dailysignal.com/2015/01/08/atlanta-fire-chief-fired-expressing-christian-beliefs/In late 2014, retired Atlanta Fire Department Capt.Cindy Thompson contacted GA Voice, a Georgian LGBT group, to protest Cochran’s book and its mention of homosexuality. Thompson then brought the book to the Mayor’s LGBT liaison, Robin Shahar. Soon afterwards, LGBT activist groups began to rally for the fire chief to be fired.
The activists point to only one page in the book which mentions homosexuality as one among many sexual sins from a Christian perspective.
Wanting the same rights, responsibilities and legal protections as everyone else is not a special right.I think you are probably inflating your confidence here but even if that is true, legal precedents change. The legal precedent in this country regarding religious rights - at least as it relates to the demands of special rights by the homosexual community - is to compromise free speech and the free exercise of religion. Appealing to legal precedent is really just pointing out that our judiciary is not currently deciding cases in favor of upholding first amendment rights.
Having to treat others with the same dignity and respect as you demand to be treated isn't harmful eitherWhen the practice of those liberties harm another.
Hint: offending someone is not harming them.
Again free to say what ever you want, but you not freed from the consequencesI see, so, in your view, the government can abridge the freedom of speech, and can tell us what we can and can't say in worship.
Thats incorrect, after checking it all, its been found that this is what led to it:
This is just one more case where gay activists want people fired when they say homosexuality is wrong according to scripture.
Is this a joke?and you seem intellectually ill equipped to get the simple notion that there is no difference between the position of racists and your position.
Well, some soft-head sociologist says so, so that settles it then, huh?Tracer said:Just a simple fact. Hall DL, Matz, DC Wood, W. A Meta-Analytic Review of Religious Racism Personality and Social Psychology Review 2009
Putnam RD & Campbell, DE American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us. Am J of Sociology 2012
Sherkat, DE Changing Faith NY Univ Press 2014
First of all, that's a lie.Tracer5 said:the fact that you use the same methods and tactics as racists do to justify prejudice is incredibly relevant.
Absolutely not, why are you ashamed of the gospel?Tracer said:Are you ashamed of your Methods?
Here is where you just go right off the rails.Tracer said:Just like how racists honestly expose what the bible has to say about the the inferiority of black people
You mean like calling someone a bigot?Tracer said:It's typical of you to engage in personal attacks when you are confronted with responses you cannot counter.
Are you?Are you capable of having a substantive discussion? I ask because you sure aren't demonstrating that here.
Agreeing with God's word on the topic of homosexuality isn't bigotry. Its fidelity to the Christ, you might try it sometime.Tracer said:Being a Christian doesn't make anyone hateful or prejudiced. The problem begins when those who hate try to use the bible to justify their bigotries.
I haven't burned a cross on anyone's lawn, care to repent from your false witness?Tracer said:You seem to want to disassociate yourself from racism even though you are happy to use their methods,
That is nice but what is said was: "there is no difference between the position of racists and your position."Is this a joke?
It is logically and blblically clear that there are stark differences between race and homosexuality.
See aboveRace is not chosen in any way, one must choose to engage in a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex.
One cannot be black one day and white the next, people choose to engage in homosexuality after being engaged in heterosexual marriages all the time and people repent of homosexual behavior and commit themselves to heterosexual behavior all the time.
all the evidence clearly says that orientation is an inborn trait. All of itRace is clearly genetically derived, no such clarity exists with homosexuality.
see above. You are heterosexual no matter what you are doing at any given timeRace can be easily predicted by parentage, no such predictions can be made regarding same sex attraction (which is not itself homosexuality but is just a temptation toward homosexuality). A celebate black person is still black there is no such thing as "non practicing African American", a celebate person with same sex attraction is no longer practicing homosexuality.
orientation is a human characteristic. Prejudice is always a choiceRace is a human characteristic, homosexuality is a practice.
incorrect both are inborn features of an individual which provide a sense of identity and and membership in a community with others who have similar traits.Comparing race to homosexuality is simply a logical category error.
Curse of HamNow, lets look biblically.
The bible is clear that there is only one true race, the race of Adam (Acts 17:26).
since orientation is inborn being gay or straight or bi is also an expression of God's providence and worthy of celebrationThe bible is also clear that, in heaven, there are men and women of every tribe, tongue language and nations (Rev 7:9). In short, in heaven racial diversity is celebrated because one's race is an expression of God's providence.
All of which is based on an unsupportable translation of the Greek word arsenokoites. Simply put no one knows what it means and dozens of meanings have been applied to it over the centuries. For most of Christian history it was translated to mean masturbation but it also has meant a kidnapper, a man who employs prostitutes, a man who forces women into prostitution and a few others.However, the bible is equally clear that no one who practices homosexuality will inherit the kingdom of God.
" Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (1Co 6:9-10 ESV)"
The only way a homosexual will inherit the kingdom of God is to be cleansed, washed and sanctified from their homosexual behavior. In short, homosexuality isn't celebrated, it is biblically considered a sin to be repented of and an act of rebellion toward's God's purposes for sex.
no that is what dozens of rigorous research studies have shown. "Soft-head" applies to individuals who reject the science because they don't like what the research has foundWell, some soft-head sociologist says so, so that settles it then, huh?
COnsidering such an actifvity is highly illegal today you won't find many people of any sort doing it.First of all, that's a lie.
You don't find evangelical Christians burning crosses on people's lawns.
you get terribly upset when it is pointed out that the methods, rhetoric and tactics you are using to justify your personal prejudices are exactly the same as those employed by racistsAbsolutely not, why are you ashamed of the gospel?
Yet racists are able to cite scripture to justify their prejudices just like you do.Here is where you just go right off the rails.
First, the bible doesn't claim any such thing.
Socially inferior. Unworthy of the same rights and legal protections you enjoy.Second, no one has claimed that homosexuals are inferior persons, we are claiming that homosexuality is a perversion of God's design for marriage, it is a sin.
of course no one is saying such a thing. It does logically follow that the misuse of the bible to justify prejudice is misuse of the bible no matter what minority one is using the bible forThird, and this is really the last time I am going to tell you before you earn a spot on my ignore list.
Shall we go over the name calling you engage in?You mean like calling someone a bigot?
By this standard racism isn't bigotry either.Agreeing with God's word on the topic of homosexuality isn't bigotry. Its fidelity to the Christ, you might try it sometime.
Yet more racist tactics and rhetoric.Friendship with the world is hatred toward God Tracer.
You are the one who hates, you hate God, you hate His word. You would rather pucker up and smooch the rear-ends of the gay community and be well thought of among the "progressive" crowds than stand firm on God's revealed word.
Unless, of course the real problem is that you are a practicing homosexual.
In which case, I have great news for you.
While your sexual practices have earned you a spot in hell, God will forgiven you your sins and will cleanse you from unrighteousness of you will turn from your sin, embrace his grace, and daily seek help to live a life of sexual purity.
It's false witness to claim i did accuse you of that.I haven't burned a cross on anyone's lawn, care to repent from your false witness?
IndistinguishableThe reality is that my approach is 180 degrees different from racists.
you want them to be invisible or at least out of site and knowing their placeRacists wanted segregation. I want homosexuals to repent of their sin and be included in the body of Christ, His church, and the age to come.
Homophobes hate people because of who God created them to beRacists hate people because of who God created them to be, I want homosexuals to embrace who God created them to be because God has never created a person to have sex with another person of the same sex.
That is an entire threat in itself. in the briefest possible way God is referring to an individuals nature and the abandoning of it based on societal pressures to conform. In the case of Romans 1 that involved altered states of mind and orgies in relation to fertility rituals.The bible calls that abandoning one's natural function (See Romans 1).
Lies like it is a choice.I want God's best for those who have bought the devil's lies about homosexuality,
You like to make sweeping generalizations about what “racists” believe. The problem is that nobody is obligated to care what you think most racists believe.Tracer said:First: racists object to blacks behaving as social equals to whites. Most are happy to say that they have no problem with black people as long as they "know their place"
No, sexual orientation is an expression of the sinful nature tempting us to do what God forbids. Kleptomania isn’t a behavior either, it’s the ongoing persistent temptation to steal. Nevertheless, just because some people have an “orientation” toward taking things without paying for them we don’t normalize stealing, make them a protected class or call people bigots for daring to say that stealing is wrong thusly upsetting the “Kleptomania community.”Tracer said:Second: Orientation isn't a behavior.
Tracer said:Sexual orientation refers to an individuals enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes. Sexual orientation also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors and membership in a community of others who share those attractions.
So, do we say that anyone who dares to say that stealing is wrong is now a bigot as well?Kleptomania is characterized by repetitive stealing behavior that is precipitated by significant and uncontrollable urges to steal items not needed for one’s personal use.
You have bought the farm on the cultural parlance and have completely abandoned the way the bible frames this issue.Tracer said:People are homosexual or bisexual or heterosexual independent of any behaviors and independent of any activity. You aren't having sex right now (at least i hope you aren't) but you are still a heterosexual. Virgins have an orientation.
Kleptomaniacs don’t choose to have an emotional drive to steal, but they still make the choice to feed that sinful desire when they steal.Tracer said:See above
no one chooses the type of person they are emotionally, romantically
and sexually attracted to.
Irrelevant.Tracer said:And one doesn't change orientation day to day.
I don’t argue that men and women can choose who they are attracted to, I am arguing that they choose who they do or do not have sex with.Tracer said:Can you spontaneously choose to be romantically attracted to men?
I see, so you would support group marriage then?Tracer said:since orientation is inborn being gay or straight or bi is also an expression of God's providence and worthy of celebration
Tracer said:All of which is based on an unsupportable translation of the Greek word arsenokoites. Simply put no one knows what it means and dozens of meanings have been applied to it over the centuries. For most of Christian history it was translated to mean masturbation but it also has meant a kidnapper, a man who employs prostitutes, a man who forces women into prostitution and a few others.
Did you notice that your quote from the APA shows that kleptomania is a behavior?You like to make sweeping generalizations about what “racists” believe. The problem is that nobody is obligated to care what you think most racists believe.
No, sexual orientation is an expression of the sinful nature tempting us to do what God forbids. Kleptomania isn’t a behavior either, it’s the ongoing persistent temptation to steal. Nevertheless, just because some people have an “orientation” toward taking things without paying for them we don’t normalize stealing, make them a protected class or call people bigots for daring to say that stealing is wrong thusly upsetting the “Kleptomania community.”
Kleptomania from the APA
Coward, do you have an answer to the following?Did you notice that your quote from the APA shows that kleptomania is a behavior?
If you have to stoop to comparing a minority criminals and those who harm children to justify your prejudice: If your position, rhetoric and tactics are indistinguishable from racism then your position is morally and intellectually bankrupt.
This just came out also:
Ford employee fired over gay remarks
Apparently Ford sent a newsletter to all its employees promoting homosexuality but when this man responded with his beliefs, well, that was just wrong. So it's okay for the perverts to shove their agenda down our throats but not for us to say a word. "Stay in the closet you 'hateful Christian'."
A blog I was reading points out that the PC agenda now trumps free speech. It gave many examples but I can't find it again right now.
Coward, do you have an answer to the following?
Yes or no, does the following passage condemn homosexuality or not?
“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”
(Lev 20:13 ESV)
Fire chief fired after gay comments in book
Just more evidence that the homosexual social agenda is eroding the protections of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
A Fire Chief cannot write a book on his own time without being fired for its content if it doesn't tow the party line.
Our religious freedoms are being pulled right out from under us, if we don't fight for them now we can count on them being gone tomorrow.
Define how giving a book to friends is preaching. Show the constitutional clause that says you must leave your personal faith at the door of your employment.