Feds Bust Militia Plot to Kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Overthrow Government

The Berean

Well-known member
Kennedy became president in 1960. It was perhaps the most united time in recent American history. You mean 1860? The Hamiltonian plan has worked; economics alone wouldn't permit a regional civil war.
A typo on my part. I meant 1860. I fixed the typo.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm actually curious about all this silly recent talk all over social media about another civil war is going to break out reallllly soon. It think it's pretty laughable. Who exactly will be fighting who in this second civil war? So apparently, there are those on the "extreme far right", whoever they are. Who will they be fighting? The Starbucks drinking, skinny jeans wearing, neck beard, I-need-a-safe-space liberals?

told ya, man - you feed one troll and they come out of the woodwork


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So how exactly did these guys think they will "overthrow the government"? Lets say they actually kidnapped the governor. Now what? Did they believe the rest of the state government will allow them to be in charge?
You can petition the government for redress of grievances, that wasn't good enough for these guys. I wish they would have read their Magna Carta (everybody has a copy in their pocket right?) and seen that in this seminal ideological document, while capturing buildings and property are fair game, you can't touch the king and his wife and kids, they're off limits, and since it's 2020 and not 1215, the part of king here is being played by elected officials, because we're a republic now instead of a monarchy, but the grievance is of the same character, a perceived violation of the Constitution.

Then at least they wouldn't be so guilty of such a serious crime, but also maybe they'd've thought it through a little better.

An actual realistic organization who tried this would have to seize government property and hold it ransom until whatever Constitutional violations they're charging are abolished in a deal /contract. It wouldn't be an overthrow, just as Magna Carta's Clause 61 isn't a prescription for overthrow of the king, but the most serious way that the people could hold the government accountable to the Constitution.

If all other means are exhausted (petitioning first, for example), then this measure is less severe than rebellion, it's the most severe way to communicate "we're law abiding, we just want you also to be". It should be seen as the foundation of the rule of law, if the government doesn't obey its constitution, then there has to be a way to hold them accountable without rebellion, overthrow or civil war.

The Barbarian

Does Antifa have access to lots of guns?

Antifa seems to have no interest in guns; they are pretty much an unorganized philosophy, not a revolutionary movement. They've been responsible for one death; one of their own, somehow got killed as a result of their activities.

I would be very surprised, however, if the rise of right-wing sedition by armed extremists won't induce at least some leftists to arm and emulate them. Ex ist der Zeitgeist von Trump.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Everyone has access to lots of guns

two of the morons Kyle Rittenhouse shot were armed

but what we've seen this summer is that they tend to prefer molotov cocktails

I'm just waiting for some bright young motivated DA to charge one of them with domestic terrorism and manufacture and use of a WMD


two of the morons Kyle Rittenhouse shot were armed

but what we've seen this summer is that they tend to prefer molotov cocktails

I'm just waiting for some bright young motivated DA to charge one of them with domestic terrorism and manufacture and use of a WMD

Does that justify Rittenhouse?


First understand my rationale before trying to use it and twist it into something else.

As it is, you're piling a straw man on top of a straw man.

No, you stated the fact that 2 of Rittenhouse's victims were armed justified his shooting them.