FBI reopens email case on Crooked Hillary


New member
I don't think we've learned anything yet, so I can understand the frustration of Clinton and the Democrats. However, I feel like Comey was between a rock and a hard place. He released this info which starts a firestorm of complaints saying it will sway the election in Trump's favor. If he didn't then post-election there would be a firestorm of complaints by Republicans that he didn't release it in order to help get Clinton elected.

Comey doesn't report to Congress, ordinarily. Congress can subpoena him, or they can ask him for information. Taking the step of writing to Congress is unorthodox, and it should not be done without some kind of actual relevant information. He should have conducted his investigation, and released a statement when they have something to show for it, if ever.


New member
We have no indication of that from these new emails, so far. That's what you want to be in them, but we don't have the benefit of knowing. All that Comey has done is inject a huge question that no one can answer into the process, and it's not good for a civil servant to do that.

transparency is not what you want? this is why i'm heavily leaning towards voting for trump, liberals, like yourself will never hold Hillary accountable for anything that she does.


New member
After James Comey bent over backwards to get Hillary off the hook, he was forced to reopen the investigation based on the emergence of new emails. Unless Comey is a complete idiot, he would not reopen such a case unless the new emails revealed a serious violation of some sort.

With every new Clinton scandal, I inch closer to voting for Trump the groper rather than leave the ballet blank
The FBI has not had time to examine to know what is what, and no body cares about Hillary's political gossip.


New member
transparency is not what you want?

Not in the middle of a criminal investigation. I expect that the investigators will keep their work secret until they have something to announce, both in general but especially when it risks entanglement in politics.

... this is why i'm heavily leaning towards voting for trump, liberals, like yourself will never hold Hillary accountable for anything that she does.

Comey's announcement only makes that more difficult. You're right that I don't think what's been found amounts to much, but what I can say for certain is that the law requires unelected executive branch officials to stay out of politics. Comey seems to have forgotten that.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
comey seems determined to let the voters know what disgusting scumbags the clintons are :darwinsm:

Washington (AFP) - The FBI has unexpectedly released documents concerning ex-president Bill Clinton's pardon of the husband of a wealthy Democratic donor, in a surprise move just days before the election in which his wife is seeking to become America's first female president.



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Hall of Fame

FBI Director James Comey was driven in part by a fear of leaks from within his agency when he decided to tell Congress the FBI was investigating newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clinton, law enforcement sources said on Thursday.

The examination of the email traffic is now being carried out under the tightest secrecy by a team at Federal Bureau of Investigations headquarters in Washington, the sources said, requesting anonymity because of the inquiry's sensitivity.


New member
The FBI has nothing new to offer about Hillary's email, they just wanted to mention just before the election that they are investigating.


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Hall of Fame

FBI tells Congress it has not changed conclusion on Clinton emails

FBI Director James Comey told Congress on Sunday a recent review of newly discovered emails did not change the agency's conclusion reached in July that no charges were warranted in the case of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

U.S. Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz said in a tweet that Comey had informed him of the conclusion. Comey's letter to Congress informing it of the newly discovered emails had thrown Clinton's presidential race against Republican Donald Trump into turmoil.

(Reporting by Alana Wise and John Whitesides; Editing by Paul Simao)


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New member
She’s effectively already President. Make that your starting point and the rest makes sense.

Interesting notion. So, if you like the direction the country is headed, vote Clinton. If you don't, vote Trump.

I think I'm reasonably ok with that.


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Hall of Fame


So, Clinton had her maid print out her e-mails for her at her house, e-mails containing classified material.
Her house in DC was called Whitehaven.
Are you people seeing this?
She had e-mails forwarded to her maids e-mail so her maid could print them.
And the FBI is not in possession of that computer.

So, I would go ahead and get used to this. The Comey letters.
Every time he finds another device that has e-mails that came from her server that she was "extremely careless with classified information" on he has to tell Congress about it. Because he testified under oath in front of them about it.
So it'll be a two week news cycle.
He finds another device. Sends a letter. Gets a warrant. Reads the mail. Reports back that it was just another device that had classified info that they already said she was careless with and no new classified e-mail that she was careless with but just copies of careless e-mail that they already knew about.
Every single time.
For every single device.

And people will want to blame Comey for not just getting over it already. She has apologized and admitted it was a mistake to spray classified information all over the web with a fire hose and it won't happen again.
Why can't he just shut up about every new breech if it's the same as the old breech?