Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I use the word "person" loosely when referring to accused child rapist/socialist, pro abortion, pro LGBTQ misogynist and unethical business man Donald Trump.
Anyone who isn't politically correct is subject to accusations of these things by liberals.
It's not about facts, it's about butthurt, and Trump supporters are tired of butthurt people trying to dictate the success and liberties of others by it.
I've been exposing Donald Trump's liberalism, his worship of tyrants' as well as his moral degeneracy for several months now in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread. Funny, when I post these truths about Trump, no one comes forward in an attempt to refute them.
When Trump is inaugurated in, I hope all the people who said they are leaving the country live by their word and get the hell out. I hope Trump makes you all eat your words, and I hope the ridiculousness spurred from them are rightly acknowledged and thrown in the garbage which it came.
Our once great Christian nation is in such a moral sewer that Donald Trump very well might be elected President of the United States, as honoring God and His Word isn't of importance in this day and age.
Will I leave? Why? This country was founded upon the Judeo-Christian principles that I embrace not those that pro abortionist, pro LGBTQ, socialist Donald Trump embraces.
Again: Anytime anyone of you moral relativist Donald Trump supporters want to attempt to refute anything that I've posted in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread about Donald Trump (and I've posted dozens of facts about him), then please, come on over and do so.
Galatians 6:7
And so does a nation.