I wouldn't waste my time on what is, basically, click bait
I think you'd likely get the same result either way.
But why dawdle, let's talk about what you really want to talk about...me.
we've covered this ground before, when you were throwing a hissy fit over the fact that mommy cleared off the fridge door to make room for all the other kids' pretty pictures
For anyone who missed it, what sod is having a hyperbolic fit about is that I once had a thread here called Observations Great and Small (no, another one). It was pruned a while back and I was disappointed given how much of TOL's history was in it, how many cool and long disappeared threads were at least in part found there, how many posters of note also gone with moves and prunnings were mostly and sometimes only found there.
I'd offered most of my threads to the mods for prunning as we made the last move. That thread only had around three thousand posts, but around a quarter of a million views. It wasn't a space eater, so I have no idea why it was pruned. Doesn't matter now and given the best of what I liked about it personally I'd used in various bits of writing away from here, I can't really complain of a personal harm.
Shame though. If you came in after the fact, by way of example, you'd have had a window into the long gone but very entertaining thread about a certain tiger and a particular plane.
That was a great thread.
all of these threads belong to knight
That's just sod being goofy by trying to find some traction to complain. No rational human being would say, "Hey, did you read X in knight's Personality Test thread?" by way of.
Or, it's knight's joint and he gives us canvas to paint on. His materials and he can collect them at will or close the gallery, but it's still your art, whatever it comes to and whatever happens to it.