Strength of individual traits:
Introverted: 58%,
Observant: 34%,
Feeling: 36%,
Judging: 31%,
Turbulent: 5%.
Many years ago I was a solid ISTJ, but have through the years have paid attention to my feelings. Life can kick you down. Not as rigid as I had been, so I understand the change in MB for me.
I have found this tool very useful for me and my perception of others. The introvert-extrovert bucket being perhaps the most important. It's whether someone gets their batteries charged being around people or not. I understand why some extroverts in my life can get down and even depressed if they have been alone for a while. Also I can check my own batteries and other introverts if they have been in extended social situations. I have always loved even as a kid going out in nature alone. Now I get why. Yet part of me enjoys having time with people.
The other very helpful part is the last letter, a J or a P.
Every decision I make I can explain in detail why I made it. My wife is a P and she rarely can do this. We have gotten into arguments over the years mainly driven by me as to why she does what she does. I have another dear friend who is a P and understands MB. This has help me get that personality difference. Now I accept my wife who can skip many steps that I would take to make a decision and thereby cut down on me needlessly harassing her. Our relationship got better and now I can appreciate her, from my viewpoint, spontaneity. I can even kid her about it now.