like marbles on glass
Then you completely missed where the jab actually landed.
Actually, no - I didn't.
I just didn't think it was funny.
I don't think you've noticed or maybe you're just not in the mood for it, but I'm having a little fun and most of this is pretty cheeky.
Honestly, TH - when you see red flags do you think they're Valentine's Day decorations?
Then it IS like talking to Cruc...son of a gun.
Not funny. After all the stuff he's said to me (and to other women here) that you'd continue to pull him into your joking at my expense is exceptionally misguided.
Okay, here goes...what's to miss and what's to comment on? That's why I decided, instead, to use the college/credit bit instead.
Too late. I had specific, serious questions/comments about the study you linked to, and you blew me off.
I hope you had enough fun.