Faith, Not Works, Justifies the Ungodly, Romans 4:5.

Cross Reference

New member
Tricky question with a tricky answer. I believe that each of us need to pray and allow God to choose the church He wants us to goto. Then submit to their authority, but not blindly. Test everything and hold onto the good. The letters to the 7 churches in Revelation had all sorts of wrong things going on but Jesus never said leave the churches but to fix what was wrong in them, stand up each person and overcome in that situation. Each situation is it's own circumstance and I firmly believe should be prayed over and listen and obey what and where God directs for that situation. There are definately certain denominations no Christian should be apart of as they are not Christian but those are different than say a church that has issues such as illustrated in the 7 letters in Revelation. Ultimately though it comes down to what is God telling you to do. When you obey Jesus' teachings you will be His disciple, know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.

There can be no other way because of what we see in todays church at large. Combine the doctrine of cessation that enlarges the problem and one can see how great the issue concerning worship, really is.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Tricky question with a tricky answer. I believe that each of us need to pray and allow God to choose the church He wants us to goto. Then submit to their authority, but not blindly. Test everything and hold onto the good. The letters to the 7 churches in Revelation had all sorts of wrong things going on but Jesus never said leave the churches but to fix what was wrong in them, stand up each person and overcome in that situation. Each situation is it's own circumstance and I firmly believe should be prayed over and listen and obey what and where God directs for that situation. There are definately certain denominations no Christian should be apart of as they are not Christian but those are different than say a church that has issues such as illustrated in the 7 letters in Revelation. Ultimately though it comes down to what is God telling you to do. When you obey Jesus' teachings you will be His disciple, know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.

You will not hear the truth in todays organized church.


New member
There can be no other way because of what see in todays church at large. Combine the doctrine of cessation that enlarges the problem and one can see how great the issue concerning worship, really is.

There are a lot of strange doctrines, for sure. Satan disquised as an angel of light to deceive the masses. Much as how it was in the early church founding.

Cross Reference

New member
There are a lot of strange doctrines, for sure. Satan disquised as an angel of light to deceive the masses. Much as how it was in the early church founding.

Though there is sufficient teaching about Jesus Christ, there is little teaching of Jesus Christ Himself, i.e., what He taught and His reasoning when teaching it. The reason for the short fall is because the Holy Spirit is absent in the lives of the individuals that claim His Name __ many in leadership, if not all are.


New member
You will not hear the truth in todays organized church.

There are some I know of where the Truth is spoken and practiced. I cannot speak for every church within the two denominations I am thinking of. But the last church and current church I goto are definately preaching the Truth. Confirmed repeatedly by the Holy Spirit through miraculous signs, such as one time having my prayer answered by God while The prayer was still on my lips. Which is a fullfilment of prophecy in the OT I found out after. I forget which book though.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There are some I know of where the Truth is spoken and practiced. I cannot speak for every church within the two denominations I am thinking of. But the last church and current church I goto are definately preaching the Truth. Confirmed repeatedly by the Holy Spirit through miraculous signs, such as one time having my prayer answered by God while The prayer was still on my lips. Which is a fullfilment of prophecy in the OT I found out after. I forget which book though.

I was really talking about the Gospel.

The "Historical Gospel" and organized religion are not compatible.

In the Gospel Jesus has reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

Because of this God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ".

If you are perfect and complete "In Christ" then you don't need religion.


New member
Though there is sufficient teaching about Jesus Christ, there is little teaching of Jesus Christ Himself, i.e., what He taught and His reasoning when teaching it. The reason for the short fall is because the Holy Spirit is absent in the lives of the individuals that claim His Name __ many in leadership, if not all are.

I have found some where they do teach and preach Jesus. And the Holy Spirit is definately not absent in the lives of the individual's and leadership.


New member
I was really talking about the Gospel.

The "Historical Gospel" and organized religion are not compatible.

In the Gospel Jesus has reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

Because of this God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ".

If you are perfect and complete "In Christ" then you don't need religion.

Some denominations are denominations merely for expediency sake of being able to do more such as how there were collections to take to the poorer churches and other such things along those types of lines. The only religion God the Father accepts is taking care of the Widows and orphans and keeping oneself from being polluted by the world. We are told to not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing and so we need to belong to a church and regularly attend and such to be obedient to Christ. He has given us the Apostles, Prophets, teachers, pastors, etc. for the building up of the body of Christ. So we must not say to another part of the body of Christ that we don't need them. But all too often the organized part become man's part instead of God's part. So care must be taken to not allow that to happen. And there are churches within denominations that this care is being taken. We must seek God on which church He wants us.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Some denominations are denominations merely for expediency sake of being able to do more such as how there were collections to take to the poorer churches and other such things along those types of lines. The only religion God the Father accepts is taking care of the Widows and orphans and keeping oneself from being polluted by the world. We are told to not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing and so we need to belong to a church and regularly attend and such to be obedient to Christ. He has given us the Apostles, Prophets, teachers, pastors, etc. for the building up of the body of Christ. So we must not say to another part of the body of Christ that we don't need them. But all too often the organized part become man's part instead of God's part. So care must be taken to not allow that to happen. And there are churches within denominations that this care is being taken. We must seek God on which church He wants us.

If there is no Gospel, I mean the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:19.

Then that church is anti-Christ. Be very careful what you support.

Be sure to watch the 20/20 video.


New member
I don't know what you are talking about.

Don't feel bad. But 1 Cor. 9:24-25 it is my church's theme. Which doesn't nessisarily address what you posted but I will add that in that theme we do it to reconcile the world to God, justify the ungodly, etc.. It is also a church that God's hand is upon and that God Himself directed me to attend.

This is not a link to my church nor do I nessisarily endorse this site or anything, although I do encourage a thorough reading of most of this site as it is quite educational. And most definately this page here :
I read this page to our men's group which is basically along the lines of its purpose among many biblical things.


Literal lunatic
I hate your false "christ" and false "gospel." Big difference.

Back to Post #27.

You love seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron ;

3 Forbidding to marry , and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.