excellent example of MADism:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Why are you using Judas to put down Jesus?

You are judging what Jesus says when he walked the earth as something not as good as what Paul says because Judas sinned!

Nope-you are drunk. You argue "one gospel." Thus, per Luke 9:6 KJV, you assert Judas preached the gospel of Christ.


Go search for God, as He tells everyone to do.

We search for God by looking for Jesus' teachings.

We find God by obeying Jesus' teachings.

=more filler, saying NADA

You say we do not have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says since he said something to a paralyzed man and you are not paralyzed. LOL You are everything you claim I am.

I never said that, or argued that, you lying devil child.

Show me where I said/argued that, you demon.

Jesus does not tell everyone to sell all they have.

Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

God's Truth

New member
=satanism, as the demon, again asserts that Lord Jesus Christ died for every last one of them, you vile pervert, and forgave us all trespasses, per Col. 2:13 KJV, demon..

You have to come to him in repentance of sins in order to receive a washing from him.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are not telling the truth.

Maybe you are being convicted by the Holy Spirit.

I say Jesus says to obey everything he tells us to do.

You say I tell Madists that they do not obey. HAHAHAHAHA

Once again, evasion, drunk, and demonic HAHAHA.......saying NADA.

Jesus does not tell everyone to sell all they have.

Now, for over the 55th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Anyone who comes to Jesus in belief and repents of their sins, they believe that his blood shed on the cross washed their sins away. That is coming into the Covenant of his blood.

Respective members of the boc are justified by the blood, apart from any covenant, demon, as you have been shown, demon.

God's Truth

New member
Even "Forgive them Lord for they know NOT what they do" is in the true spirit of Passover...

This sacrifice is not a sin offering but a thanks offering for having been Passed over...such grace and mercy...

and exactly what was passed over? SIN UNCONFESSED...sin they didn't even know they were doing...

But later it was explained sin KNOWN must be followed with restitution not penance or just confession...

For instance theft must be restored and 1/5 added...

Sacrifices were for the insult to God of sin we carry UNKNOWN TO US...

Known sin must be addressed and confessed and righted-eliminated...go and sin no more

When Jesus forgave those who harmed him, it does NOT mean that they were forgiven.

Jesus is showing us that we must forgive others IN ORDER FOR US TO BE SAVED.

Those people who sinned--they STILL have to forgive others before they can be saved.

They still have to ask for forgiveness in order to be saved.

God's Truth

New member
Respective members of the boc are justified by the blood, apart from any covenant, demon, as you have been shown, demon.

Coming to the cross IS coming into the covenant of his blood.

Matthew 26:28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I say Jesus says to obey everything he tells us to do. HAHAHAHAHA

You are on record.

MADists argue that not all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ, while on earth, are directed for everyone's obedience, and that the Lord Jesus Christ says to obey everything he tells us to do.

Thus, next time you satanically, in hypocrisy, charge "You are not obeying all/everything Jesus teaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," demon, I will repost your own words. You were caught, in a trap.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Coming to the cross IS coming into the covenant of his blood.

Matthew 26:28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Respective members of the boc are justified by the blood, apart from any covenant, demon, as you have been shown, demon.

God's Truth

New member
You are on record.

MADists argue that not all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ, while on earth, are directed for everyone's obedience, and that the Lord Jesus Christ says to obey everything he tells us to do.

Thus, next time you satanically, in hypocrisy, charge "You are not obeying all/everything Jesus teaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," demon, I will repost your own words. You were caught, in a trap.

Again, you claim since you are not paralyzed, then you do not have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says.

That is ridiculous.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA We can settle this easily. Tell me, do you have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says when he walked the earth?

Yes, and I never argued otherwise, you filthy troll. I/other MADists have consistently asserted/argued, that not all of the commands of the bible, the LORD God, the Lord Jesus Christ, are directed to everyone, specifically, nor are they about them, nor is it for their obedience, you lying troll.

Read it-"not all of"

Of course, you have problems with the meaning of words, as your "I obey all/everything God 'Jesus' teaches/says" is redefined, as you do not obey all/everything.

All the books in the New Testament are to teach all of us.

As I asked:
Are all of them for everyone's obedience?

Yes, or no?

God's Truth

New member
Yes, and I never argued otherwise, you filthy troll. I/other MADists have consistently asserted/argued, that not all of the commands of the bible, the LORD God, the Lord Jesus Christ, are directed to everyone, specifically, nor are they about them, nor is it for their obedience, you lying troll.

Read it-"not all of"

Of course, you have problems with the meaning of words, as your "I obey all/everything God 'Jesus' teaches/says" is redefined, as you do not obey all/everything.

As I asked:
Are all of them for everyone's obedience?

Yes, or no?

Answer the question.

Do you have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus commands when he walked the earth?

God's Truth

New member
Just answer yes or no, John w.

Do you have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus commanded when he walked the earth?

When I say I obey everything Jesus commands us to do, it is about everything he tells ALL of us to do.

You claim since I do not sell my house that it means that I do not obey everything Jesus says! LOL

I explained to you that Jesus does not say that to everyone.

You then say see, we do not have to obey everything, and then you go on MANY times saying we do not have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says because it was not to us!

LOL And then you, after all your verbal abuse on many here, you want to R.A.T. (Run And Tell) and report me.

You expose what kind of person you are.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Answer the question.

Do you have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus commands when he walked the earth?

Already did, demon, but you are too smashed to understand the answer:-"not all of them."

Now, answer my question, that I've asked you over 60 times:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

Yes, or no.

And none of this "answer not a fool" evasion, you disgusting troll.

And answer this-asked 4 times:

All the books in the New Testament are to teach all of us.
Are they all for our obedience-do we have to obey all commands, everyone of them, regardless to whom it is addressed?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Just answer yes or no, John w.

Do you have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus commanded when he walked the earth?

When I say I obey everything Jesus commands us to do, it is about everything he tells ALL of us to do.

You sly little troll, weasel.....Of course, you decide what He "tells ALL of us to do," right, demon? Says who?

Go ahead and assert that others, just you, decide what He "tells ALL of us to do," and MADists/others, cannot do that-only you.
Go ahead. You are caught, you drugged up lush. No other option.

When we say we are to I obey everything that the Lord Jesus Christ commands us to do, it is about everything he tells ALL of us to do, as we see it.

See how that works, you drunk?

And you answer mine, troll-Yes, or no. You've been asked it for over 1 year, by myself/others, evader/weasel.

God's Truth

New member
Already did, demon, but you are too smashed to understand the answer:-"not all of them."

Now, answer my question, that I've asked you over 60 times:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

Yes, or no.

And none of this "answer not a fool" evasion, you disgusting troll.

Are they all for our obedience-do we have to obey all commands, everyone of them, regardless to whom it is addressed?

Answer hear and now.

God's Truth

New member
You sly little troll, weasel.....Of course, you decide what He "tells ALL of us to do," right, demon? Says who?

Go ahead and assert that others, just you, decide what He "tells ALL of us to do," and MADists/others, cannot do that-only you.
Go ahead. You are caught, you drugged up lush. No other option.

And you answer mine, troll-Yes, or no. You've been asked it for over 1 year, by myself/others, evader/weasel.

You try to nullify ALL of Jesus' words.

Those who search for God find Him and He gives those people wisdom.

How do you ever think that you have wisdom if you do not obey?