excellent example of MADism:


New member
I can hardly believe you said something so ignorant. Sin can be in your thought, and in your actions. We have to repent from all sin.

Even "Forgive them Lord for they know NOT what they do" is in the true spirit of Passover...

This sacrifice is not a sin offering but a thanks offering for having been Passed over...such grace and mercy...

and exactly what was passed over? SIN UNCONFESSED...sin they didn't even know they were doing...

But later it was explained sin KNOWN must be followed with restitution not penance or just confession...

For instance theft must be restored and 1/5 added...

Sacrifices were for the insult to God of sin we carry UNKNOWN TO US...

Known sin must be addressed and confessed and righted-eliminated...go and sin no more


New member
There's no tree or covenant by which we are made partakers of Christ. It's by the gospel or you're out!

So on your word we just take out all of it, then? Where do you think you got the gospel? In response to what covenant was it given? Such boasting against the branch. Peace

Right Divider

Body part
So on your word we just take out all of it, then? Where do you think you got the gospel? In response to what covenant was it given? Such boasting against the branch. Peace
That is one of the silliest posts that I've seen in a while.

Heir has show you the scripture about the gospel and yet you claim that "it's just her word".

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Heb 13:20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

Not written specifically to members of the boc, moron, one verse isolationist deceiver.

Leviticus. Obey it.

I thought so.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Heb 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Heb 10:28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:
Heb 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

1.More evasion.

Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all" in Colossians 2:13.

2. Not written specifically to members of the boc, deceiver.

Deuteronomy. Obey it.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I can hardly believe you said something so ignorant. Sin can be in your thought, and in your actions. We have to repent from all sin.

No, moron, it may be a change from doing something,or it may not, depending on the context, resulting from a "change of mind, change of/in your thinking," the definition of "repent."

We have to repent from all sin=satanism, as the Lord Jesus Christ died for every last one of them, you vile pervert, and forgave us all trespasses, per Col. 2:13 KJV, demon..

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

You are not a Corinthian are you?

Deception. By that counter "argument," this demon says all of the bible commands are directed at everyone, for their obedience.

This is how much of an inebriated, demonic moron this foolish "woman" is.

No, demon, the bible is specific with regards to whom is being addressed, but you are just too smashed, full of sophistry, to understand that.

vs. her lie...

Jesus does not tell everyone to sell all they have.

Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I said I was going to ignore you, not that I would use the ignore feature; and, I have ignored many of your posts to me.

I know why you can't answer the question about the man in Corinth.

It is too hard for you to understand because it destroys your beliefs. If not, then why wouldn't you answer. You answer other questions and like to talk a lot, so why not now about the sinning Corinthian?
Jesus does not tell everyone to sell all they have.

Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

I know why you can't answer the question about the man in Corinth.

No, deceiver, one verse/trick pony in isolationst spammer, you are going to answer this first:

Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

God's Truth

New member
Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

Do not answer a fool according to his folly-- Scripture

God's Truth

New member
Deception. By that counter "argument," this demon says all of the bible commands are directed at everyone, for their obedience.

This is how much of an inebriated, demonic moron this foolish "woman" is.

No, demon, the bible is specific with regards to whom is being addressed, but you are just too smashed, full of sophistry, to understand that.

vs. her lie...

Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

Your beliefs are too demented. With your reasoning, since Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk", it means you do not have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says! HAAAAAAAAA That is beyond insane.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What Jesus taught is to all of us.

Fine-Sell all you have.

We all have to come into the Covenant of his body and blood.

Respective members of the boc are justified by the blood, apart from any covenant, demon, as you have been shown

There is only one gospel to everyone.

=made up, and once again asserts her satanism, saying that there is only one piece of good news in the bible, and her saint Judas preached the gospel of Christ, per Luke 9:6 KJV.

All the books in the New Testament are to teach all of us.

Are all of them for everyone's obedience?

Yes, or no-no evasion.
Last edited:

God's Truth

New member
No, moron, it may be a change from doing something,or it may not, depending on the context, resulting from a "change of mind, change of/in your thinking," the definition of "repent."

We have to repent from all sin=satanism, as the Lord Jesus Christ died for every last one of them, you vile pervert, and forgave us all trespasses, per Col. 2:13 KJV, demon..

WE ALL have to repent of our sins---all sins---whether in thought or in deed.

Here, I will dumb it down for you:

WE ALL have to change our minds and stop sinning---all sin---whether sins in thought or in deed.

God's Truth

New member
Respective members of the boc are justified by the blood, aparyt from any covenant, demon, as you have been shown

Anyone who comes to Jesus in belief and repents of their sins, they believe that his blood shed on the cross washed their sins away. That is coming into the Covenant of his blood.

=made up, and once again asserts her satanism, saying that there is only one piece of good news in the bible, and her saint Judas preached the gospel of Christ, per Luke 9:6 KJV.

Why are you using Judas to put down Jesus?

You are judging what Jesus says when he walked the earth as something not as good as what Paul says because Judas sinned!

Are all of them for everyone's obedience?

Yes, or no-no evasion.

Go search for God, as He tells everyone to do.

We search for God by looking for Jesus' teachings.

We find God by obeying Jesus' teachings.

You say we do not have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says since he said something to a paralyzed man and you are not paralyzed. LOL You are everything you claim I am.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your beliefs are too demented. With your reasoning, since Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk", it means you do not have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says! HAAAAAAAAA That is beyond insane.

More evasion from the demon, as she argues:

Jesus does not tell everyone to sell all they have.

And, so, when challenged...

Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

Her "response:"

it means you do not have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says! HAAAAAAAAA That is beyond insane

=she won't touch it, as it proves she is a lying, demonic hypocrite, actress, asserting that she "obeys everything Jesus taught...always obeys/God....obeys all of Jesus's teachings," but, when we argue that not all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth,or all of the commands of the bible, are specifically directed to everyone, for their obedience, or about us, slanders others of MAD,and non Mad, with crying, dung filled, self righteous accusations of "You MADists/others don't obey Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...You are not obeying God, like I do!!!!!!," and, in two faced hypocrisy, when challenged if she always obeys God's/Jesus's teackings/commands, all of the time, "everything, " such as the command to "Sell all you have," she slickly, like a serpent, in two faced hypocrisy,

Jesus does not tell everyone to sell all they have.

Yes, we know why you evade, answering the question:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

Because you are demonic, lying, 2 faced hypocrite/actress, devil child.

God's Truth

New member
1.More evasion.

Identify the sins for which the Lord Jesus Christ did not die. Specifics, and why "all," does not mean "all" in Colossians 2:13.

2. Not written specifically to members of the boc, deceiver.

Deuteronomy. Obey it.


Jesus died for all sins that you repent of.

God's Truth

New member
More evasion from the demon, as she argues:

And, so, when challenged...

Her "response:"

=she won't touch it, as it proves she is a lying, demonic hypocrite, actress, asserting that she "obeys everything Jesus taught...always obeys/God....obeys all of Jesus's teachings," but, when we argue that not all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth,or all of the commands of the bible, are specifically directed to everyone, for their obedience, or about us, slanders others of MAD,and non Mad, with crying, dung filled, self righteous accusations of "You MADists/others don't obey Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...You are not obeying God, like I do!!!!!!," and, in two faced hypocrisy, when challenged if she always obeys God's/Jesus's teackings/commands, all of the time, "everything, " such as the command to "Sell all you have," she slickly, like a serpent, in two faced hypocrisy,

Yes, we know why you evade, answering the question:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?Yes, or no. Quit your evasion, demon.

Because you are demonic, lying, 2 faced hypocrite/actress, devil child.

You are not telling the truth.

Maybe you are being convicted by the Holy Spirit.

I say Jesus says to obey everything he tells us to do.

You say I tell Madists that they do not obey. HAHAHAHAHA

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Do not answer a fool according to his folly-- Scripture

Translation: More hypocrisy, crying about why others don't answer her questions, and yet the above punt/serpent slickness....

Jesus does not tell everyone to sell all they have.

Now, for over the 50th time:

Do you agree, that not all of the commands, given by the Lord Jesus Christ, while he walked on earth, are specifically directed to everyone?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
WE ALL have to repent of our sins---all sins---whether in thought or in deed.

Here, I will dumb it down for you:

WE ALL have to change our minds and stop sinning---all sin---whether sins in thought or in deed.

=satanism, as the demon, again asserts that Lord Jesus Christ died for every last one of them, you vile pervert, and forgave us all trespasses, per Col. 2:13 KJV, demon..