Evil.Eye.<(I)> is actually....

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God's Truth

New member

Isaiah 11:6

The "Wolf Pack" now has supporting scripture behind its name that was initially given as an insult.

# ; )

Is it an insult to speak about your constant insults?

Think about it some more.

God's Truth

New member
Well, since this is a see you later thread from EvilEye, I just want to say I hope all in life is not too difficult for you. I hope to see you around soon.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He was using God's words about God Himself to justify his insults to others. He is not God.

Can't you control yourself?

You are using God's words about God Himself to justify your insults to others, and pervert the gospel of Christ. You are not God, or Paul, or Peter, or......who used the word of God to insult others, such as yourself, to pervert the word.

So kindly hush, devil child.

You can't you control yourself, and you are not God, so cease your hissing.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Is this sincere love that God speaks of?

You, to those, protecting a child from a rapist, wolf, robber, pedefile...:

Is this sincere love that God speaks of?

I love the babes, sheep, enough, to protect them from wolves, such as yourself. I do not like wolves....saint John W I am.

Wolfie. Get out of our territory, as members of he boc do not negotiate with wolves, or communists.
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