Evil.Eye.<(I)> is actually....

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He's been trying to wage some crusade and cleave the third of this site that is traditionally Christian from the rest- an overly grand 20 something who's perception is still in it's infancy. He's probably well on his way to being kicked out wherever he is living because it's apparent that he does not have his own place or work full time.

Oh well- best of luck to you Evil Eye- been there, done that. You'll come to realize one day that the world is not how you see it anymore than how you interpret Christianity :wave2:

Did you think that up all on your own?

# I dub thee... Mini AMR



Hey MADS and their supporters;

Madists are defeated badly in all their claims.

I know you don't like to admit your defeat but you can rant and rave and claiming you have the truth.

It is only a empty claims.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Hey MADS and their supporters;

Madists are defeated badly in all their claims.

I know you don't like to admit your defeat but you can rant and rave and claiming you have the truth.

It is only a empty claims.
Keep telling yourself of your deceptive faith.

This is fun.


You cannot
As in, it's impossible to do so

bring anything
As in, no evidence

to prove your slandering.
As in, it's not true without proof.

The Court enters the testimony of Meshak's own words as "Proof"


It is so MAD.
I'm completely void of theological labels... but MAD and Open Theology have it closest to the scriptures.

To blather on and on, then jump around matters... well that's just "Charles Taze Russell" of you.


He's been trying to wage some crusade and cleave the third of this site that is traditionally Christian from the rest- an overly grand 20 something who's perception is still in it's infancy. He's probably well on his way to being kicked out wherever he is living because it's apparent that he does not have his own place or work full time.

Oh well- best of luck to you Evil Eye- been there, done that. You'll come to realize one day that the world is not how you see it anymore than how you interpret Christianity :wave2:

they are not interested in Christianity, it is politically motivated.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Find me where I said I am faithful and obey all His teachings and saved?
Your slandering has been dishonest and despicable.

Post #48,57-"we"-including yourself-your words:


You see, this kind comment makes Jesus' salvation so cheap.

Salvation is not cheap. It costed Him His life.

If we don't appreciate what He has done by saying like "your works cannot save you", odds are we will not be accepted in His kingdom.

Jesus is our Lord, He commands us many things to do.

Jesus gave us many things to do.

Jesus says if you love me, keep My commands.

so it is obvious we ought to obey His commands because without loving Him there is no salvation...............When you say "your works cannot save you", it is saying "obedience to Jesus will not save you" which is so ungrateful thing to say to the Lord after what He has done for us[/B].

So, your works save you, but admit that you are not "faithful" and do not "obey all His teachings;" thus you are not saved.

Thanks for the concession, again, that you are lost, a child of the devil, and a wolf, and your bad news.

Good day to you, sir.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Hey MADS and their supporters;

Madists are defeated badly in all their claims.

I know you don't like to admit your defeat but you can rant and rave and claiming you have the truth.

It is only a empty claims.

You cannot bring anything to prove your slandering.

It is so MAD.

You guys cannot refute anything biblically, so developed skill of slandering, mocking, ridiculing and so on..

This is exactly what I mean. You have no idea what you are talking about and slandering about.

You comments are full of holes, dear.

Find me where I said I am faithful and obey all His teachings and saved?

Your slandering has been dishonest and despicable.

You are so clever in your slandering your enemy.

You parrot everyone's word. You have no creativity.

You MADs are lunatics to say the least.

This is rightful discernment.

Tambora, you mads get so upset and angry when someone refute you with no exception.

You are only speak kindly to your kind. You like EE just because he is not Spiritual Israelites supporter.

It seems clear that MADs are politically motivate.

the irony of your inconsistency on and on and on....

Those Christian Zionists are politically motivated, and are mostly Jews, it seems.

They are not spiritually motivated.

Are you intojoy too, EE?

He is strong Zionist too.

He also hates me like you hate me too.
Meshak's form of "love your neighbor".
That's just from today, and today is young.


he talks like wolf, behave like wolf, and so do you. Only you are not as good as him disguising.

[MENTION=1851]john w[/MENTION], [MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION], [MENTION=15685]musterion[/MENTION] and all the rest that you despise so deeply talk like a certain individual in Mt. 23

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Post #84
I am not reading your lengthy posts. I always get to the point without beating around the bush.

Since you don't seem to know what I believe how to be saved, I will tell you how to be saved:

It is by obedient to Jesus.

Salvation is all about Jesus being Lord and Savior.

Find me where I said I am faithful and obey all His teachings and saved?
Your slandering has been dishonest and despicable.

Observe, the deception:

1. The wolf asserts that shed has never said that she that she is "faithful and obey(s) all His teachings," and thus saved.

2. Wolfie asserts that, to be saved, she/everyone must be "obedient to Jesus."

Thus, she assets, argues, on record that:

she/no one is/can be saved.

Any other questions for this devil child?


You guys have been personally attacking your enemies when the topic is not personal.

All thread where you post engage in, end up personal attacks. It is so jubinile, and claim to be saved.

You guys are hoot.
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