ECT Enlightened about MAD

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
That's rich, Craigie, coming from an emotionally distraught, wimp, and weasel, like you, with little arms, no chin, who lost his backbone/vertebrae/testosterone, years ago.

You effeminate actress-even you know it.

Fred Plummer: "I'm going to get my $4 worth...and then some."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Fred Plummer: "I'm going to get my $4 worth...and then some."

"Angel"Martin: [trying to sound menacing to a thug] "Hey! Buckaroo, I don't let nobody outta my sight. This is the Big One! This is the Big Score! I don't sleep. I sit on my blanket with my gun on my lap and I keep an eye on you all night long... "

"jimmy"Rockford: "Yeah, Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston, Tim Holt; terrific ending. Almost everybody ate a bullet!"

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
"Angel"Martin: [trying to sound menacing to a thug] "Hey! Buckaroo, I don't let nobody outta my sight. This is the Big One! This is the Big Score! I don't sleep. I sit on my blanket with my gun on my lap and I keep an eye on you all night long... "

"jimmy"Rockford: "Yeah, Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston, Tim Holt; terrific ending. Almost everybody ate a bullet!"



Well-known member
I always knew (since breaking through in college) about D'ism that it takes its dictatorial stance to impose its complications that it sees between the lines. I now realize that to salvage what it could from the decrepancy of that stance, MAD has its own set of complications, imposed by a 'teacher' or 'expert' class and even experimenting with the irrationality of neo-orthodoxy ('it's true because it is not found in other history!').

All you have to answer is what does 'saved' mean in the context of rom 10 forward. That's what it means at the end of 11, which is D'ism's and MAD's supposed grand-proof-text. It is obviously not a restored theocracy.

Hi and you can explaine HOW a person is saved ?

I believe that I have asked you before to explain how Paul was saved in Acts 9_17 , with no answer , then no answer as how you were saved , why not ?

Here is a soft ball , How was Peter saved ?

Was it by Baptism ?

Was it by Repentance Acts 26:20 ?

Or was Peter saved by Rom 10:9 ?

Or was Peter saved faith ?

Or were you saved by the Everlasting Gospel of Rev 14:6 ??

I see that you have no ASSURANCE of Salvation , do you ?

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and you can explaine HOW a person is saved ?

I believe that I have asked you before to explain how Paul was saved in Acts 9_17 , with no answer , then no answer as how you were saved , why not ?

Here is a soft ball , How was Peter saved ?

Was it by Baptism ?

Was it by Repentance Acts 26:20 ?

Or was Peter saved by Rom 10:9 ?

Or was Peter saved faith ?

Or were you saved by the Everlasting Gospel of Rev 14:6 ??

I see that you have no ASSURANCE of Salvation , do you ?

dan p

As I said, first define saved. it means justified from the debt of sins. It does not mean an theocracy for Israel, and it does not directly go to our transformation (even though we are transformed by freedom from debt).

Every believer has a slightly different path toward this; the problem is making too much out of differences in the path--the type of baptism; how they repented; who they told first; ad infinitum.

Paul is saying no human steps or works are distinct enough; they are all worthwhile and yet feeble responses; it is what Christ was and did that justifies us.


New member
The jailer was going to kill himself because the thought the prisoners had escaped

(Acts 16:27-28) ... and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. 28 But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!”..

So, once Paul let the jailer know they were still there, the jailer was no longer in a predicament.

Then the jailer asked what he must do to be saved.

Nowhere in the passage does it say Paul or Silas preached to them beforehand. The passage tells us Paul and Silas sang and prayed, but it also tells us the jailer was sleeping while Paul and Silas was singing and praying.

Here's the important part:

After the jailer believed:

(Acts 16:32) Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house.

There's nothing wrong with telling 1 Cor 15:1-4 to an unbeliever, and/or telling about the d,b,r and the sin issue to an unbeliever.

However, to be legalistic and claim there are certain things that have to be said to an unbeliever is...well...being legalistic.

That's what Danoh and mysteryboy are doing because of their MAD.

Obviously the most important factor in a person's conversion, is the influence of the Holy Spirit to convict the heart. The Holy Spirit can do this without a gospel preacher, but it is unusual, because God has determined to save people through the foolishness of preaching.
The gospel message is simply to believe in Jesus to receive eternal life, and some people did this by simply witnessing a miracle. However, change (repentance) is inevitable when sin is understood in the light of Christ and his righteousness.


New member
The vast majority of Pentecostals and Charismatics are Dispensationalists.

The "date setters" are all Dispensationalists.

The vast majority of people who claim to be able to give prophecies are Dispensationalists.

The vast majority of Preterists believe the sign gifts ceased in 70AD.

mysteryboy makes up stuff, and ignores the facts.


The prominent early pentecostal fellowships were assemblies of God, and the majority of them came out of the brethren church (Darby).

I am a Charismatic Word Faith Pentecostal, as you know.


New member
I disagree. Go to any Assembly of God church and you will find Darby's rapture, the separation of Israel and the church, the 7 year trib, and the millennium all being taught.

All these things are the foundation of Dispensationalism.

Godrulz is a Dispensationalist on TOL, he believes in all the sign gifts.

Yes the vast majority of pentecostals are dispensationalists. Its disp eschatology that unites all the different ministries on networks like TBN, and enables them all to tolerate each other.

The pentecostal revival in America began in a brethren church.


Well-known member
Obviously the most important factor in a person's conversion, is the influence of the Holy Spirit to convict the heart. The Holy Spirit can do this without a gospel preacher, but it is unusual, because God has determined to save people through the foolishness of preaching.
The gospel message is simply to believe in Jesus to receive eternal life, and some people did this by simply witnessing a miracle. However, change (repentance) is inevitable when sin is understood in the light of Christ and his righteousness.

What has happened over the centuries is that we have gotten the idea that each individual person listening to Christ or an apostles only heard the one thing the text mentions in their incident. I don't believe that for a minute.

Then there are the simplifications in "The gospel message is simply to believe in Jesus to receive eternal life,".

In English, to believe in says nothing about dependence upon.
2, With Judaism hinting that the end of the whole created order could be soon, there needs to be clarity about justification from sins. 'To recieve eternal life' is an outcome of that, but but it has a way of avoiding the issue if it is offered directly. So "The gospel message is simply to believe in Jesus to receive eternal life," is a very poor representation of what Christ and the apostles sounded like.

By that time in that city (the jailer) and because he had access to proceedings, I don't think there was any question about what Paul was teaching before it came to the moment where his life was in danger about the escape. I'm not even sure he meant 'saved' like an evangelical means it; it is more likely that he means to find out why it would be better to live imprisoned vs. end it quickly with a sword.


New member
Yes I agree, the jailer was primed by what he heard earlier in the jail, and the earthquake was obviously unnatural. Deep conviction fell on him, without a doubt. With jailer saying, "what must I do to be saved", he must have had inner conviction that he needed to be saved.


Well-known member
Yes I agree, the jailer was primed by what he heard earlier in the jail, and the earthquake was obviously unnatural. Deep conviction fell on him, without a doubt. With jailer saying, "what must I do to be saved", he must have had inner conviction that he needed to be saved.

So you have decided he already spoke 'evangelicalese' and meant 'to be justified from his sins'. How do you know he was not speaking of his immediate dilemma--taking his own life immediately vs being tortured for incompetence for a long time?