ECT Enlightened about MAD


The vast majority of Pentecostals and Charismatics are Dispensationalists.

The "date setters" are all Dispensationalists.

The vast majority of people who claim to be able to give prophecies are Dispensationalists.

The vast majority of Preterists believe the sign gifts ceased in 70AD.

mysteryboy makes up stuff, and ignores the facts.
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Well-known member
That also partly explains the general lack of respect for the Word seen among both preterists and charismatics...prets because it's all pretty much fulfilled aka ancient history; charismatics because there's always some NEW WORD to come from God via "prophets," reducing reliance on "that dusty old book," that "old wineskin."

Quite a dangerous mix when you combine the two.


New member
The vast majority of Pentecostals and Charismatics are Dispensationalists.

The "date setters" are all Dispensationalists.

The vast majority of people who claim to be able to give prophecies are Dispensationalists.

The vast majority of Preterists believe the sign gifts ceased in 70AD.

mysteryboy makes up stuff, and ignores the facts.

Tet is dead usual.

The vast majority who think of themselves as being Dispensationalists...are not.

It is why some of THEM have ended up Progressives (PD).

Because Acts 2 Dispensationalism was never really fully Dispensational.


I did not make up charismatic preterists. Their existence is a fact.

It's a very, very small percentage.

The vast majority believe the sign gifts ended in 70AD.

However, this is what you do. You find one example of a Charismatic Preterist, and now you lump every Preterist as Charismatic.

Dispensationalism on the other hand is full of Hal Lindsay's, Jack Van Impe's, John Hagee's, Harold Camping's, etc.


Well-known member
TBecause Acts 2 Dispensationalism was never really fully Dispensational.

Tet can't see that, though. If he really was a disp, he was no doubt Acts 2 which is entirely blind to its own inconsistency.

But it makes more sense that he was never dispensational at all. He knows far too little of what it actually teaches and so misrepresents it repeatedly. What he does know accurately, it seems he learned here on TOL.


Tet is dead usual.


Like most Darby followers, you're embarrassed by your very own Dispensationalism.

The vast majority who think of themselves as being Dispensationalists...are not.

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a's a duck.

It is why some of THEM have ended up Progressives (PD).

Very, very few Dispies are PD's. I have never even seen one on TOL.

Because Acts 2 Dispensationalism was never really fully Dispensational.

Wrong again.

A2D's believe in the demarcation line between Israel and the church, the secret parenthetical dispensation, the rapture, the seven year trib, and the millennium.

That is what Dispensationalism is built upon (a lie)


But it makes more sense that he was never dispensational at all. He knows far too little of what it actually teaches and so misrepresents it repeatedly. What he does know accurately, it seems he learned here on TOL.

I know more about Dispensationalism than you ever will, including Mid-Acts.

And I've watched just about everyone of you Darby followers flip flop on issues after I brought them up.


Well-known member
Note the arrogance of a blind, ignorant cultist. He'll tell you what your beliefs are better than you can describe them but nothing you say about his belief system carries the slightest weight.

I know more about Dispensationalism than you ever will, including Mid-Acts.


This from the guy who thinks John 3:16 is the saving Gospel of grace.


Note the arrogance of a blind, ignorant cultist.

Preterism wasn't invented during "the age of the cults", it was Dispensationalism that was invented during "the age of the cults".

He'll tell you what your beliefs are better than you can describe them

Correct, which is why you flip flop on many issues.

but nothing you say about his belief system carries the slightest weight.

Preterists believe the sign gifts ended in 70AD.

This from the guy who thinks John 3:16 is the saving Gospel of grace.

I didn't say John 3:16, I said Romans 10:9.



wikipedia's definition of "partial preterism":

" the destruction of Jerusalem, the Antichrists, the Great Tribulation, and the advent of the Day of the Lord as a "judgment-coming" of Christ, were fulfilled either in AD 70 or during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Nero"

IP believes in a worldwide judgment that is yet future.


New member
wikipedia's definition of "partial preterism":

" the destruction of Jerusalem, the Antichrists, the Great Tribulation, and the advent of the Day of the Lord as a "judgment-coming" of Christ, were fulfilled either in AD 70 or during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Nero"

IP believes in a worldwide judgment that is yet future.

I've noticed your attempts to bait him on that. Just a matter of time before he too sees what you are after - strife with one and all; including your own.

Name one Preterism site, Full or Partial that you post on, let alone, attempt this nine years of baiting others through questions you have no real interest in the answers to, other than your own.

You are just a wanna be.


I've noticed your attempts to bait him on that.

You must have hypersensitive issues.

You think when someone asks you a question, they are always trying to "bait" you.

Just a matter of time before he too sees what you are after - strife with one and all; including your own.

This is a theology forum run by MADists who have their own special club called "Truth Smackers".

Yet, when your Dispensationalism is questioned, it's someone looking for "strife".
Name one Preterism site, Full or Partial that you post on,

I don't.

let alone, attempt this nine years of baiting others through questions you have no real interest in the answers to, other than your own.

Why are you here if you can't handle questions?

Are you male or female? Cause, I don't know many men who are such drama queens like you are. You remind me a lot of God's Truth, she, like you, is really into drama.


New member
You must have hypersensitive issues.

You think when someone asks you a question, they are always trying to "bait" you.

This is a theology forum run by MADists who have their own special club called "Truth Smackers".

Yet, when your Dispensationalism is questioned, it's someone looking for "strife".

I don't.

Why are you here if you can't handle questions?

Are you male or female? Cause, I don't know many men who are such drama queens like you are. You remind me a lot of God's Truth, she, like you, is really into drama.



Well-known member
What might all of that set you up to fall victim to?

I know you're Reformed and so likely won't believe it, but I know you can guess the answer.
Thank you for going the extra mile for this, Musterion. I really appreciate you for that.

Well, Reformed, I don't think gets in the way. You perked my curiosity and so I looked this up and you are pretty much on the spot with those who are charismatic preterists (looked while waiting).

I'd think that a good many of them are all over the map, but that's a different thread likely (would be interesting if someone is of a mind). Thanks again, -Lon


1 Cor 13:8-10 puts to bed the oxymoron known as "Charasmatic-Preterism".

(1 Cor 13:8-10) Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.

It's the Dispensationalists denial of verse 10 for why we have the Pentecostal movement that began a little over 100 years ago.

It was Dispensationalists who founded the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement.

The "completeness" came in 70AD. Thefore, prophecies, tongues, and the other sign gifts disappeared.