End of Roe Vs Wade?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

the left is willing to destroy every institution of American civic life to preserve their abortion regime. The day after the leak, the president of the United States, a man who once pushed for a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe but has since surrendered to the demands of his party’s ascendent left wing, took the extraordinary step of weighing in on an undecided Supreme Court case. (While he was at it, he spouted exactly the kind of nonsense we have come to expect from him.)
This thing certainly looks like it's shaping up to be Civil War II. The Mason-Dixon line is more circular this time around, with south and central states being pro-life and the perimeter being pro-abort.

And as before, Republicans on the right side of history.


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The Phoenix

"They went a trimester too far"

In my home state of New York, my former governor Andrew Cuomo, who claimed to be a Catholic, passed legislation authorizing abortion up to the point of delivery.

Yes, they lit the World Trade Center up pink to celebrate, remember? Horrible.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Claim is that this is Mr. Ron Paul's:

I had a similar experience back when I was pre-med and working in an intensive care nursery. We devoted extraordinary efforts and resources towards saving the lives of preemies while just down the road unborn children of the same gestational age were being pulled from their mother's wombs and discarded with the medical waste.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I had a similar experience back when I was pre-med and working in an intensive care nursery. We devoted extraordinary efforts and resources towards saving the lives of preemies while just down the road unborn children of the same gestational age were being pulled from their mother's wombs and discarded with the medical waste.
"Self-evident", in case anybody wonders what that term means.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
In case anyone's wondering why so many Jews are pro-choice:



New member
To most on this forum I will be a heathen socilaist. However, how ever much I try and think round, I can't agree with abortion. That is not to say I don't have empathy with people who have an unplanned preganancy. However, my own conscience can not get over it is the killing of an innocent person.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
In case anyone's wondering why so many Jews are pro-choice:

Self-evidently then,
Jewish pro-aborts
pretend to not know
that we now have DNA evidence,
aka "Science",
that demonstrates
ipso facto
that their primordial "religious" belief here
morally speaking and or ethically speaking

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
(Whoopi) Goldberg’s passionate speech received uproarious applause from the audience.

Of course it did. The audience of The View is handpicked retards who will predictably applaud the emotional unstable rantings of a drug addict with a drug addled brain.

“If you care about me as a human being,

I don't. You're an evil person. You're a terrible human being.

you should know three things: Getting an abortion is not easy. Making that decision is not easy. It’s not something people do lightly, it’s not something you can just do. It is a hard, awful decision that people make.

And why is that? Why is it not easy? Why is it not something people do lightly? Why is it a hard awful decision? Why don't you describe exactly why it is a hard awful decision you horrible hateful evil excuse for a human? Why don't you acknowledge that this hard awful decision is hard and awful because it is a decision to crush the life out of one of these?



Gary K

New member
To most on this forum I will be a heathen socilaist. However, how ever much I try and think round, I can't agree with abortion. That is not to say I don't have empathy with people who have an unplanned preganancy. However, my own conscience can not get over it is the killing of an innocent person.
You still have a conscience and that is a good thing. It's telling you something about your fellow travelers. Listening to it would be a really profitable idea.


Well-known member
In case anyone's wondering why so many Jews are pro-choice:

You need better sources. Here's one:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
You need better sources. Here's one:
There is a diversity of opinion on many issues in the Jewish community, just as there is in any community.

But for those Jews who are pro-choice, I linked you to some of their reasoning on the issue.


Well-known member
To most on this forum I will be a heathen socilaist. However, how ever much I try and think round, I can't agree with abortion. That is not to say I don't have empathy with people who have an unplanned preganancy. However, my own conscience can not get over it is the killing of an innocent person.
Keep listening to your conscience, but test what your conscience is telling you by comparing to a trustworthy source of ethics, of which there are few. Consciences can become seared from too much ignoring.

The Bible is the most trustworthy of all ethical standards, because it was inspired by the Creator of mankind.


Well-known member
But you didn't offer any refutation of it. If there is an immoral position that you reference, I recommend you at least explain that you don't agree with it, else we will think you are immoral.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
But you didn't offer any refutation of it. If there is an immoral position that you reference, I recommend you at least explain that you don't agree with it, else we will think you are immoral.
1) I don't refute it.
2) You didn't offer any refutation of the link I posted either.