End of Roe Vs Wade?

Gary K

New member
You trust the strangest voices in existence. The OT says nothing in favor of abortion but I've seen "Christians" who claim it does. Their reasoning depended upon the idea that women have no souls which must rely on the idea that women are not human beings. That is so obscene an idea that when I pointed out the reasoning the socialists kicked me off the forum but wouldn't publicly admit it. They just changed my password without notice so it would look like I had just left the forum.
Sorry Derf. This post was not meant to be directed to you but to UN. Somehow I ended up inadvertently posting this to you and just figured this out.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You don't think there are Democratic voters who literally feel like this is worth killing "bornt" people about?

Even an elderly Black man with a college degree?

Remember Republicans have been enduring Roe now for almost 50 years, and we've only seen sporadic----even over all that time----cases of violence directed at abortion provision. Now maybe it's the Democrats' turn to endure the Republican position on Roe (overturn it). Let's see if they'll be just as actually "mostly peaceful" as Republicans have been, or if they'll be quote-unquote "mostly peaceful" instead.

Right now, as a gambler with a gambler's mind, that's an even money bet as far as I'm concerned: unfortunately.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Then we'll assume you believe the Bible supports intentional murder of a person made in God's image.

And because of that stance, you have no moral grounds for any stance you take.
A 1977 law ensures a low-cost, and in some cases free, legal abortion to any woman who fills one of four criteria:

- She is under 18 or over 40 (cost to those in between: 1,500 shekels [$370]).
- She is carrying a fetus with a serious mental or physical defect (free).
- She claims that the fetus results from forbidden relations such as rape or incest (free) or, in the case of a married woman, that the baby is not her husband's (not free). Single women also fall under this clause, and they too must pay.
- She shows that by continuing the pregnancy, her physical or mental health would be damaged (free).

A woman who seeks to terminate a pregnancy must first seek approval, appearing before one of the 41 abortion committees operating in public and private hospitals around the country. These committees include three members — a physician whose field of expertise is obstetrics and gynecology; another physician who is either a family doctor, psychiatrist, internist or gynecologist, and a social worker. At least one woman must be present on each committee. Hospital pregnancy termination committees approve the vast majority of their requests.



Well-known member
A 1977 law ensures a low-cost, and in some cases free, legal abortion to any woman who fills one of four criteria:

- She is under 18 or over 40 (cost to those in between: 1,500 shekels [$370]).
- She is carrying a fetus with a serious mental or physical defect (free).
- She claims that the fetus results from forbidden relations such as rape or incest (free) or, in the case of a married woman, that the baby is not her husband's (not free). Single women also fall under this clause, and they too must pay.
- She shows that by continuing the pregnancy, her physical or mental health would be damaged (free).

A woman who seeks to terminate a pregnancy must first seek approval, appearing before one of the 41 abortion committees operating in public and private hospitals around the country. These committees include three members — a physician whose field of expertise is obstetrics and gynecology; another physician who is either a family doctor, psychiatrist, internist or gynecologist, and a social worker. At least one woman must be present on each committee. Hospital pregnancy termination committees approve the vast majority of their requests.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Democrats Quietly Scrub Abortion Bill Language Saying Men Can Get Pregnant​

U.S. Senator speak on Roe v. Wade abortion decision

The latest version of the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), which would effectively make abortion a statutory right, scrubbed references to transgender and nonbinary people’s pregnancies as well as language related to “reproductive justice.”


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Deace: The most demonic moment in the history of the presidency?

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." —Exodus 20:7

Much like the devil, President Joe Biden doesn’t doubt that there’s a God.
And as with the devil, that’s not even remotely close to a guarantee that whatever comes next won’t be horribly demonic. For one shining moment this week, President Biden might as well have been hosting the "Steve Deace Show." He declared with confidence from his bully pulpit that “I believe I have the rights that I have not because the government gave it to me … but because I’m just a child of God; I exist.”

Hallelujah! I mean, that worldview sums up nearly everything about my show for as long as I’ve been doing it. Both in terms of my personal motivation and my political tactics. God first in all things. To Him be the glory.
But sadly, this was not a true come-to-Jesus moment for Joe, but an eternal damnation one.

For Joe didn't say such a thing in order to defend innocent life, but to condemn it to torture and death in support of Roe v. Wade.

Yes, according to Joe, God created you with the natural right to kill babies.

He actually said that, and not from his usual dementia-ridden fog. This was the most lucid I have seen from Joe behind a podium in a very long time, as if he wanted to make sure this was the message he wanted to be remembered for the most. That is scary. Scary as hell. Literally.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Quick Look at U.S. Code Makes Jen Psaki’s 'Answer' on Targeting Justices at Home so Much Worse​

By Sister Toldjah | May 06, 2022 11:00 AM ET
AP Photo/Patrick Semansky
We’ve reported this week on how White House press secretary Jen Psaki has been asked multiple times about various aspects of the story that broke Monday about the Supreme Court leak regarding the draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito in which he declared “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.”

On Wednesday, Psaki gave a very troubling answer when questioned on whether the Biden White House would view a majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade as a “legitimate” ruling. She refused to give a straight “yes” or “no” answer, and instead pivoted to how things would supposedly take a dire turn for women in at least “half” the states in America if the draft majority opinion held.

Things got even more shameful on Thursday when Psaki was asked about the admitted plans by the radical leftist group “Ruth Sent Us” to target and march outside of the private homes of some of the conservative Justices, whose addresses were partially shared complete with maps by the militant left-wing agitators in a clear attempt at intimidating them over the Mississippi pro-life case currently before the court.

Not only did Psaki decline to condemn the leak, but she repeatedly refused to condemn the planned “protests” outside of the Justices homes.

“Peaceful protest is not extreme,” she told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy. And then later, when pressed on whether President Biden thought it was okay to target Justices at their homes where in some instances there are small children, Psaki said “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest. I want it — we want it, of course, to be peaceful. And certainly, the President would want people’s privacy to be respected. But I think we shouldn’t lose the point here …”

Keep in mind that as you read her incredible answers that they came just a day or so after Joe Biden went off on “MAGA” conservatives, proclaiming “This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history. Recent American history.”

In addition to Psaki’s answers being the equivalent of the White House giving their enthusiastic seal of approval to the “peaceful protesters” who will descend on the homes of the Justices like rabid wolves next Wednesday, what was also troubling about what Psaki told the reporters who asked her specific questions about the targeting is the fact that she’s either apparently either unaware or is being willfully ignorant of the U.S. Code on demonstrations launched in front of the homes of judges and anyone involved in court proceedings with the intent to influence their decision:

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
Nothing in this section shall interfere with or prevent the exercise by any court of the United States of its power to punish for contempt.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This is Biden refusing to follow his oath of office and defend the Constitution and the laws of the country.

This is treason, far beyond high crimes and misdemeanors.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
In the past oh six years there have been repeated claims that our democracy is under attack.

But among all the clamor, I think the truth is that the most serious threat that we have heard is the Democratic idea to expand the Supreme Court.

Their plan was to expand the Court to 13, with each of the four new justices being Democratic nominations and Democratic confirmations, swinging the 6-to-3 current "Originalist" majority to a 7-to-6 utilitarian (libertarian) legal positivist majority, which is necessary in order for the Democratic ideology to prevail through law.

The reason this is the most serious threat we've heard about is twofold. One is that it is simply "moving the goalposts", but the other much more serious problem is that this would be something you would do on the way to a 'single party state' like they have in China and like they had under Stalin's USSR. In fact expanding the Court would be so Stalinesque that it should make you shiver at how close we are to that sort of political situation.

The answer to this threat is to listen to those threatening to do it: The written Constitution nowhere explicates how many justices should sit on the Court. Amend the Constitution codifying nine justices on the Court. This will prevent the sort of Stalinesque policy the Democrats are actually considering doing.

And regarding President Biden, if he's drawing attention away from his own party's notion of expanding the Court by focusing all attention right now on the Roe decision instead, then he is doing the Lord's work.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Spot on assessment of how abortion is the largest overriding issue of the left. When it comes to abortion they throw away everything else, war with Russia, climate change, universal healthcare, open borders - all of it pales in comparison to the importance that abortion holds in their minds.

I was astounded to learn this when I was interacting with the radical feminists on Facebook a couple years ago. They were willing to throw the #metoo movement under the bus to facilitate legal abortion.



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Direct quotes from the former director of Operation Save America, Rev. Rusty Thomas:

Roe Overturned?
"The abolitionist movement for years has declared 'Ignore Roe, Establish Justice, and Abolish Abortion Now.' Nothing has changed, even if Roe vs. Wade is overturned..."

What Can We Do?
"The real work of Abolition was always at the state and local levels. This is what we've been declaring and working towards for years. It's what must be done to meet God's demands for justice."

What does this mean?
"If true, the overturning of Roe merely means the church of the living God must focus our attention where it has needed to be for years. Jesus promised, 'I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.'"
- Rev. Rusty Thomas


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Direct quotes from the former director of Operation Save America, Rev. Rusty Thomas:

Roe Overturned?
"The abolitionist movement for years has declared 'Ignore Roe, Establish Justice, and Abolish Abortion Now.' Nothing has changed, even if Roe vs. Wade is overturned..."

What Can We Do?
"The real work of Abolition was always at the state and local levels. This is what we've been declaring and working towards for years. It's what must be done to meet God's demands for justice."

What does this mean?
"If true, the overturning of Roe merely means the church of the living God must focus our attention where it has needed to be for years. Jesus promised, 'I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.'"
- Rev. Rusty Thomas

"The real work of abolition was always at the state and local levels"

While I don't disagree I would point out that the real work is at the level of the individual heart. The individual man and woman. I've seen the possibility of persuading them, even the most hardcore feminists, by arguing at a level that they can understand, at the emotional level. It doesn't always work, it didn't often work, but it could work and when it did it made the effort worthwhile.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"The real work of abolition was always at the state and local levels"

While I don't disagree I would point out that the real work is at the level of the individual heart. The individual man and woman. I've seen the possibility of persuading them, even the most hardcore feminists, by arguing at a level that they can understand, at the emotional level. It doesn't always work, it didn't often work, but it could work and when it did it made the effort worthwhile.
It's one reason I would continually post the pictures of the victims of black lives matter violence, especially the most persuasive images of the children murdered by protesters. Because I knew it convicted the hearts of those who squirmed to try and avoid the reality of the violence.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh good

MSNBC hired another retard

MSNBC's New Host Upset at Supreme Court Having to Protect Itself From Leftists​

Julio Rosas | May 06, 2022 3:00 PM

MSNBC's New Host Upset at Supreme Court Having to Protect Itself From Leftists

Source: AP Photo/Matt Rourke

New MSNBC host Symone Sanders, who recently left the Biden administration, voiced outrage over the new anti-riot fencing that was installed around the perimeter of the Supreme Court after days of pro-abortion protests in response to the opinion document leak.

Security is a growing priority for the court and justices as far-left protesters have increased their calls for direct confrontation over the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. Several pro-abortion protests in different parts of the country has resulted in violence.

"Why are there are 6ft+ tall fences outside of the Supreme Court? B/c people are rightfully upset about the impending erosion of women's ability to make decisions about their own bodies?" Sanders asked.
