Educational Gun Facts


New member
Lets begin with the following chart which puts Firearm (handgun and rifle) Accidents in perspective:


And here's some useful information on the relation of guns to crime:

Myth: Guns are not a good deterrent to crime

Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year or 6,849 every day. 5 Most often, the gun is never fired and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.
Fact: Property crime rates are dropping (especially burglaries). The chart shows the legal handgun supply in America (mainly in civilian hands) to the property crime rate. 6
Fact: Every day 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.
Fact: 60% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. 40% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed. 7
Fact: Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot. 8
Fact: 59% of the burglaries in Britain, which has tough gun control laws, are “hot burglaries” 9 which are burglaries committed while the home is occupied by the owner/renter. By contrast, the U.S., with more lenient gun control laws, has a “hot burglary” rate of only 13%. 10
Fact: Washington DC has essentially banned gun ownership since 1976 11 and has a murder rate of 56.9 per 100,000. Across the river in Arlington, Virginia, gun ownership is less restricted. There, the murder rate is just 1.6 per 100,000, less than three percent of the Washington, DC rate. 12
Fact: 26% of all retail businesses report keeping a gun on the premises for crime control. 13
Fact: In 1982, Kennesaw, GA passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate dropped 89% the following year. 14
Fact: A survey of felons revealed the following: 15

  • 74% of felons agreed that, “one reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot during the crime.”
  • 57% of felons polled agreed, “criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police.”
Myth: Private guns are used to commit violent crimes

90% of all violent crimes in the U.S. do not involve firearms of any type. 16

Fact: Even in crimes where the offender possessed a gun during the commission of the crime, 83% did not use or threaten to use the gun. 17
Fact: Fewer than 1% of firearms will ever be used in the commission of a crime. 18
Fact: Two-thirds of the people who die each year from gunfire are criminals being shot by other criminals. 19
Fact: 92% of gang murders are committed with guns. 20 Gangs are responsible for between 48% and 90% of all violent crimes. 21
Fact: Most gun crimes are gang related, and as such are big-city issues. In fact, if mayors in larger cities were more diligent about controlling gang warfare, state and nationwide gun violence rates would fall dramatically.



New member
Within the United States, we can compare gun violence with gun ownership state by state,
and paradoxically, states with the most guns do NOT match rates of gun deaths!




New member

Statistically many gun deaths are actually suicides:

IF you're over 50, you are 10 times as likely to shoot yourself as be shot by somebody else.


Greg Jennings

New member

Statistically many gun deaths are actually suicides:

IF you're over 50, you are 10 times as likely to shoot yourself as be shot by somebody else.


I'm with you on the gun issue mostly. But I just wanted to point out that gun suicides are one of the main reasons why some people want to get rid of them. Suicide by firearm is much easier and painless compared to pretty much any other way