Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama recently endorsed trump. His quote I took from Yahoo News succinctly summarizes the movement that is taking shape under trumps inspiration. It has been forming since Bush I and was first visibly seen in the popularity of Ross Perot. It took other forms in the take over of Congress in 1994 and the two landslide tea party elections of 2010 and 2014. The continued advancement of the establishment agenda despite these huge electoral victories is the energy behind the resentment and anger of trumps main followers.
Senator Sessions continued, “We are nearing fast the point of no return. The people are hurting. Their wages are declining. Their schools are overburdened. Their hospitals are stretched past the breaking point. Crime is up, and community confidence is down. Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, immigrant and US-born, are crying out for leadership that puts their needs first, that takes care of those living and dreaming here today, leadership that understands that there is no constituency other than the American constituency. Mr. Trump is that leader.
We are witnessing an incredible movement, arising from the people.
The events of history have aligned to give the people this fleeting chance to bust up the oligarchy – to take back control from the ‘Masters of the Universe’ return it to the good and decent and patriotic citizens of the United States.”