Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


Well-known member
It's interesting watching the republican voters trying to justify the fact that they're going to vote for a cartoon candidate like Trump. They must obey their political biases no matter what, yet at the same time, Trump is such a colossally lousy candidate that they can't generate one single legitimate reason to vote for him.

It's a chuckle watching them try, though.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's interesting watching the republican voters trying to justify the fact that they're going to vote for a cartoon candidate like Trump. They must obey their political biases no matter what, yet at the same time, Trump is such a colossally lousy candidate that they can't generate one single legitimate reason to vote for him.

It's a chuckle watching them try, though.

it'll be even more fun to revisit this post wednesday november 9 :chuckle:


HuffPost Pollster: currently tracking 34 polls from 12 pollsters
updated 3 days ago
Bernie Sanders 51.3%
Donald Trump 40.6%

Undecided 8.1%

Ipsos/Reuters Poll
2/20 - 2/24
Bernie Sanders 47%
Donald Trump 34
Undecided 19%

FOX Poll
2/15 - 2/17
Bernie Sanders 53%
Donald Trump 38%

Undecided 9%

Ipsos/Reuters Poll
2/13 - 2/17
Bernie Sanders 44%
Donald Trump 35%

Undecided 21%

Morning Consult Poll
2/15 - 2/16
Bernie Sanders 47%
Donald Trump 38%

Undecided 15%

l2/14 - 2/16
Bernie Sanders 53%
Donald Trump 37%

Undecided 10%

Suffolk/USA Today Poll
2/11 - 2/15
Bernie Sanders 43%
Donald Trump 44%

Undecided 13%

Quinnipiac Poll
2/10 - 2/15
Bernie Sanders 48%
Donald Trump 42%

Undecided 10%

Ipsos/Reuters Poll
2/6 - 2/10
Bernie Sanders 45%
Donald Trump 34%

Undecided 11%

Quinnipiac Poll
2/2 - 2/4
Bernie Sanders 49%
Donald Trump 39%

Undecided 12%

PPP (D) Poll
2/2 - 2/3
Bernie Sanders 46%
Donald Trump 42%

Undecided 12%
A survey of 34 polls shows that a "socialist" like Bernie Sanders would defeat Donald Trump by a combined average of 9.7%.
Last edited:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Isn't that what a shark does right before
it tries to bite something inedible?

You rolled your eyes 6 months ago when I said
Trump is going to win big. Seems like you and Chrys
got a lock on clueless.

Let's flash back to July 2015 for the Clueless.

Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

People are tired of lying politicians.

People are tired of lazy politicians.

People are tired of incompetent politicians.

People need jobs.

People need a leader with great business sense.

People need a leader with enough spine to actually
do security rather than just talk about it.

People need a leader with excellent negotiating skills.

Trump has the smartest people working for him.

Trump has the most direct communication style.

Trump is the best negotiator running for President.

Trump's team has given him the right message to take to the people.

Trump knows how to build things, not just steal.

The only reason Trump might win the Republican primary is the fact that the RNC would rather deal with Hillary than Cruz. If Trump takes the nomination, The main stream media gloves will come off and Hillary will bury him.


New member
Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama recently endorsed trump. His quote I took from Yahoo News succinctly summarizes the movement that is taking shape under trumps inspiration. It has been forming since Bush I and was first visibly seen in the popularity of Ross Perot. It took other forms in the take over of Congress in 1994 and the two landslide tea party elections of 2010 and 2014. The continued advancement of the establishment agenda despite these huge electoral victories is the energy behind the resentment and anger of trumps main followers.


Senator Sessions continued, “We are nearing fast the point of no return. The people are hurting. Their wages are declining. Their schools are overburdened. Their hospitals are stretched past the breaking point. Crime is up, and community confidence is down. Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, immigrant and US-born, are crying out for leadership that puts their needs first, that takes care of those living and dreaming here today, leadership that understands that there is no constituency other than the American constituency. Mr. Trump is that leader.

We are witnessing an incredible movement, arising from the people.

The events of history have aligned to give the people this fleeting chance to bust up the oligarchy – to take back control from the ‘Masters of the Universe’ return it to the good and decent and patriotic citizens of the United States.”

patrick jane

Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama recently endorsed Trump. His quote I took from Yahoo News succinctly summarizes the movement that is taking shape under Trumps inspiration. It has been forming since Bush I and was first visibly seen in the popularity of Ross Perot. It took other forms in the take over of Congress in 1994 and the two landslide tea party elections of 2010 and 2014. The continued advancement of the establishment agenda despite these huge electoral victories is the energy behind the resentment and anger of trumps main followers.


Senator Sessions continued, “We are nearing fast the point of no return. The people are hurting. Their wages are declining. Their schools are overburdened. Their hospitals are stretched past the breaking point. Crime is up, and community confidence is down. Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, immigrant and US-born, are crying out for leadership that puts their needs first, that takes care of those living and dreaming here today, leadership that understands that there is no constituency other than the American constituency. Mr. Trump is that leader.

We are witnessing an incredible movement, arising from the people.

The events of history have aligned to give the people this fleeting chance to bust up the oligarchy – to take back control from the ‘Masters of the Universe’ return it to the good and decent and patriotic citizens of the United States.”

Trump Wins !!


New member
Trump hasn't won the Republican Primary or the General Election yet. It's early in the game and literally anything can happen that would greatly impact the outcome. I, for one, will be voting for Cruz in the primary.

Christ's Word

New member
The only reason Trump might win the Republican primary is the fact that the RNC would rather deal with Hillary than Cruz. If Trump takes the nomination, The main stream media gloves will come off and Hillary will bury him.

Hillary is going to prison, one way or another. She will do more time than Patreus.