Whomever the Lord places in power (Daniel 2:21) will be well deserved, for chastisement is coming and very much deserved and how does the Lord chastises His own, He places and displaces leaders.
Where is the Church? Comatose.
I was speaking with Christian brethren and the response was 'Well, I like Ted Cruz, but I as a Christian cannot vote for him because no one is following him. We need someone like Trump, someone that gets things done. We need change.'
My response? Like 2008/2012?
Response? Blank look.
I said, "Well, I can provide you examples of 'Ted Cruzes', e.g., in the Bible that when they were running 'for office' nothing happened at the moment and all they got was prison, beatings, etc., etc.
We as Christians, said I, need to vote God's way, not man's way.
If Christians would vote God's way (meaning, Oh, Lord we humble ourselves and we pray and we seek Your face and we turn from our wicked ways and we turn back to You), then I am sure God will hear from heaven, and He will forgive our sin and He will heal our land, which is in desperate need of and give us leaders that we can see is from Him (not perfect, but from Him).
Many Christians think that because Mr. Trump lifted up a book he thinks is the Bible that he has never ever read, cannot name one book of it, he is a Christian or because he said he is a Presbyterian, he is a Christian. How shallow they take Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, thinking that a denomination affiliation a Christian make.
How far away from the Lord is the Church.
Studying the Book of Daniel: When one reads of the Antichrist in control over the areas of Libya and Ethiopia, immediately comes to mind that when Mussolini took Libya and Ethiopia in 1935, there were thousands of Bible students that hailed him as the Antichrist. Because Mussolini was also dreaming of the revival of the Roman Empire and, because of these factors, many taught that he was truly the Antichrist. Obviously, they were wrong.
Let us humble ourselves before the Lord in prayer and sackcloth and ashes and per adventure, the Lord will have mercy on us and delay His chastisement for a little while so His Gospel can go to all the nations of the world again.